Donation of over 800 million yen
to international organizations
= South Korean government in support of North Korea

May 17 , 2019 [Seoul Current Affairs]





The Korean government will hold a standing committee

of the National Security Council ( NSC ) on the 17th ,

and will receive $ 8 million ( about 8 )

for projects to support North Korea by international organizations

such as the UN World Food Program ( WFP )

and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF). Decided to provide 777 million yen ).

The presidential office announced.

The NSC Standing Committee discussed the WFP and other reports

that North Korea is facing a serious food shortage.

"Humanitarian assistance must proceed independently

of the political situation."

He agreed with the opinion.

The Moon Jae-in administration decided to provide $ 8 million

in humanitarian assistance through international organizations in 2017 ,

but its implementation was postponed.

This time, it is a form that clarified the policy

to advance humanitarian assistance regardless

of the short distance ballistic missile launch by North Korea .


Korea decides on North Humanitarian support

Eight million dollars through UN agencies criticize

North Korea for "paying for it"

5/17 ( Fri ) Seoul = Norio Sakurai


South Korea's Ministry of Unification will contribute $ 8 million

( about 8768.000 yen ) to the World Food Program (WFP)

and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

to provide nutrition support

for North Korean children and pregnant women and maternal and child

health projects Announced that they decided to

"Humanitarian assistance

to the population proceeds regardless of political circumstances "

And food support

"We will aggravate the opinion of the people and consider specific plans."

Chung Woo-Yong, President of the National Security Office of Cheong  Daenwa

"The principle has already been decided"

And explained.


The Ministry of Unification approved for the first time after a business interruption

in February 2016 for property inspection for enterprises

in the Kaesong Industrial Park

in the North-South Economic Cooperation Project.

The Moon Jae-in administration wants to call for a resumption of dialogue,

but North Korea has criticized the media, saying,

" Don't forgive the emptiness and favors of " humanitarianism "

and so on."

It calls for the resumption of economic business such as the Kaesong Corps.



Everyone's voice


It is a wonderful activity!
As soon as the jaws are removed without closing the open mouth.
Even though the missile was launched,

its attitude to try to support food etc. unilaterally is very humorous.
Since there is a 50 % approval rating from the public,

I would like you to push ahead.
Thank you in advance.

Recommendation   20279   Opposite 421



Food goes to the army regardless of politics

Recommendation   19030   Opposite 226


It is a problem of North Korea that should allocate missiles to food

Recommendation   15097   Opposite 177



It is hated from the north
It's a mess.

Recommendation   5272   Opposite 31



You can give it by country. I support you.

Recommendation   5182   Opposition 21



Because one of the support they have continued

so far, " ship-to-ship cargo transfer " has become impossible ...

Recommendation   5034   Opposition 9



Longing, Moon.
This is an act that will definitely be guilty of something after retiring.

Recommendation   4903   Opposition 39



As a result, it may be the same as $ 8 million missile support .

Recommendation   4601   Opposite 12

Since North Korea am launching very well  missiles,
North Korea still have room.
No support is needed.

Recommendation   4562   Opposition 17



I do not think if you are worried about the north ...

Recommendation   4353   Opposition 23



It's no wonder if South comes to the side

to receive food aid some years later w

Recommendation   4227   Opposite 44



To an international organization
It is yeah that I don't donate ...
It is forced to limit its use
I wonder how

Recommendation   2932   Opposition 17



Domestic policy ahead ...

Recommendation   2777   Opposite 22



It is interesting to be criticized though it is a tribute and a tribute.

I still do not lose the secular nature.

Recommendation   1446   Opposite 6



There is money to launch missiles,

so you only have to buy food for that money.

If it supports, it will launch a missile again.

Recommendation   1430   Opposite 4



It would be a wonderful president to try to support North Korea,

even if prosecuted by missiles or accused of being enthusiasm.
If you continue the president for the next 20 years,

north-south unification is not a dream.
good luck.

Recommendation   1401   Opposition 9


The feeling is not support from Moon,

but it will be an intention of dedication to the general .


General Jung has not been enough for $ 8 million and is dissatisfied.

It is impossible to offer Moon Jae-in to the limit that can be put out.

As a result, it is expected that both South and North will be exhausted.

It is difficult to be truly born to Koreans.

Recommendation   1305   Opposite 5


I'm telling you I don't need it, so I think I should do not it.

Recommendation   1280   Opposite 7


Don't expect support from Japan even if you fail

Recommendation   1172   Opposite 6


Because sending humanitarian assistance is equivalent to sending a message

that the nation is not a humanitarian country,

you should know that North responds.

Still, making the United States understand and enforcing seems

to be considering the next scenario .

This communication itself appears to be a teacup ( It's a joke ).

I think they are doing each other as shown in the plot.

Even if Korea support North Korea,
I think North Korea are push flying missiles

If Japan and the United States blame,
Next China and Russia will take the opposite position this time.

It looks like creating an environment to allow the public assistance

of what Russia is doing below the surface , in the name of humanity.

Korea are about to break the siege of sanctions.

Recommendation   585   Opposite 6


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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