Prime Minister of Korea
" I hope the Japan-Korea summit meeting at G20 .

But because the three powers are separated,

the Korean government can not do anything. "







The Korean Prime Minister (Lee Nak Yeon) will once again

"The Korean government can not come forward because

there is a separation of powers. "

He talked with

And on the same day (today)

" Korea should give a solution, " he said.

He think It saw the same exchange seven to eight times .


In fact, already on the Japanese side

"The Korean government will do something to solve this problem "

There is no one thinking .


As the Japanese government, the Korean government takes some action ,

" The problem in Korea

( Post-war processing between Japan and Korea has ended )"

The Korean government would like to indicate that it is

In fact, the Korean government has shown many times

that the Korean government should be responsible

for the issue of personal compensation

forKorean wartime workers ”.

The Korean government paid money

both when President Park Chung-hee and during Roh Moo -hyun .

However, the MoonJae-in administration, which is saying,

"That's why," makes them all deep-rooted evil ,

is hidden behind a bad excuse of the trilateral split.


Also insist, Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary

" Korean Wartime Workers Litigation Related Solution

Korea must present "

(Tokyo = Union News) Park Sejin Correspondent


Prime Minister Lee reiterates the conventional position

to the statement "Government will embark on the split of three powers"


<On the 15th ,

the Japanese government violates the principle of the separation

of three powers over the Korean Supreme Court's compensation judgment rule

for Korean workers during the war period on the remarks

of Prime Minister Lee Nak Young

He reiterated the conventional claim

that "the Korean side has to present a solution ."

A spokesman for the Japanese government,

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga,

and Chief Cabinet Secretary made a speech at the regular meeting

of the afternoon of the same day on the remarks

of the Prime Minister Lee's Symposium

on the Korea Newspaper Broadcast Editors Association

" Currently, Japan-Korea relationship is very difficult situation"

and repeated the position of the Japanese government as it is ...

Minister Roh added that it will continue to demand

the Korean side an appropriate response to the issue

of Korea and Japan based on a consistent position .

Secretary-General also pointed out that the prime minister took up

a meeting between the leaders of Japan and Korea

during the 20 major countries ( G20 ) summit scheduled

for next month 28-29 in Osaka.

"(At the moment) nothing has been decided, " he said.


In connection with the Korean War Workers' Lawsuit at a press conference

held at the press center in Seoul on the day

"The judicial proceedings are in progress,

but what the government does not meet does not meet the principle

of separation of powers," said that at the end of June,

at the time of the Osaka G20 Summit, there will be a principle agreement

between the Japanese and Korean leaders he said that It expect to be.


The Japanese government's October issue against Korean wartime workers,

the Korea-Japan claim agreement concluded in 1965

when the Korea Supreme Court's first ruling allowing companies

to take compensation for compensation was completely resolved

The Korean government has been calling for talks

between the two since January this year.


If there is a dispute concerning the interpretation and implementation

of the agreement,

the Korea-Japan Claim Right Agreement will be resolved first through

the two-party talk (the diplomatic path).


If the two parties fail,

the two governments have commissioned a commission appointed

by each one of the governments and a commission from a third country

to establish a procedure to operate and find a solution.



the Korean government is in a position to respect

the Supreme Court's decision based on the principle of separation

of three powers,

and does not consider responding to the request from the Japanese side.


Under these circumstances,

the Japanese side is searching for measures in accordance

with the legal procedure to dispose of the foreclosure property

of the Japanese companies that have not fulfilled

the Korean Wartime Workers Compensation Order received the ruling.


The Korean government has time, based on the recognition

that it is a Supreme Court decision related to Korean wartime workers,

reflecting a global trend that incorporates the tendency

of the international community on human rights to become stricter

than in the past.

It turned out that the policy is to take a solution to prevent the deterioration

of the relationship between the two countries.

(Interviewing assistance: DeLa Saki Yucca correspondent)


And one more interesting thing is the Prime Minister, Lee

He said,

"I hope that in principle agreement can be made at the G20 summit ."

That is

It means "The Korean government will do nothing

but let's have a summit with G20 ".


Deputy Secretary General of Yasuhiro Nishimura, just introduced in this blog

"The summit will be difficult if the Korean side does not deal

with the Korean labor problem. "

In response to the remarks, It was stunned.

the article is

"Japan repeated the same words again"

It has become a nuance, but it is natural.

Because Korea in violation of international law is not doing anything .


Deputy Secretary General Yasuhiro Nishimura

"If Korea does not deal with Korean workers' lawsuits,

The summit is difficult "

There have been reports

that "the Japan-Korea Summit Meeting at G20 is difficult" from before,

but today there was an article with contents that could be called "conditions".

Let's cope with the Korean wartime worker problem properly.

It would like to quote the contents of the talks

by Deputy Secretary General Yasuhiro Nishimura from the article of Suga News.


Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary

" July the Japan-Korea Summit Meeting is difficult "

(Tokyo = Union News) Park Sejin Correspondent


If Koreans will surely respond to Korean workers' lawsuits

<Kosuke Nishimura and Deputy Secretary General

of Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary suggested t

hat the Korea-Japan Summit could not be realized at the time

of the 20 major countries / region ( G20 ) summit scheduled in Osaka, Japan.


According to Joint Communications, Deputy Secretary General Nishimura

said on March 13 in Japan's satellite broadcasting BS-TBS program

that President Moon Jane, who will visit Japan to attend

the Osaka G20 Summit,

will meet Korea's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Korea Revealed

that it would be difficult if the side did not deal

with Korean workers during the war

He pointed out that in relation to the Korean Wartime Workers Litigation,

the Japanese government has requested the Korean government

for consultation based on the Korea-Japan claim agreement.

He argued that " in a situation that is so difficult (hard),

Korea must make sure to respond ."

The Japanese government ruled in October last year,

while maintaining the position that it will be placed in Korea-Japan's right

to claim agreement, in connection with the ruling

that the Supreme Court of Korea authorizes Japanese companies

to take compensation for Japanese wartime workers.

He refuse to accept it.

In diplomatic relations

If you say "it's difficult if you don't, "

That would mean " you can do it ".

Mr. Nishimura's remarks this time

"The fact that the summit will be realized under normal circumstances

has shown a possibility that can not be achieved. "

It's not

" We have shown the possibility that it can be achieved

under the circumstances where it has become normal

for the summit can to be realized. "

It will be.


Personally, the Korean response is not so complicated.

"The Korean government has already received all the money

(the Supreme Court's decision is in violation of international law )"

Admit that, whether it is compensation or not,

is the Korean government's solution .

This is neither difficult nor complicated as a government response.

But this is Korea

" Prioritize law over justice (in fact it is only a national feeling )"

It is like saying.

It's like flying to a sushi neta.

Park ' Moon, Geman Sing www'


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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