This time the bus strikes,
the Korean government that provided
the cause is uneasy
2019/05/14 / Korea Daily Report
Two days before the start of the bus strikes across Korea, Hong Nam-gi, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Planning and Finance
(equivalent to the Ministry) exchanged views with the chairman
of the Automobile Workers' Federation,
but no remarkable results were obtained It was not .
The government has been standing by the issue until now,
but since the strike is approaching, it suddenly takes measures,
but in the end just asking the local authorities to raise
the bus fare can present other special measures. It was not .
On the other hand,
both the ruling party and the Democratic Party have shown the idea
of ​​promoting " sub-publicization "
of the route bus, but this is nothing less than throwing in taxes .
Whether it's raising rates or throwing taxes,
both are ultimately borne by the people .

The strike for the local bus has actually been announced for a year.

When the introduction of the 52-hour work system was forced

in March of last year,

the route bus was excluded from the exception

of the 52-hour work system without any special measures.


the bus drivers asked for compensation for the decrease in wages

associated with the 52-hour work system a week,

and from this time they had already stated that they would not resign

if they did not.


However, the ministers in charge are on this issue

"There is no direct relationship with the 52-hour work system"

It's only time to insist on selfishness and suddenly

when the strike approaches

"Price increase"

It was

If the bus fare goes up by 200 won (about 18 yen, about US $ 0.17 ),

it will cost about 480,000 won (about 44,000 yen, about US $ 404.61 )

per year for a family of 4 alone. Increase.

Why should the public have to clear up somebody's messes

about the problems caused by the government ?


When the government announced the third new urban development plan,

the first and second new urban residents,

including the Goyang City Ichiyama area, Gyeonggi-do, strongly opposed.

Residents angered the government's unwillingness to develop a new city

around them despite the oversupply of apartments, apparently even

in the 1st and 2nd seasons, such as the large number

of apartments that were not sold in the vicinity. I am making it clear.



"Because the failure of the government not only shrunk the already existing

new city, but also because a new city was developed between Seoul

and the new city as a pretext to the real estate price stabilization in Seoul city,

Has grown even more "


Although there are some who can not benefit from any policy,

it is still necessary in this case to say that the government

did not sufficiently consider the position of the residents.


The government has already raised the minimum wage

by nearly 30 percent in the last two years,

which is like dropping a bomb on the common economy .

The government is dissatisfied with the employment stability fund

of around 6 trillion won (about 550 billion yen, about US $ 5.1 billion )

because many small enterprises and self-employed workers

are put into management difficulties

due to the effect of the minimum wage increase. Trying to eliminate


In addition,

the government has launched employment measures of about 77 trillion won

(about 7 trillion billion yen, about $ 6.5 billion ) in the last three years

as employment for low-income earners has been lost,

but the result is that the elderly spend money

Only earning and short-term part-time jobs increased.


Furthermore, as a result of the sudden withdrawal policy,

Korea Electric Power and South Korea's hydropower and nuclear power, etc.,

which were stable even among public enterprises , fell into the red .

This is probably the only way to finally raise the electricity bill

or throw in taxes.


Both the taxes used to drain and the increase

in fees are a burden on the people .

As a result of raising the minimum wage, working 52 hours a week,

leaving no nuclear power, etc. without taking any measures ,

the result is that the result is that all the body 's mess

( clear up somebody's mess ) is finally imposed on the people .

Government exists to solve the problem.

However, in the country of Korea, the government has caused problems,

and the people have only been dealt with after that.


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