G20: Korea may be the only country
that can not hold a summit with the host country
Tokyo = Lee Ha Woon Correspondent, Roh So Sukcho / Korean Daily News

A source of domestic "skepticism" raised in Japan


The prospect of the Korea-Japan Summit not being held

at the 20 major countries / regional summits (G20 Summit)

to be held in Osaka at the end of next month has been announced in Japan.

A certain source of Tokyo is 30 days,

"The schedule for the summit

of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is fixed on a minute-by-minute basis.

There is no possibility that the Korea-Japan Summit will come true

at the moment. "



Japan's LDP air stream supports this outlook.

According to Joint Communications,

the LDP Foreign Relations Committee meeting on the 29th indicated

that it should not hold a Korea-Japan summit at the G20 summit .


Mr. Kenji Kanesugi,

Director General of the Asia-Pacific Region of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

who attended the meeting

"The leaders of 37 countries

and international organizations will take the lead at the G20 Summit.

Prime Minister Abe will set priorities and hold individual meetings "

Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone reported that

"Japan is being ignored by Korea.

President Moon Jae-in will come at the G20 Summit,

but I would like you to respond with firm attitude. "

He  said that.


At the G20 Summit,

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was found to be coordinating the meeting schedule

with the leaders of the US, China and Russia,

the leaders of emerging economies,

and the Executive Chairman of the European Union (EU).


If Prime Minister Abe fails to meet with President Moon Jae-in separately

because of the confrontation between the two countries,

such as the Korean War Workers Judgment of the Korean High Court

(the Supreme Court), South Korea

"The only country that can not hold bilateral talks with the host country "

It may be.


Foreign sources

" Korea's " one-on-one diplomacy "theory will expand"



At the 18th Asian Security Conference (Shangri-La Meeting),

which will be held in Singapore from 31st to the 2nd,

it turned out that it will be difficult

to hold the Korea-Japan Defense Ministerial Meeting .

The Korean Ministry of Defense (equivalent to the province)

will be on the 30th.


"Jung Kyung Du attends Shangri-La meeting"


he did not answer about the holding

of the Korea-Japan Defense Ministerial talks .

The Korea-US defense ministerial talks

will be held in Seoul next month after the Shangri-La meeting.


Korea-Japan Parliamentary Union President

to the opposition parliament pardoned in Japan

"I'm a big shame to go without preparing"


Kim Dong Ha reporter


"He had to go if it was that"

"Partial interpretation of the effort to find a breakthrough"



The ruling party and both Democrats, Mr. Kang · chan'iru = photo =,

about the fact that the opposition members were "refuted" in Japan,

"I was seriously embarrassed to feel very humiliating."

Said on 31st.


Rep. Kang・chan'iru, chairman of the Korea-Japan Parliamentary Federation,

on the same day, interviewed a radio program,

"Even if the legislators go alone, they should go ahead and carefully plan"



This is a visit to Japan on the 29th in an effort to somehow manage

the Korea-Japan relationship in which five members of the opposition party,

Yoon Sang Hyun and other opposition members,

who are the chairman of the National Assembly for Foreign Relations and Unity,

are on the cold.

The Japanese side has criticized the fact

that only one member of the House of Councilors was

the first proportional representative winner .


Representative Kang · chan'iru is

"I think that it might be the result of distracting Korea-Japan

relations rather that (the opposition members) said,"

They was not met and they was treated as a victim after returning home. "

I should not have gone if they was treated so badly.

I do not know what the opposition legislators went to do alone.

The legislators' union can not move unless

some accurate intention is seen between the leaders of Korea and Japan.

It's really hard to work

because there is no accurate talk from the Korean government. "



On the other hand, lawmaker Yoon Sang Hyun

"We had a confirmation that we would have 3-4 people out.

The problem is that even though Japan was saying "coming out",

it would not come out

"It's about doing Korea Bashing"

He disputed.


"It is disappointing to make a partisan effort to find a breakthrough

between Korea and Japan."

He also said.


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