Word of the inauguration of President Moon Jae-in


Korean Politics

Seo Tae- Kyung reporter 2017.05.10



文在寅大統領 就任の辞


Words dedicated to the people


Thank you to the people you respect and respect.
I am deeply grateful to the people's great choices.
as the 19th President of the Republic of Korea,
I will take the first step towards a new Republic of Korea.
My shoulders are heavy now
with a tremendous sense of mission granted by the public.

My heart is burning with the passion to create a country
that I have never experienced.
And now my head is full of blueprints that open up
a new world of integration and coexistence.

The new Republic of Korea we are making, despite many setbacks and defeats,
is a country that our seniors have consistently pursued.
It is also a country that endured many sacrifices and dedications
and young people wanted from the bottom of their hearts.

In order to create such a Republic of Korea,
I will show before the history and the people,
fulfilling the responsibilities and mission as the 19th President of the Republic
of Korea with humility with fear.
The greatness of Korea is the greatness of the people.
And in this presidential election, Japanese people made a new history.

He gave us the support all over the country and chose a new president.
From today I will be the president of all the people.
Every one of the people who did not support me will serve as my people,
our people.
I promise without fear.
May 10, 2017, this day will be recorded in history as the day
when true national integration began.

People who respect and respect you.
Every day after it was painful, the people asked, "Is this a country?"
President Joon-mon (Moon Jae-in) just starts from the very question.
I will be the president who makes a country like a country from today.
It breaks apart from the bad practices of old times.
I am renewed from the president.

First of all, we will settle the culture of the authoritative president.
When ready,
I will leave the current South Korea's presidential palace
and open the era of President Gwanghaemun .
I will meet and discuss the knees with the staff members.
I will be the president who always keeps in touch with the people.
The main cases are reported directly to the media by the president.
At the end of the day,
we will stop by the market and engage in an informal dialogue
with the people we meet.
Sometimes we hold a big debate at Gwanghwamun Square.

Share the presidential power of the president to the fullest extent.
Power agencies are completely independent of politics.
We build a restraint system so that no institution can exercise absolute power.
It works with a low attitude.
I will be the president who will keep an eye on the people.
Security crisis will be resolved quickly.
I travel east to west for peace on the Korean Peninsula.
I will fly to Washington as soon as necessary.
I will go to Beijing and Tokyo,
and I will go to Pyongyang if the conditions are met.

I will do everything I can for the purpose of establishing peace
on the Korean peninsula.
We will strengthen the Korea-US alliance.
Meanwhile, we will seriously negotiate
with the US and China to solve the THAAD problem.
Unwavering security comes from strong defense forces.
We will strive to strengthen our own defenses.
We will build a foundation to solve the North Korean nuclear issue.
We will establish the peace structure of Northeast Asia
and create a turning point for the relief of tensions on the Korean peninsula.

We convey words of comfort from the heart along with words of thanks
to the candidates who participated in the election together.
There are no winners or losers in this election.
We are companions to lead the new Korea together.
From now on, we have to leave the moment of intense competition,
hold hands together and move forward.

We all have an unparalleled political upheaval over the past few months,
to the people we respect.
Politics was confused, but the people were great.
Even in front of the impeachment and restraint of the incumbent president,
the people have pioneered the future of the Republic of Korea.

The people of Japan did not fail, but on the contrary,
they sublimed this as an opportunity of "jeon sahwa wèibog"
and finally opened up the new world of today.
The politics of division and conflict will also change.
The struggle for maintenance and progress must end.
The president directly talks directly.
The opposition is a companion to the administration of the government.
Make dialogues regular and meet often.

We will hire personnel across the country.
Make the ability and the right person in the right place the main principle
of human resources.
Regardless of support for me, I will accept talented human resources
with the help of three tribute and leave the work.
The economy is tough outside the country.
Consumers are also difficult.
As promised in the election process,
we will work with employment first and foremost.

At the same time, we will also be at the forefront of reform of the zaibatsu.
Under the Moon Jae-in government,
the word “political and economic adhesion” will be completely gone.
Resolve conflicts between regions and hierarchies, between generations,
and find ways to solve non-regular employment problems.
Create a world without discrimination.
I repeat it over and over again.
In the Democratic government along with Moon Jae-in,
the opportunities are equal, the process is fair,
the results will be on the side of justice.

Everyone who respects,
this presidential election was held
by impeachment of the predecessor president.
The unhappy presidential history continues.
This unhappy history must end with this election.

I will be a new model for the President of the Republic of Korea.
We will do our best to become a successful president, assessed
by the people and history. And so we respond to support and cheering.
Become a clean president.
It will be the president who will take over the job and leave the job.
Later, I will return to my hometown, become an ordinary citizen,
and become a president who can share her feelings with her neighbors.
It will remain as a pride of the people of the public.

Be an honest president who keeps his promise.
I will work on the promises I made in the course of the election.
True political development will only be possible
if the president himself shows a credible example of politics.

If you do something impossible, you won't go over it.
I say that what failed is failure.
We do not lie and mislead the disadvantaged public opinion.
I will be a fair president.
Create a world without privileges and violations.
We will create a world where people who do what they know can benefit.
I will not ignore my neighbor's pain.
I will keep my heart breaking and always check
that there are no alienated people.

I will be the president who wipes the tears of the nation's sadness.
I will be a president who will be heartwarming.
We will be the weakest human beings, the cunning power,
and make the strongest country.
I am not the president who reigns and governs,
I will be a president who talks and is heartwarming.
I will be the president of the Gwanghwamun era and be close to the people.
It remains as a warm president, a president like a friend.

People who respect and respect you. 
The Republic of Korea will begin again today
on May 10, 2017. A great history begins to make a country a country.
Please walk along this path. Bet my life and work.

The 19th President Moon Jae-in
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