Aged society Korea, 'Silver default' surged by debt
up to 5451 in the first half, up 87% over four years
Employment Mayor 4050 Also Aging Bankruptcy Risk

The 60-year-old aunt who lives in the game Anyang City borrowed
a bank loan of 30 million won
( about 2.78 million yen, about 250,000 US dollars )
to open a store during the 1997 currency crisis .
It has been confined to the " debt bond " for over 20 years.
She borrowed a high interest rate card loan to repay the bank loan,
but she was able to repay only half of my old debt.
"This person was in the 40s and 50s, and it was hard to pay
for debts even though it was just the cost of living for the education of children.
It is more desperate, with neither strength nor income anymore.

Korea's Aging Society
" Silver default " has become serious .
It is a figure of the debt of the debt burdened at the middle age pushing
the elderly to "the cliff of debt" and threatening their livelihood.

According to the Credit Recovery Committee on the 4th,
5451 elderly people in their 60s or older who applied
for an individual free walkout (debt adjustment)
in the first half of this year (January to June)
compared to 4 years ago (2911 people) Increased by 87% .
This is the highest increase rate across all age groups.

Although they endured individual workouts,
the elderly who applied for bankruptcy from the beginning also increased.
According to the Supreme Court, bankruptcies filed for over sixty were 5472
in the first half of this year, up 2 percent from four years ago (5340).
On the other hand,
overall bankruptcy applicants decreased by 22% from 27,488 to 21,536
in the same period.

Among the elderly who apply for workouts or bankruptcy,
many lose their jobs at the time of the foreign exchange crisis
and jump into corporate owners but have made debts.
There has been concern that in the 40's and 50's,
which were recently hit by a recent employment turmoil,
they could quickly become obsolete and fall into default.

Japan's "Lifetime Active" vs. Korea's "Silver Default "

Lack of labor force recalls retired seniors,
at the expense of up to 40, 50 employment disturbances

Recently, in Japan, he often works as an active duty rather than retiring.
On the other hand, in Korea, rather than working in active duty,
Much more often there is no work itself.
Japan seems to be in the stage of its entrance now ,
while Japan is in an atmosphere where national luck has risen
by completely overcoming the lost 20 years.
The Japanese business community in the past has been searching
for recovery while lowering the body if it must learn Korean management.
And the Japanese government focused on all the policies,
ceasing up the company's fraud and crying while lingering
a fire of innovation while helping to revive them.
As a result, exports survive again, private investment increases,
and the goal of full employment is achieved.
These virtuous structures may also be connected to opportunities that can lead
to increased income and consumption expenditure through wage increases
in stages.
The shortage of employment is old-fashioned and has finally turned
into a nation full of work.
Retirement elderly people also have to be taken up in terms of employment,
and the influx of foreign workers to the conservative Japanese society
is also increasing rapidly.
What can not be imagined even just five years ago is now taking place
in Japan.
Abenomics economic reconstruction flag
"A society with a total activity of 100 million people"
Is becoming more and more realized.
It is a society that maintains a population of 100 million people after 2050
as a national strategy that has been launched to overcome
the declining birthrate and aging population.
To that end, raising the total special birth rate to 1.4
by 1.4 people today is Japan's most serious task.
It is clear that the pre-occupation of healthy elderly people
who can work to get these goals is still an important social issue.
Of course, a big social compromise should be made here,
but if you look at the unique social members of Japan,
it does not seem so impossible.
Compared with the situation in Korea where we do not meet youth employment ,
it is too envious phenomenon.
The Japanese government finally brought in a new card called "Lifetime Active".
It is essential to raise the employment continuation age to over 65
and to postpone the pension payment period to the current 65 to 70 years old.
Post-retirement evaluations and rewards are not unconditional reductions,
but are adjusted to reflect the results.
To summarize in one word, it is to make a country that works for a lifetime.
It is very depressing to return to Japan, but return to our society.
Enter an aging society rapidly and suffer from debt
" Silver Default ( Age Default )"
Is rapidly increasing.
It seems that the burden of debts in middle age has greatly
threatened the livelihood of the elderly.
To make matters worse, recently, the 40, 50 employment riots
have become increasingly serious,
and voices have already been spouted worried
about their post-retirement bankruptcy.
It is the fact that the person who made the debt is mass-produced,
mass producing self-employed while mass firing is followed
at every economic crisis.
In the first half of this year, 5451 elderly people in their 60s or older
who applied for an individual / free walkout (debt adjustment)
increased by 87% from four years ago .
Such circumstances are likely to get worse than they improve over time.
it is certain that the debt of the elderly will increase for the time being ,
as the number of parents dependent on their parents will increase,
based on no signs that even youth unemployment will be resolved.
As people become more alive, various crimes rage , s
uicide impulses and depression increase,
and the goal of conflict among generations is determined to deepen.
Japan's recovery after severe trials "There is no free time in the world"
A little while ago,
I watched Japanese economy and Japanese society like a fire next to me.
No way we could not even imagine
when the dark 20 years like Japan would come.
I took good things to leave a gap of 20 years with Japan,
and I fell into only those who could not catch up with bad things.
It takes a long time to build up economic growth and wealth,
but it 's only a matter of seconds falling apart .
Japan's society at the time of the worst tunnel experienced severe times
at a flurry of glorious past glory.
When Japan entered a recession, the self-esteem was lost
while the self-confidence of the Japanese
who became confusing became broken,
and their desperate lives suddenly increased due to various sadness
while losing their vitality.
Those who do not look at it can never understand or empathize with it.
Japan's society is still cautious and never floats or excuses,
when compared to the times when the economy has recovered
and the economy has improved, but has been successful in the past.
Japan was thorough in the mental armament that still tightens the belt.
Especially when going to small and medium cities,
it is difficult to see medium and large cars on the road in the daytime,
and only small cars pass through.
And there are far more places where the distance
from the evening has gone and the fire has gone.
It has already been several years t
hat serious warning lights on the Korean economy are on.
The economic crisis is directly transferred to the social crisis .
As time goes by, social problems and conflicts
that have sunk under sleep can only come out .
Anxiety may be amplified in that it is unprotected from a crisis.
Not only recognition of the crisis,
but also how to deal with it is amateurish.
The political world and the government are reluctant to be playing,
and are conscious of the table, and are making a lot of income-led
or birth-led growth while saying so much.
The peace mood and economic cooperation
between the North and South are also important,
but the question is whether there is anything urgent
than our economic and social crises ,
where the bruises are spreading into serious and heavy diseases .
Following Japan's lost 20 years is a great hardship for us and a test.
As time goes by for population decline as in Japan,
it is increasingly forbidden to take full advantage
of the vague decline in the unemployment rate.
Japan's full-employment and life-long service are tears are the products
that are made through my age.
It is not Tada in the world.
BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








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Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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