Historical necessity teaches
The "Real End" of the US-China Trade War







The history is not over, it still continues

Unfortunately, if you look at China after that, at the stage until today

It can not be said that "this is true".

China has achieved economic growth under thenew dictatorship

even after the Tiananmen case.

Even though it can not be said that government is sufficiently ensure the legitimacy of power,

Xi Jinping Jintao is to strengthen the dictatorship.

On the contrary, they are even trying to become a " world model "

with The Belt and Road Initiative .

In a nutshell, in Asia, "the history is not over and is still continuing ".

But that's why it can be said that the " last battle "

to settle the dispute between the regimes began

as the US-China Cold War .

If China's economic development was to be supported ,

democracy would have won, but it did not .

So, the United States has to sit back in the fight against the dictatorship again.

For the United States, the US-Cold Cold War is a re-challenge

for the ultimate victory of democracy.

According to Fukuyama's theory, this battle is won by the United States.

In order for China to win, it must prove that China's " new dictatorship "

is superior to democracy.

But such a proof would be impossible.

On the contrary, Fukuyama shows an interesting reason

for the dictatorship to be defeated.

that is

" What do people want? "

It is based on fundamental human observation .

It points out about Tiananmen case as follows.

It is clear that there was a demand under the (students) to genuinely

acknowledge themselves as a single person a

nd to respect them appropriately .

... Their brave anger was fueled by relatively minor injustices,

such as the pastor imprisonment and the powers refusing

to receive the claim list.

(The same book, Volume 28 ).

The transformation of society takes place triggered

by a desire for cognition " I want to recognize ourselves as humans ."

Xi Jinping regime,

recognized the Chinese of one person alone as a human being,

or would have paid sufficient respect.

I have not paid for my observation.

It is symbolized by the case of July last year,

in which a woman inked a picture of Mr. Hajime .

She published the picture of the entire process of painting ink on the net

with a bare face. Why did you expose your bare face

when there was a fear of getting caught?

She probably wanted to show the world "I did it."

By exposing his bare face, he sought recognition for himself .

She screams, " Respect me ."

After the incident,

If they scream no matter how patriotic Xi ​​Jinping regime,
Or even if they retaliate against the United States

and show it was just an act of bravado,
The Chinese demands for recognition will not disappear.
As long as resistance like the ink juice movement continues,

the dictatorship system eventually loses.


The communist party system will collapse.


Everyone's voice


It is a good statement.
China asylum information is increasing greatly.
Even the country does not let it be a personal thought.
If information can be consumed as it is, face recognition,

freedom including fingerprints will be lost and managed,

and it will be visible that it is threatened.
world champions in the near future

of It is essential to break the ambitions .

Recommendation   404   Opposition 38


There is no doubt that America will win in the US
Unfortunately, democracy is not a win

but a 1.5 times difference in national power.
In that sense,if the United States should lose on this occasion

it would be virtually impossible to stop China.

Recommendation   134   Opposite 6


I think that China has only been replaced by dictators from a long time ago,

and that there is no desire for democratization.
Most people think that it would be alright

if they could have a certain level of personal freedom.
If China democratizes, it will separate from each other,

demanding independence by ethnicity.
If it is chaos only inside China, it is fine if it is self-righting,

but in the current global society, there is a high possibility

that the surrounding area will be affected and terrorism etc. will also spread.
The best is to leave it as an economically poor country as before,

but it is difficult because it is impossible to return to that stage.
It would be possible

if all countries around the world could fade out trade with China,

but there would be many countries that would follow

if you told the money, so it would be impossible.

Recommendation   99   Opposition 13


China is a country that has never been democracy .

I tried to say exactly, but it failed.
It is difficult to put together the people's will of this huge country,

so I think that democratization will certainly divide it.
If this is the case, it will be the world's second-largest GDP ,

or it will not be able to maintain military power,

which may become a source of conflict.
I do not say that dictatorship is good,

but if you look at the situation like Brexit,

democracy is also not perfect

because it causes stagnation and confusion depending on the form.
Which is better as a ruled supremacy dictatorship

or a democracy that has lost control, as a neighbor?

Perhaps in the latter case, the scars of war will not disappear for Japan.
What this article says may happen in the distant future

of 50 years and 100 years, but it is the meaning of saying that it is plausible.

Recommendation   85   Opposition 80


What can not be forgotten is that the capitalist system

is not an equal democracy system?
There are cases where communist non-democratic powers,

such as South Vietnam and Cuba, have won,

but this is not a case where democracy is not broken,

but is it an example of capitalism being broken into communism?

In the old days,

communism also won in the Russian Revolution and the Chinese civil war.

It is common that capitalism is not democracy or the fact that

if democracy is not functioning due to extreme corruption etc.

it will break into communism.
When the United States was a cold war with the Soviet Union,

it was not an ideal democracy and not a wonderful country,

but at least it had the power to mark freedom.

It was a leader that had a bluish spot.

That was an attraction.
I think that I want you to win China as it is lacking in the present America

(If China holds the supremacy as a matter of fact,

Japan will harm the national interest.)

Somehow my heart is off.

Recommendation   80   Opposite 76


The dictatorship will certainly collapse rather than democracy's victory.
The democratic system is a system that can be failed.

Even if it fails, it does not lead to a total collapse.

Even if the administration changes, society is a system to survive.
On the other hand,

dictatorship is a system where failure is not tolerated.

A lost leg literally makes a difference.

However, human beings always fail, and there are situations,

good times and bad times.

In a word, time of failure inevitably comes, and it urges collapse.
It is a difficult task to correct the dictatorship that began to fall.

Russia has achieved that,

but Russia does not have as large a population as China.
If the system shakes in China,

it will not be able to maintain itself and will self-destruct.

Confusion can not be stopped.
In addition, progressive corruption shakes the system itself.

One of the strengths of democracy is self-cleaning.

Recommendation   69   Opposite 4


I am surprised that this person is from Tokyo newspaper again.
It is the Tokyo newspaper that it continues to fail in reading ahead

and it is strange that it is still alive,

but Mr. Hasegawa succeeds in going the way of the opposite.

I want to keep playing well with golf and skiing

from now on and wish you to be active.

Recommendation   66   Opposition 13


"China" will not collapse.

Mr. Hasegawa.
It just says that the framework of the current "CPC Party" may be broken.
Worst, there is no possibility that it will end

with the replacement of the current teaching section.
Because I can not see the prospect of Ato. 

There is also a possibility of the real state of ownership of the regional boss 

The important thing is that I can not think

that the next thing to come will be a democracy system.
Do you think that anarchy Chinese public can operate democracy? ?
The Communist Party days were good,

and I was worried that I would be in a world of confusion

and disorder reminiscent of nostalgic.

It also produces a new, powerful dictatorship

Recommendation   63   Opposite 22


In order to do that, we should state Taiwan, a democratic state.

Recommendation   43   Opposite 8


Democracy will win.

Is the present American way really democracy?

Recommendation   37   Opposite 12



BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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