Korea-China simultaneous crisis theory
... "1 dollar = 7 yuan = 1 200 won" or over
May 27, 2019 [c Korea Economic Daily / Chuo Nippo Japanese edition]
The value of the yuan is a barometer of US-US trade friction.
If friction gets worse, it will be cut down,
and if it progresses it will be cut up.
The value of the yuan,
which rose to the level of $ 6.6 = 6.6 just before
the US retaliatory duty was imposed on the 10th,
gradually falls after that, with the "breakdown", or "one dollar = 7 yuan" in sight There is.

In the process of trade negotiations with China,
following the "Shanghai sect" theory during the Obama administration
"The yuan market operation prevention bright culture"
As a United States that has put an emphasis on, there is no choice
but to react sharply.
Trump is particularly true.
If China fights against a weak yuan,
the retaliatory tariff effect can only be neutralized.

China emphasizes the unconnectedness of trade
and exchange rates on a daily basis.
The current exchange rate system,
which takes into account factors such as economic factors,
argues that if the economic indicators of the previous day do not fluctuate,
they will only "drop" and notify if they improve, "up".
But the relationship with the United States has a major impact
on China's economy,
which itself has a ground of friction and misunderstanding.
The reason for further raising US public indignation is
that China actually moves to action despite the disadvantages
of the RMB devaluation.
The devaluation of the RMB has the effect of increasing exports in terms
of current transactions,
but capital transactions cause capital outflows
and raise concerns about the financial crisis .
There is a high possibility that plans to raise China's foreign status through
the internationalization of the RMB etc. will be hindered.

The most obvious way for the United States to respond
to the “renminbi devaluation” is the “dollar depreciation”.
However, due to the "J curve effect" that appears in the early days,
the trade deficit with China expands before the 2020 presidential election, which is likely to lead to failure on its own.
Therefore it is not a card that can be cut easily.
There is also the burden of reducing global signage (gain on money issuance)
and increasing capital losses on dollar-denominated assets .

This is the reason why the US Treasury's first-half exchange report,
which was released around April 15 every year,
has been delayed by more than a month this year.
As President Trump,
who must focus his efforts on Republican candidate elections in the second half,
this is the last opportunity for this report to include his will.
Designating China as the exchange rate manipulation country
is a matter for the 2016 presidential election .

it is impossible to designate China as an exchange rate manipulating country
according to the specified requirements of the Bennett Hatch Carper (BHC) Act,
which has been applied before the Trump administration's inception.
versus Over US $ 20 Billion in trade surplus with the US
Usual 3% or more of the current account surplus compared
to the gross domestic product (GDP)
Foreign countries Foreign exchange market intervention is sustainable
and its cost meets only one of the requirements of more than 2% of GDP
"Country market observation country"
It also has to be removed.

The result of a study under the direction of President Trump to ease
the BHC designation requirements is the " 1988 Comprehensive Trade Act ."
According to this law, even if one of the large-scale current account surplus
and the meaningful US trade surplus is trapped,
it can be designated as the exchange rate operating country,
and it is misused in relation to other purposes
from the exchange report of the first half of this year. T
here has been concern about the ground to be

If China is designated as the exchange rate operating state,
President Trump will be subject to 100% retaliatory duty under
the Executive Order without the approval of Parliament .
With the trade deficit with China,
it is the most attractive card that can fill the fiscal deficit,
which is increasing day by day,
which is the greatest weakness in the 2020 presidential election,
with tariff income.
However, international accusations of "extreme selfishness" are inevitable.

The countervailing duty is what It found as a means of dealing
with the "renminbi devaluation" in the end.
Countervailing duties are sanctions that the World Trade Organization
( WTO ) system allows to protect their industries affected
by the subsidies of trading partners.
If the RMB devaluation rate is decided in the exchange report of the Ministry
of Finance to be announced soon,
the Ministry of Commerce is considered to be a subsidy
and is expected to impose a countervailing duty.

China's response is important.
If countervailing tariffs to be imposed
from now on as in the case of retaliation tariffs are to be countered
by further devaluation of the RMB, the worst situation may be hit not only
in the US and China, but also the world economy.
There is a further concern in an environment
where a joint front can be formed in Huawei a
nd the global value chain collapses rapidly.

That's why China sees "one dollar equals seven yuan".
Otherwise, won won
" One dollar = 1200 won "
It is expected to break through.
Foreign strategy next month of 20 major countries be the last opportunity
of the conclusion in the US negotiations only as a South Korean looking
at in the absence (G20)
summit meeting Trump President Xi Jinping China Jintao to exhibit
the "Solomon's wisdom." I just hope for that. It's a sad reality.
Debt of Korean listed companies, increasing
by 95 trillion won in 3 months
A warning light was attached to the financial soundness
of listed companies in the Korean stock market .
The debt ratio, which had fallen from the April-June quarter last year,
has risen again in the January-Mar period.
According to the Korea Exchange and the Korea Listed Companies Association,
the debt ratio of KOSPI listed companies
at the end of March was an average of 110.7%.
Compared with the end of last year (104.33%),
it increased by 6.37% points .
Debt ratio is a measure of a company's financial health and stability.
The debt ratio has risen because debt has risen faster than capital.
The total debt of the listed companies was 1,358 trillion won
(approximately 125 trillion yen, approximately 1,145.9 billion US dollars )
as of the end of March .
It increased 7.5%
(95 trillion won, about 8,776.3 billion yen, about $ 80 billion )
compared to the end of last yea
r (1263 trillion won, about 117 trillion yen, about $ 1,650.7 billion ).
the increase in total capital of listed companies was 1.31%
during the same period.
At the end of March, it increased by 16 trillion won to 1227 trillion won
from the end of last year (1211 trillion won).
There were 104 listed companies whose debt exceeded the capital double
(debt ratio 200%).
It increased 16 companies compared with the end of last year (88 companies).
Among the 23 manufacturing industries,
the debt ratio in 22 industries excluding one industry
(metal products) increased.
In particular, the debt ratio increase in the food (17.5% points)
industry was large.
Non-manufacturing industries also increased their debt ratio in 12 industries.
The education service debt ratio increased 109.8 percentage points
from the end of last year.
The real estate industry (82. 1 point)
also had a large increase in the debt ratio .
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are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

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MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
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The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


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the activities of Japanese companies around the world
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