About the easy-to-understand process and cause
of the accident of "SEWOL sinking accident"

ttps: //waraukurumi.com/korea-sewol-sinking-accident-about/

Incident 2014.04.17 / 2010.05.10


"세워루 호 침몰 사고 '알기 쉬운 경위와 사고 원인에 대해

"세워루 호 침몰 사고 '알기 쉬운 경위와 사고 원인에 대해2









Judgment of Marine Police who did not arrive with a brave boy

Kim Han-sung ,

a high school boy who repeatedly climbed up and down the six rooms

to distribute life jackets to his companions,

used his power and ran into the corridors.

However, there is a man's voice from far above.

A man who spoke to him was a truck driver who got

on board the Sewor at work,

and he decided to pull up the curtains together to make a rope

and pull it up from there .

There were about 20 other girls around Hanson.

The distance to the exit is approximately 10 meters .

The inclination was 50 degrees .

Hanson grabs the curtain rope that came down,

"It is far to the exit.

You might die if the rope is broken and it falls .

He said, "If you have courage, raise your hand."


Students who are pulled up one by one.

However, the curtain breaks at the fifth person,

and the girl student who has been pulled up falls and dies.

In addition, the truck driver finds a rubber hose and drops it in.

The slope was so tight that it was impossible for girls to climb there .

Hanson said that he could move to another place because he could not

do it here and managed to escape from it.


when It looked down on the female students who left behind,

when It dropped out of them,

they continued to be held in remorse for a long time.



Came overboard without going to the ship for rescue
The Korean Marine Police rescued only those who .

One of the images is the appearance of a marine police officer

who does not even go to the window despite the students trying

to break the window from the ship window.

If they had broken that window from the outside,

It might have been able to help the students a little more ...


Sewold sank at 10:40 am one hour and 50 minutes

after the accident occurred.

Number of victims and circumstances of criminals


The early Korean news programs were misreported

as " rescue all 333 passengers ", causing many to be confused.


Of the 476 people who were on board,

there were 325 Dan-won High School second graders and 14 lead teachers.

Of the 304 deaths in this accident, 250 died in Dan-won High School,

and 11 teachers also died .


One of the deceased teachers is Kang Min-gyu ,

three days after being rescued ,

" I want to teach my students in that world, "

He left a will and committed a suicide on the mountain hill

where the high school gymnasium can be seen.



He feel a sense of responsibility as a teacher

... I wanted this person to live and keep telling about this accident.

Well, can only the person who has experienced understand the pain?


As a searcher, one Korean Navy soldier, two civilian divers ,

and five firemen have died .

A total of 15 people, including the captain and the deputy captain,

have been arrested ,

and the prisoner is sentenced to life imprisonment for murder .

The other 14 were sentenced

to 1 year 6 months to 12 years for death and death .


In addition, the Sewold operating company

Judgment of 7 to 10 years in prison has been sentenced to Kim Han-shik

( 71 ), a representative ofChonhejin  Shipping ”.

Yoo Byeong-on, the owner of the Sewold ,

It escapes after an accident and is searched for a named suspect
Targeted for extensive tracking,

but was later found dead in the orchard .


In addition,

it was pointed out that initial motion rescue was inadequate

and rescue was sluggish
Marine police and rescue captain at the time
A four-year prison sentence has been issued

for "professional negligence resulting in injury or death."

And, the Sewold sunk on March 24 , 2017 was withdrawn



Cause of the accident


Deterioration of ship balance by remodeling


First, the Sewold was manufactured in July 1994 in Nagasaki, Japan.

The “Maruee Ferry”

in Kagoshima Prefecture was used between Kagoshima

and Okinawa until October 2012 .

The name is "Ferry Nami no Ue."


After that,

it was sold for about 800 million yen as “ almost scrap metal(Scrap)

in Korea's Qinghai Chonhejin  Shipping,

but Qinghai Chonhejin  Shipping added more rooms behind the top hull

of the ship,

and a bow. Modifications such as removing the cargo rampway

on the starboard side were performed,

and the center of gravity was higher than in Japan,

and the sense of stability was lost .




And the final announcement of the Sewold's loading capacity was 3,608 tons

( 180 cars ), which is 3.6 times this at the time of the accident,

against the upper limit of 987 tons of recommended cargo volume .


not only on the day of the accident,

it seems that many overloads have been made as usual.


The false report on the day of the accident

was 150 vehicles and 657 tons of cargo .

It is completely different from the actual cargo volume (-_-;)

It seems that there was a problem with how to fix the container,

and according to the statement of the worker

who had loaded the container before leaving the port,

it was said that he only tied with a rope without using a fixing device .


A good sailor is also afraid of the sea.

If you are scared, you should not think that you should overload

the ship you own in this way.


Cover work by ballast water discharge


In addition, before departure, the captain is to cheat the overload

Water in the bottom of the ship to balance ”, that is, “ ballast

was released to lift the hull.

In the post-accident investigation,

it seems that the ballast seawater was only

about one quarter of the standard value .

This caused the ship's center of gravity to rise and become unstable .


It is truly unbelievable that the captain himself can not balance his ship .

That's a common captain in Korea .




Problem of operating company


Chonhejin Shipping did not meet the enter service criteria,

and Originally it was supposed to be unable to enter service.
An executive of a regulatory agency who received a bribe

from Chonhejin Shipping issued an operation permit.
Before the "Chonhejin Shipping Operation Management Regulations"

was approved,

three officers of the Marine Police Department received entertainment

and free transportation.

The Sewold accident occurred in November 2013

when the cargo collapses while sailing due to a decrease in recovery power

due to remodeling.

It did not take measures .


Inadequacy of the hull inspection system

The Sewold did not meet the service criteria and was not supposed to be.
An executive of a regulatory agency who received a bribe

from the shipping company issued an operating permit .
Before the “Sewold Operation Control Regulations” were approved,

three officers of the Marine Police Department

received entertainment and free transportation .


Korean social issues


An employment problem

that “most of the crew including the captain was contract employees

and there were no full-time employees”.

A political issue that "the navy does not enter relief activities

(because a private rescue company has priority)".
An accident occurred at the rate of one per 100 Korean vessels .
Among the 74 foreign-flagged cargo vessels that caused an accident

in the Kanmon Strait in Japan , there are 31 Korean captains ,

40% of the total .


Korean society is

""If you want to survive,
Even if you should pushing and shoving someone elsey
Korean have been taught implicitly

People who can use clever tricks are treated like talented people .



Survivor wins in trial


The accident resulted in a lawsuit in

which 118 family bereaved family members sought damages

from the state and operating company for the rescue measures

by marine police being inadequate .

Then, on July 19 , 2018 ,

the Seoul Central District Court recognizes the responsibility of the state

and operating company and the South Korean government's fault ,

and pays 200 million won

( about 20 million yen , about 170 million dollars )

for each victim.


And, the court sentenced the decision to order a total payment

of about 72 billion won ( about 7.2 billion yen , about $ 61.27 million ).

The comfort fee itself is of little value to the bereaved.


I think that having guilty to the country and the operating company

by victory of the trial became the most redemption to the children who died.


As I was working in the sea,

I think it would be really scary to die and die without a shelter

in a small place .


If you think of more than 300 people who are drowned and died,

even your own breathing becomes painful.

I hope that the Korean government will continue to investigate the cause

of the accident so that many souls who have been swallowed

by the sea with the iron ship can do a good job (May thy soul rest in peace!) .



BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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