Until this year's "1.5% growth this year" outlook

... Korea's growth rate downward revision rush

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Following the OECD,
Korea's annual growth rate forecast value has been reduced
from 2.6% to 2.4% until KDI on the 22nd,
and the forecast values ​​of major economic prospecting agencies inside
and outside Korea are almost the goal values ​​of the Korean government
(2. It will be less than 6-2.7%).
It is not uncommon to see Korea's growth rate forecast value
of this year drastically reduced to 1% from the beginning.
Korean government
"The direction of economic policy in the second half"
It will be noted whether the annual target value will be revised downward
in the announcement of.

According to the International Financial Center's nine IB forecasts,
Korea's economic growth rate is expected to remain on average 2.3% this year.
This is a drop of 0.2 percentage points in just one month .
The 2020 growth rate forecast was 2.4%, lower than the OECD forecast.
By IB, Nomura was the most pessimistic,
forecasting Korea's economic growth rate to be 1.8% this year .
Barclays 2.2%, Goldman Sachs 2.3% and so on.

Nomura's Nogi Mori Akira economist
"Korea's gross domestic product ( GDP )
in the January-March quarter dropped unexpectedly"
" Capital investment dropped 10.8% from the previous quarter,
which suggests that poor exports could
have a negative impact on the domestic economy ."
And clarified.
Barclays said that even with the government's supplementary budget,
it is difficult to completely offset downward risks such as poor exports and investment.

Higher public confidence agencies and rating agencies
and economic research institutes have also lowered the bar
for Korea's growth rate over the past couple of months.
Standard & Poor's (S & P), a rating company, lowered Korea's growth rate
forecast from 2.5% to 2.4% and Moody's lowered it from 2.3% to 2.1%.
Korea's capital economics, an economic analysis agency,
is expected to grow 1.8% this year, 2.0% next year, and 2.5% in 2021,
and will recover in the same manner as last year's results within three years he expected it to be difficult .

The ING group is even more pessimistic.
ING is
"The bad state got even worse ( From bad to worse )"
According to the comment, the forecast value announced 1.5 percent this year,
which fell 0.8 percentage points from the existing 2.3 percent.
ING Group's chief economist Robert Kernel
"In order to achieve an annual growth rate of 2.5%,
we should continue to grow at least 1%
from the previous quarter every quarter, but this should not happen."
"Further slowing of economic growth in the second quarter may result
in a structural downturn. "
In Korea, too,
the lines of sight of the private research institutes
such as LG Economic Research Institute (2.3%), the Bank of Korea (2.5%),
and the National Assembly Budget Office (2.5%) are facing downward .

OECD leads the US economic growth rate to 2.8%,
which has been upgraded from March (2.6%),
and Eurozone has been revised upward from 1.0% to 1.2% In the prospect
of brightening the future of the country ,
a situation is being produced in which only Korea goes against it .
In particular, recently, President Moon Jae-in and Cheong DaeWa
"In the second half, we will recover in the second half of the 2% growth rate."
"Fortunately, the tendency to improve gradually"
"The economy is heading for success"
There is a large difference in temperature from such statements .

The cause of the slowing of Korea's growth rate is their stagnation in exports
and investment since the end of last year.
With the sluggish domestic demand,
the economy of the manufacturing industry is deteriorating,
and the business investment environment is also deteriorating .
Furthermore, there are also concerns that the Korean economy,
which is highly dependent on exports, may be shaken
by external factors such as the spread of US-China trade conflict.

Among the major institutions that compiled the outlook since March,
the IMF (2.6%) is almost the only institution
whose outlook is within the government's target.
This is because the IMF tends to forecast growth prospects conservatively
and does not reflect that Korea's January-January GDP grew by -0.34%
from the previous quarter on the announcement date. Be done.
In particular, the Ministry of Planning and Finance explained
that it maintained the same growth rate forecast value
as before on the premise of Korea's supplementary budget compilation.

However, the IMF also released its report after the 2019 annual talks
with the Korean government on the 13th.
" We recommend raising minimum wages in conjunction
with improving labor productivity and recommending a gradual reduction
in compensation subsidies to SMEs."
He called for "enforce the flexibility and security in the labor market
and encourage the creation of jobs in the private sector".

Experts see that it is not easy to reach the government's growth target
this year.
In order to recover -0.3% of reverse growth in the January-March quarter,
the growth rate from
It is necessary to move “right up”, but it is inevitable when considering
the investment psychology of a company and overseas uncertainty.

The head of the National Center for Analysis, Vincent Cohen,
at the OECD, recently
"Korea's first-quarter negative growth has been the worst
since the financial crisis,
but it may have been due to the general economic downturn,
export slump and investment slump ."
"If China's economic growth slows down,
highly dependent Korea should be hit hard ,
and the Brexit (Brexit)
variable and oil price increase are also risk factors for Korea"
Pointed out.

Professor Son Tae-yun, Faculty of Economics, Yonsei University
"With exports and investment continuing to decline, foreign uncertainty
has increased and the economic downturn is accelerating. "
"If the situation like this continues, the growth by 2.5% may become severe."
And explained.
He says, "First of all, a general correction to the policy is real ."
It added.

The government announces the growth rate forecast value in the direction
of economic policy next month.
Hong Nam-gi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Finance, asked a question on the 20th,
whether to revise downward the growth rate target in the direction
of the second half economic policy
"It's not a stage to say whether to fix or not.
It will judge while watching the economic situation until June. "
It talked.

You have to sink once before jumping high.

President Moon is looking ahead.
Genius is something that is not understood immediately.
Please do your best to break off relations so as not to be said

to be a natural disaster.

Recommendation   1421   Opposite   Ten


In developing countries this is really tough, isn't it?
Please believe in President Moon and do your best.

Recommendation   1352   Opposite   9


I think it feels better if you set it to -5% and adjust upward gradually.

Recommendation   1226   Opposite   9


Should I be happy to say that the growth rate is higher than Japan?

Recommendation   383   Opposite   Four


it is a good feeling~!
At such time, timely, remove the credit line
Apply effective sanctions such as

Let's give the acceleration ! Never hesitate,
Let's do it thoroughly and expect it.

Recommendation   315   Opposite   3


It's okay.

The economics of the candle industry will improve.

Wages also rise as the domestic demand industry expands.

Moonmun thinks about that and formulates a policy.

The economy should improve in the second half.

Recommendation   257   Opposite   2


Japan endured the lost 20 years
Please do your best in Korea

Recommendation   256   Opposite   2


It's okay.
Mr. Moon will say that he will recover next year at the next interview.
And I will say that I will recover again next year at the next interview.
And if you notice it, the country is broken.

Recommendation   248   Opposite   Four


, 1.5 % growth?
It is wonderful.
It is all right if you go as it is.
Since I have not realized the reaction yet,

please raise the minimum wage increase more.

Recommendation   236   Opposite   2


It is good if Japan does not help.

Recommendation   169   Opposite   2


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

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