Japan-Korea Foreign Ministers Talk
“Frozen Atmosphere” and Korean Newspaper
[Seoul = Takahiro Namura] 2019.5.24
日韓外相会談 「凍り付いた雰囲気」と韓国紙
At the Japan-Korea Foreign Ministers Meeting,
The confrontation over the Korean workers' lawsuit became clearer .
The Korean media reported on the 24th that the meeting place
between Foreign Minister Taro Kono and Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha was
"Heavyly frozen from beginning to end " ( Korean Daily ).

Mrs. Kang did not accept
the Arbitration Commission based
on the Japan-Korea Claim Right Agreement at the meeting ,
and did not show any compromise.
"It is necessary for both diplomatic authorities to resolve wisely
so as not to negatively affect Korea-Japan relations in general."
" The importance of prudent speech and behavior "
She also asked Japan.

"Prudent action and behavior" means Mr. Kono 's decision
about the Supreme Court decision on the 21st
"We want President Moon Jae-in to take responsibility and respond. "
Critique of what he said.
In the background of Kono's remarks,
Prime Minister Lee NaKyung, who was entrusted
by Mr. Moon to deal with the Korean wartime labor problem,
Lee NaKyung saying " there is a limit "
  throw Lee NaKyung's hands up in the There is a case.
As long as the prime minister has given up his duties ,
The president has no choice
 but to observe and deal with the promises to Japan.

Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman
"The Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs sees no problem
when Japanese companies execute
the Korean Supreme Court decision, " he said.
The Korea- Japan diplomatic authority completely disregards
the Japan- Korea Claims Agreement,
which provides for a complete and final solution
of the property-claims issue between Japan and Korea ,
in the form of prompting Japanese companies to make reparations.
At the beginning of the talk, Mr. Kono
"It's a serious statement that doesn't understand
the significance of things."
It is natural that he criticized it.

in Korea, each media criticizes Mr. Kono 's remarks
as " omission of courtesy ."
The demand for Mr. Kang 's “prudent behavior”
to Japan is also on the same line, and Korea's side has violated
the claim on the right of claims and unilaterally undermines
the legal basis of Japan-Korea relations.
It does not seem to be aware of that.
Mr. Kang imposed responsibility on the Japanese side
at the Foreign Ministers' Meeting,
and this time also became responsible
for imposing responsibility on the Japanese side .

I would like you to start sanctions because I don't feel like solving it
I already gave you the opportunity to do it more than enough .

Recommendation   37223   Opposite   180


The frozen atmosphere is good.
I want you to respond strictly without forgiveness of Korea.

Recommendation   32630   Opposite   245


I want to hold a nail from now (warn agains),
If the problem of Korean wartime workers is solved, t

here is nothing to improve relations, right?
Other than that, it is endless if you raise the problem such as radar,

Your Majesty insult remarks (Endless).

Recommendation   31003   Opposite   199


What is " Omission of Courtesy "?

Which mouth do you say?

We support Foreign Minister Kono .

The Korean state is become dysfunctional.

Recommendation   7457   Opposite   6


You can add more ice like rock.

It is a mistake to try to get to know someone

who has a completely different thought .

I want you to go to a break.

Recommendation   6376   Opposite   17



I think the parallel line is a word to indicate
the current relationship between Japan and Korea
As it is, even if you have taken the same response as before
As it is, it will not move forward even
as before Japan will Not definitely avoid indecisive attitudes,
I would like you to respond strictly

so that the truth can be communicated internationally.
To try the patience of a saint
I want you to be prepared not to give up
To Japan-Korea breakup of diplomatic relations  !

Recommendation   6159   Opposite   12


It is natural that "frozen atmosphere".

The foreign minister of Japan wants to continue

this frozen atmosphere for another 100 years.

Recommendation   5760   Opposite   11


I think it will take time for the breakup of diplomatic relations .
I want you to break off relations promptly.
Don't get involved again.

Recommendation   5492   Opposite   11


It feels good.
Don't give it a chance anyway.
I know Korea will not admit anything if Japan do anything,
Future correspondence is also in view of,

but Korea have to remind and to be aware of korea self position.

Recommendation   5344   Opposite   11


From the standpoint of the United States,

the peninsula as a Communist breakwater is important,

but on the upside,

Japan's willingness to become a breakwater may cut off its involvement

with the peninsula.

However, there is no restriction on defense costs.

Homeland security is a matter of life and death.

Recommendation   4004   Opposite   23


In addition, although it is aiming for the transfer of responsibility

by changing the point of issue,

it is also the Korean one who needs "

discreet wording " to be criticized by " omission of courtesy ".

Recommendation   2412   Opposite   5


While Korea has a strong sense of being separated

from China and the United States,
It does not make sense for Korea to negotiate with Japan.

I think it would be nice to neglect Japan have clearly and isolate Korea .

Recommendation   2321   Opposite   8


It is good news that disliked Korea is progressing .
Even if the ruling is destroyed and the foreclosure is released,

the issue of comfort women who should have been irreversibly resolved,

the fire control radar incident,

and the revelations of the Emperor have not been resolved.
Economic sanctions should be prepared.

Recommendation   2318   Opposite   11


It is not negotiations now, but sanctions and withdrawal are necessary.

Recommendation   2236   Opposite   5


What is a diplomatic rudeness? Yara South Korea is not all remarks

omission of courtesy ”.

I feel that the government's response is too muddy.

I don't think I'm expecting anything, but Japan was too cautious.

I think it would be better to have one shot here.

Recommendation   2134   Opposite   2


Many people want to start sanctions.
Shouldn't that reflect the people's will?

Recommendation   1914   Opposite   6


How long will you keep doing this?
Do you expect anything from Korean politics

that prioritizes public opinion over law?
It does not seem like a country that has a diplomatic relationship.

I think it would be nice to see the way each other walks if you break it once.

Recommendation   1723   Opposite   4


If I make a pledge with Korea and break off relations ,

I think that the LDP will get a majority even if the publicity is cut off.

Recommendation   1719   Opposite  23


You can freeze more for the breakup of diplomatic relations .

Recommendation   1486   Opposite   5


There will continue to be disjointed dialogues in the future.

There is no possibility that Japan will break,

and the other side will be impossible.

I can see the destination,

and I have to imagine the destination and hit my hand.

Even if the south collapses and we suffer great damage, it will be taken back,

and unification with the north will be firmly deterred.

The hand you read ahead will influence the future.

Recommendation   1124   Opposite   5


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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