Two years of diplomacy Moon Jae-in
diplomacy that the expert looks back on,
Japan's policy is "D -"
No ・ Sokcho reporter / Korean daily report Japanese edition
Two-year evaluation of foreign and security policy
in Moon Jae-in


Average score by policy


4 points


North Korea denuclearization diplomacy


1.2 points


North Korea policy

D plus

1.4 points


North Korean Human Rights Policy


0.33 points


Management of the US-Korea alliance

C minus

1.5 points


Japan policy

D minus

0.56 points


Military security policy


1.1 points


Award policy such as selection of honors

D minus

0.67 points


Overall score


0.99 points

Ko Yu Hwan, Professor of Dongguk University,
Former Deputy Director of the National Intelligence Agency, Nam Ju Hong,
Professor Han Won Dong, Park Won-Gon,
Shim Bum Chul, President of Security and Security Center,
Shin Won-shik, General Manager of Korea Joint Chief of Staff ,
Jung Young-woo, Former Secretary-General for Foreign Security
Jan Uk Defense Security Forum Forum, Senior Researcher,
Former Russian ambassador to Russia, Won Seong Ruk,
Yoo Dong Yol, President of the Liberal Democratic Research Institute,
Professor Park Cholhi, Seoul International University,
Yoon Dokmin, former director of the National Diplomatic Office,
Kansai Foreign Language University Professor Chang Busung,


10 experts rated it


In connection with the foreign and security policies

of the Moon Jae-in administration,

which will mark its second anniversary, experts on the 7th


He advised that "the policy should be totally reviewed or supplemented

according to the practical and pragmatic approach."

Experts realized that the government realized the Korea-US summit

talks twice through active diplomacy

The outcome was the stable management

of the Korean peninsula (Korean peninsula) situation.


However, he added a point to Korea-Japan relations

that have been negative and worsening in human rights in North Korea .


The government's “ North Korea denuclearization diplomacy

score was D ( 1.2 on a 4-point scale ).


Professor Park Won-Gon of the University of Korea

"It was successful to get the opportunity to negotiate

in top-down diplomacy according to the characteristics

of the North Korean regime (dictatorship),"

"It's wrong way for the government to stick

to the top-down approach even after the negotiations in Hanoi broke down."

Pointed out.


It has also been pointed out that the US-North Korean “ arbitrator

and “ promoter ” diplomacy that the Moon Jae-in administration

had set up so far was inappropriate .


Former Secretary-General of Korea, Cheong Yong-woo, Cheong Wa Dae

(Korea Presidential Office)

" Korea is an ally of the United States,

and it is unnatural to act as an intermediary

between the United States and China .

The role as a promoter is possible if there is power to move both sides,

but the Korean government has no such ability . "


Former Russian ambassador to Russia

"We are concerned that the fire

of North Korea's denuclearization negotiations may disappear

if it is as it is."


The scores

for North Korea's policy focusing on sanctions easing

and North-South economic cooperation, and Korea-US relations

where confrontation has surfaced

in the process were “D plus” and “C minus,” respectively.


Shim Bum-cheol, President of the Foshan Policy Research Institute

" Korea is a party to North Korea's nuclear threat ,

but the government is promoting hopelessly policies against North Korea .

As a result, the cooperation

between the ROK and the US and their bargaining power

against North Korea declined . "

Pointed out.


Professor Park Cholhi of Seoul International University

"We emphasized the peculiarity that we are the same race as North Korea,

and we put an impression on the international community

that we would like North Korea .

The government needs a universal approach

to look at and examine North Korea based on international standards.


The Moon Jae-in administration's

North Korean human rights policy received an F score.

Seven out of ten gave F.

" Awful level "

(Yu Dong Yol, Director of the Liberal Democratic Research Institute),

" He am not doing anything "

It was badly criticized, such as "It is completely a failure point "

(South pillar Hong = Nam Jeuong

= former deputy director of the National Intelligence Service).


The score on the policy towards Japan

was also D minus and was close to the score.

It is because the Korea-Japan relationship,

which is described as "the worst after the war, " has been neglected.

Professor Chang Busung of Kansai Foreign Language University

"The government's foreign policy in Japan is drifting

in an unknown direction, " he said.

Professor Park Gen-Tei

"The government applies the term of liquidation of jeogpye

(stacked evil) to diplomacy with Japan.

It is also a problem that the Abe administration uses the Korea-Japan conflict

for domestic politics, but it is more problematic

that the Korean government responds to that.


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