Moon Jae-in, which destroys the Korean economy
and makes it a dictatorship

The limit exposed in 2 years of appointment

Masatoshi Mutoh : Former and Korean Ambassador to the World


한국 경제를 파괴하고 독재 화하는 문재인  2  한계1

한국 경제를 파괴하고 독재 화하는 문재인  2  한계2



韓国経済を破壊し独裁化する文在寅、 就任2年で露呈した限界2

韓国経済を破壊し独裁化する文在寅、 就任2年で露呈した限界




Because it does not go well,

it becomes more dictatorship-oriented

The Moon administration is increasingly promoting self-righteous policies.

It ignores the parliament, which is the basis of democracy,

and is running into repression of speech .

One of the characteristics of the Moon administration

is that even if it is an inexperienced person in administration,

a political activist similar to President Moon's idea is held in a key position .

As a result, they are aggressively conducting personnel affairs

and have a low reputation for appointment of public officials.

There were a total of 15 personnel who had been appointed

to the current administration

without being adopted by the National Assembly report .

Most recently, Mr. Lee Mi-sung, a controversial member

of "large-price investment," was appointed as a constitutional judge .





In addition,

when Kim Dae-jung appointed Kim Jong-chul,

who is passionate about implementing the Geumgang Tourism Program,

as the unification minister, the Gaesong Industrial Complex

also overcame opposition from the opposition party .

In March this year,

the ruling party and the Democratic Party both headed the president

of MoonJae-in in the head of the Bloomberg article.

He publicly criticized a Korean- style reporter who described

as " Kim Jong Eun 's chief spokesman ."

Police also compared MoonJae-in's president to "king"

in more than 100 universities throughout the country,

including Seoul University, Yonsei University, Busan University, etc.,

and expressed it as "economy king," "employee king," and "sun king."

A harsh investigation was conducted against satire,

such as "Let's get drunk on the great achievements of President MoonJae-in ."

This satire depends on the current administration

Criticism is also included for the occasions of

the " romance of love if you do it, affair if others do it " ceremony.

With regard to the ruling party and the tightening of the police,

a knowledgeable person in the United States ( Knowledge Korean)

sends an open letter to President Moon.

"The Korean government abuses defamation

and censors politically opposed views .

I'm concerned about this point, "he said.

In addition, “Reporters without Borders”

and the International Newspaper Editors Association

"The reporter is not a government cheering party"

"The role of the reporter is to report the case

of the public interest independently and critically," he criticizes.

In Korea, all the policies of the current administration

have hit the wall, and there is no way to break down .

In addition, scandals surrounding the president, administration officials,

and officials of the ruling party have been frequent .

Therefore, they are extremely sensitive to criticisms against the president

and the administration, and have a tendency to suppress the criticisms .


The ruling party and the DPJ both aim for a 20- year regime


Moon and his ruling party are afraid that if conservatives take over

the administration after the term of the president is over,

they are afraid that they will be hit this time,

and are trying to keep the innovation government alive.

The innovating government, which maintains Moon,

is said to have plans to maintain it for the next 20 years.

For that purpose, we are going to reform the " Election Act "

and the establishment

of the " High-level Public Officer Investigative

Investigation Act Establishment Law ".

The main point is to increase the number of seats

for proportional representation instead of drastically reducing the number

of seats in the district.

When we simulated the result of the case w

here the election was carried out based on the new election law,

As for the “free Korea party,”

the number of seats in the weak ruling party will increase dramatically,

compared to minus 20 .

In addition, the Law for the Establishment

of the High-level Officials Unauthorized Investigation Law is

a bill to establish another " judicial body "

that can investigate and prosecute frauds of high-level officials

such as the prosecutor, the judge, and the police .

The law which is convenient for these ruling parties is discussed

in the First Track (designated expedited cases),

but the law was submitted to the National Assembly last month

by the agreement of the ruling and opposition parties except

for the free Korean party. It seems that it is not.

Preparations for the survival of the administration have continued

since the establishment of the administration.

It manages the administration of the government led

by South Korea's presidential palace , and moves the Ministry of Defense,

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. as desired .

They send political activists to the post of the head

of a major government agency and control all administrative matters.

And it reforms the power agencies such as the National Intelligence Service,

the prosecutors, the police and the Ministry of Defense, and strengthens

the control of the innovation system .

In the judiciary, both the Constitutional Court and the Grand Court

are mainly judges appointed by President Moon .

The media are also recruited from the broadcasting station

to broadcast the Moon administration support.

If the MoonJae-in government continues to solidify its power base,

the grounds for innovation may become even stronger .


What is the difference between Moon administration

and past military administration ?


The lack of legitimacy in the past military regime and the people's backlash

were that Park Chung -hee and ChunDoo-hwan both seized power

in a military coup and Park In the case

of Mr. Ue, the opposition from the people has been overcome

and Japan's relations with Korea have been normalizing,

and in the case of Mr. Alle, the Gwangju case has suppressed the citizens .

In the case of Mr. Moon, Mr. Park Geun -hye was expelled

from the seat of the administration in the candle revolution led

by an innovation-based organization that is suspected to be related

to North Korea, such as the Democratic Labor Union and the UNU.

On the contrary, it can be said that the honeymoon period

for Mr. Moon was extended because of the tremendous support of the citizen.


in fact, Mr. Park is a fair person, and it is said that a PC allegedly recorded

an exchange with Mr. Choi Seung-sylh who was the origin was also a fake,

and he raised his suspicion against him There was a side of

What you can see from that is that there is a commonality

in that it is a well- engineered " revolution " without using military power.

The administration in the past is said to have set up a dictatorial regime

on the background of military power, and in the case of Park Geun-hye ,

in particular, he aimed for a lifetime president.

However, it is said that there was a strong thought that I had to do

for the development of the country.

In fact , during the times of Park and ChunDoo,

South Korea has continued high economic growth .

It is said that President Moon has deleted the description

of “The Miracle of the Han River” from Korean textbooks (Korean Daily),

but Park's performance does not disappear, no matter how he hides it,

and it is still the most popular among successive presidents.

It is a high president.




In the case of Mr. Moon, as mentioned above,

he denied the division of power ,

seized not only the executive branch but also the legislature

and the judiciary, and tried to make the administration last for 20 years .


as with the military administration,

the intention of the dictatorship to prolong is visible.


the big difference is that it is destroying the Korean economy .

It is a matter of the Korean people to choose which regime to choose,

but it is extremely important for the Korean people to understand

and judge the reality of the Moon administration,

not to support the Moon administration emotionally.


I would like to see the posterity's evaluation of the Moon administration.


Everyone's voice


I sincerely hope that the relationship between Japan

and Korea will be worse and cut off .

Recommendation 3977   Opposite   46


> In the case of Mr. Moon, as mentioned above,

it denied the division of three powers and
Not only that, but with legislative and judicial control,

he intends to maintain the regime for 20 years. 


No, it's great.
There has been no president who is so useful to Japan,

so I hope that the government will last for 20 years.
Until now, politicians and media who had been connected

to Korea were all they wanted to do,

but with Moon's appearance their roots stopped.

Recommendation 3526   Opposite   44


He has no limit.

All the walls to be crossed have crossed.

Let's expect that the barriers of break offrelations will also be crossed.

Recommendation 3340   Opposite   36


It is not something they knew that they would have trouble.
Japan does not help at that time.

Recommendation 754   Opposite  5


We want economic genius President Moon to demonstrate leadership.

Recommendation 624   Opposite   4


Despite the economic slowdown and repeated failures of diplomacy,

his anti-Japanese policy has become a confusing Korea's curse,

and the nation recognizes him.

Even though they know that they really sink like the Sewold,

they look like waiting passengers.

It is a great pleasure for Japan to see if he wants the country

to continue the presidency or if the country is going to die at the end ,

or if he is in a miserable situation .

Recommendation 599   Opposite   1


By all means, I want you to work hard in a straight line

with the break-off relations .

Recommendation 583   Opposite   3


I think Moon should be great for about 20 years.

Ah! Of course If It is said that Korea remains on the map.

Recommendation 565   Opposite   4


If the regime that breaks down the economy and keeps the relations

with other countries funny just continues, it will surely collapse
From the circumstances so far,

in order to prevent things like the post-earthquake incidents

of the Kanto area where they say,

I think that it is better to appeal

to the world that it is better not to come to Japan .

Recommendation 543   Opposite   4


As expected, Mr. Muto.

Only the former ambassador to Korea has a great analysis

of the current administration. 



I think Japan's harmonious attitude stance

for Korea has Korea get cocky and made Japan-Korea relations worse.
Korea's mistakes can not be corrected in a harmonious stance. 

Reject the wrong thing,
Sometimes I think it would be better to give sanctions and wake up.

Now that limit has been exceeded and I think it is useless to do anything.
Until the Moon administration has completely broken down to zero,
I think that Japan should stop doing something related.
Unless it is so, it will be the people who do not understand.

Recommendation 418   Opposite   1


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








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