"The Korean War Worker Judgment is a Big Shame"

Korea Supreme Court Decision Concerned

by Former President Park Geun -hye


Yasuhiro Watanabe May 14 , 2019




조선인 전시 노동자 판결은 망신이 될 것 박근혜 위기 대법원2


Park's former lawsuit against Korean workers during the war

She was concerned that "the great shame "

" damage to the national dignity "

The Korean Wartime Workers Problem in Korea is a Conservative

= There is also a side with pro-Japanese crime

Whether the Moon Jae-in administration

is in a state of Park caught in one's own trap

With President Park's directive revealed in court


The Japanese government has strongly criticized the ruling

by the Korean Supreme Court over Korean workers during the war,

but it turned out that even the top Korean person was also concerned

about the content of the ruling .
That person is the former president of Park Geun-hye .


Former President Park "The national disqualification

by the Korean wartime worker judgment"


Former President Park reigned as the Korean president

for four years until the suspicion that he was closely involved

in the national administration deepened and impeached and dismissed

in March 2017 .

Currently, the prosecutor's office appeals after receiving a 25- year sentence

of imprisonment for mischief and bribery.

The person is in the prison.

Park ’s former president initially

"The historical position of the perpetrators and victims (of Japan and Korea)

will not change after 1000 years of history."

Say Japanese evil-speaking around the world
Expand "let on evil-speaking diplomacy", etc.
She had a tough attitude towards Japan.


However, in December 2015 , we realized the “Japan-Korea Agreement”

on the issue of comfort women and

We promised to "finally and irreversibly solve".

At that time, Korea did not make good "balance diplomacy"

to approach both the United States and China's two major powers,

and it was said that " Diphemism is Withenemies on allsides ",

and the Japan-Korea agreement was mediated by the US It was established.

Former President Park,

who has had a lot of twists and turns in relations with Japan,

has newly found that she was deeply concerned

about the future of the Korean workers' lawsuit

at the time of her inauguration.

The lawsuit against Korean wartime workers says that on October 30 , 2018 ,

the Supreme Court of Korea gives a ruling that Japan Steel

(old Nippon Steel and Sumikin)

order to pay compensation to former Korean workers.


it was the abolition and remand judgment that t

he Supreme Court of Korea announced in May 2012 .

In similar lawsuits before 2012 ,

all claims of former workers were dismissed,

but the Korea Supreme Court suddenly decided in 2012

that Japanese companies should pay compensation,

and the second trial decision of former workers lost

It was destroyed and returned to the high court .

The Supreme Court ruling in October 2018 basically follows

that of the Supreme Court in May 2012 ,

and it is a Korean wartime worker problem

that has worsened Japan-Korean relations until

it is said to be the worst.

The roots of were created in 2012 .

Former President Park ’s former aide was witnessed in a court of court

in detail based on a memo from that time

about what President Park thought about the 2012 decision.

Former President Park in December 2015

"Let's send the government's opinion to the Supreme Court early

in connection with the Korean Wartime Workers case

so that this matter is closed "

It was said that

"Government opinion" refers to the Korean government's position

on the issue of Korean wartime workers,

" Resolved by the 1965 Japan-Korea Claim Right Agreement "

It was said.

The 2012 ruling is contrary to this Korean government's position

"Japanese companies should pay reparations"

Because it was the content

" Not like the Korean government's position "

She told him to tell the Supreme Court.

On top of that, "To be avoid to shame"
The position of Korea in the world

and the national dignity will  be damaged Process wisely "
It was also said that there was a talk from former President Park.


Former remarks about this statement in court,

"The Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs has believed

that the 2012 ruling would conflict with the existing government position.

As a result, diplomatic issues with the Japanese side continued,

and It understood that it means that the judgment content

should come to match the conventional government's position. "

Testify with

"If the 2012 ruling is finalized, does it mean shame ?"

When asked by the prosecutor, she said, "Yes."



Park Geun -hy e administration was the same idea as the Japanese government

... A change with the birth of the MoonJae-in regime

Looking at this testimony from the Japanese side,

"The Korean Supreme Court's decision was unfair

from the perspective of the Korean government ,"

It can read.

The Japanese government has asked

for the former workers to individually compensate in the negotiations

for normalization of relations, but it is the Korean government

that refused it.

And it is a historical fact that the Korean government

has promised to make individual compensations

after receiving lump sums of compensation from Japan

(compensation for unpaid wages and damages).


“Great shame ” “ Damage of the country is damaged ” means

that it is a “ shameto request more money while receiving

a huge amount of “ compensation money

in the name of economic cooperation money

in the Japan-Korea claim agreement Yes,

it may be the words that President Park had been anxious

about dropping the treaty,

which would destroy Korea ’s international credibility .

However, looking at this testimony from the Korean side,

the landscape changes. For this testimony jumped out on May 13

“A case in which the Supreme Court of Korea,

who received the intention of Park Geun -hye administration,

has illegally postponed the prosecution of the Korean workers' lawsuit case”

It is a court of criminal trials that

The accused accused of misconduct

is a Korean Supreme Court executive during Park Geun -hye's administration.

In that context,

"Even President Park intervened in the trial."

The story of “The previous administration is terrible” will be the main topic,

and it will be secondary to the unfairness of the Supreme Court decision

of the Korean wartime workers' lawsuit in 2012 and 2018 .


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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