Japan's "economic retaliation"
Which trouble more than Korea Or Japan?
Bunsen Shunaki 2019 April issue 2019/05/06
Korean public opinion is negative

to the economic policy of President Moon Jae-in

" The Day of State Failure "-.

A movie with such a noisy title was released in Korea last November .

The film is a huge hit with more than 2.6 million spectators

in 12 days after its release.

It will be released in 17 countries worldwide including Japan in the future.


The film depicts people who live in Korea's " IMF crisis " era,

which is beginning with the Asian currency crisis .

Starting from bankruptcy of Hanho Iron and Steel and Kia Motors in 1997 ,

the Korean economy was in havoc .

US S & P and Moody's downgrade the rating of Korea one after another ,

the stock price fell sharply .


The Korean government, which has been forced into a crisis of state collapse,

has requested funding from the International Monetary Fund ( IMF )

-the " IMF crisis."


In Korea, this incident is called " second state shame"

following prewar Japanese rule.

Therefore, Kim Young -sam, who was the president at that time,

is currently considered one of the lowest evaluated presidents in Korea.

Now, has the movie that drew the " IMF Crisis" 21 years ago hit?

The background is that Korea's public opinion has been rekindling "

a sense of crisis to the economy " since 1997 .

The films hit in Korea tend to reflect the social background of the era.


For example, “Veterans” who recorded 12 million spectators in 2015 ,

“Veteran” is a “ poetic world of only right Wrong )

Movie, but the previous year's vice president of Korean Air made

a "nut return case",

and it became an explosive hit as the whole nation had

an air of "Don't forgive the people of the conglomerate!" The


In fact, Korean public opinion about

the economic policy of President MoonJae-in is very strict .

According to a poll conducted in February this year, the negative evaluation

of Moon 's economic policy is 61 %, and it is not positive ( 23 %).

The labor and employment policy also has a negative rating of 59 %,

which is higher than the positive rating ( 26 %).

Takuya Takasugi, the former chairman of Korea Fuji Xerox,

points out in the round-table conference

("Japanese-Korean breakout" perfect simulation)

published in the "Bungei Shunaki" April issue.

"The current Korean economy is numerically very bad .

In 2018 , 20 out of the top 30 companies in South Korea had a deficit . "

In addition,

the number of self-employed workers closed

last year increased to 1 million .


Even major media

"The self-employed economic downturn is not recent,

but the Moon Jae-in administration's income-led

growth policy has become even colder . "


("Korean Daily" March 25 editorial

and the tone of criticism is intensifying.

Furthermore, it is " anti-Japanese wind "

that has a serious shadow on the Korean economy.

Since October last year, the " Korean Wartime Workers Judgment"

which has been issued in a row has caused the Japanese corporate assets

in Korea to be overwhelmed,

and the Japanese economic circles are turning their eyes hard on Korea .


Taro Aso, Minister of Finance,

also at the House of Representatives Finance and Finance Committee

on March 12

"I think that there will be suspension of remittances,

suspension of visa issuance and various retaliation measures,

not limited to customs duties ."

And unusual words suggest " retaliation measures ".


What happens if Japan takes economic retaliation against Korea?

Mr. Takasugi mentioned above

"If it is said that" if you are troubled, then Korea will be troubled , "he said.

"Even if China is rising,

the absence of a powerful Japanese company will jeopardize the Korean "

rice seed "from its roots ."

But Korea is not the only one affected, Mr. Takasugi adds.

"There is also a big influence on Japan.

For example, Japan's precision parts manufacturers are Samsung and LG

as their main delivery destinations.

The Japanese-Korean economy is intricately intertwined,

and the damage caused by the destruction of the framewor

k itself is too great to count. "


The Korean large letter “Chuo Nippo” quoted Mr. Takasugi's remarks

at a round-table discussion on March 14 immediately after the “Bungei Shunju”

April edition was released,


「『 JapaneCompanieSufferWhenRetaliationAgainstKorea



한국도대항 조치 검토 = 조선인전시 노동자 문제로 일본에도 피해』…」


With a headline, I reported.


<If Japan takes retaliation targeting Korea's semiconductor business etc.,

Korean companies will naturally be hit,

but it means that Japanese companies

that supply parts here will have secondary damage like boomerang.>

In order to maintain the normal condition of the Japanese-Korean economy

in the future,

the Moon government's " anti-Japanese policy " should be reviewed.


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








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