Korea-Japan currency swap,
Japan immediately after accepting the story


August 29 , 2016 / Chuo Daily Japanese Edition







"Promoting a new currency swap agreement

from the perspective of further strengthening economic cooperation"

(Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Finance, Kazuhiro Yanagi)


"I fully understand the need. Let's discuss each other"

(Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso)


In the Korea-Japan financial dialogue held on the 27th,

there was no long dialogue in

which both sides agreed to conclude a currency swap agreement.

As Deputy Prime Minister Yui Il-ho cuts out,

Finance Minister Aso has accepted it as if he was waiting.

Currency swaps were not initially included in the official agenda.

But empathy was well formed.

Although Korea took the form of making a proposal,

Japan also made an "interest statement" in advance.

Aso Finance Minister said through the interview before Korea

"It would like to consider that Korea needs (currency swap)"

As the mood raised.


In this way,

Korea and Japan have officially launched "restoration" one year

and six months after the existing currency swap agreement was abolished.

Person in charge of plan finance department

"If the agreement is concluded successfully,

it will send a signal to the international community that economic cooperation

between the two countries will be in full swing," he said.


Currency swaps should be prepared for immediate use rather than tied up

The character of the "Monetary Defense Alliance" is deep.

It is also because of this symbolism that the Korea-Japan currency swap

has undergone a twist.

The size of the currency swap agreement, which began at $ 2 billion in 2001,

temporarily increased to $ 70 billion in 2011.

However, since 2012,

it has not renewed the contract that is approaching maturity.

It was because the relationship between the two countries became cold,

as President Lee Myung -bak visited Dokdo (Takeshima)

before the light restoration of the same year.

The last $ 10 billion currency swap agreement ended last February.

The annual financial meetings of both countries have not been held since 2012,

but resumed for the first time in three years.

The resumption of the currency swap debate is of particular interest for timing.

The North Korean nuclear issue and the decision

to deploy high altitude defense missiles (THAAD)

have also caused subtle ripples in economic relations between South Korea,

China and Japan.

In this process,

in particular, China's “overweight” emerged as a new risk.

South Korea's dependence on exports to China expanded

from 10.7% in 2001 to 26% last year.

Currency swaps are also similar.

Japan's hand in hand has greatly increased China's dependence.

Currently, Korea has signed a total of $ 119 billion in currency swaps

with countries, but about half of this, $ 56 billion, is with China.

Person in charge of plan finance department

He said, "The largest Chinese currency swap agreement is after Hong Kong."

It is a form of China that gives Korea an exceptional consideration.

The problem is that the uncertainty of Korea-China relations has increased

since the decision to deploy THAAD.

Professor On Ki-eung (Economics) at Sunshil University

"Given the fact that financial markets are not immediately insecure

and foreign exchange reserves are not in a situation where it seems,

the resumption of currency swaps with Japan seems to have a large meaning

of trying to diversify from China's overweight .

Japan, too, will need to strengthen its cooperation with Korea in order

to restrain China's influence from becoming excessively strong in the region. "

Professor Bae Unge (Economics) at Sang Myung University

"If the won is stable, it will help the financial markets in East Asia and China.

We must persuade the other party and strengthen cooperation among

the three countries, in view of the expansion of the currency swap,

which will lead to Korea-China-Japan joint interests. "

Currency swap: The two sides decide beforehand conditions such

as exchange rate and scale through an agreement,

and exchange currencies with each other as needed.

It prepares for the foreign currency shortage situation etc.

caused by the instability of the international financial market.

A currency swap is a sort of currency swap,

if it is considered as a "funded reserve" to be prepared in case

of a foreign exchange reserve.

It is a "minus lending" agreement.

It will be concluded in the form of multilateral agreements

like the Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI), in which Korea, China, Japan

and Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries participate.


Korean national traits taught by the resumption

of the "currency agreement"

different perceptions in the Japanese-Korean media

https://www.sankeibiz.jp/macro/news/160905/mcb 1609050500019-n1.htm

The "currency swap agreement"
between Japan and Korea is expected to be re-entered after a year and a half.
It is a mechanism that exchanges (exchanges) currencies
with each other during the financial crisis,
but was closed in February last year due to the rapid cooling
of the Japan-Korea relationship.
there has been an active movement towards improving relations
between the two countries, and in that sense it should be welcome,
but looking back on the circumstances, we can not simply simply be delighted.
The complexity and complexity of the two countries' relationship
has come to light.
The resumption of the agreement was proposed by the Korean side
at the seat of the “Japan-Korea Financial Dialogue”
by Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro and Finance Minister Kazuhiro Yanagi,
Deputy Prime Minister and Planning Finance Minister held
in Seoul on August 27. .

Finance Minister Aso at a post- Cabinet meeting on the 24th just

before visiting Korea,

It indicated that it would consider if there was a talk from the other side

( Korean side )

(Tokyo Reuters Electric).

According to the Asahi Shimbun, currency agreements

"The mechanism to support the dollar and so on when the currency

with little international circulation slumps,"

the Korean side has much greater merit than Japan.

The agreement between Japan and Korea started in 2001,

triggered by the 1997 Asian currency crisis .

At the maximum, Japan was to transfer $ 70 billion to Korea.

The Yomiuri editorial dated August 28

" Mainly played a role in suppressing the currency instability in Korea "

And while touching Japan's "one- sidedness " implicitly

It emphasizes the significance that "the re-contract can be evaluated

to be useful not only for the two countries,

but also for the stability of financial markets throughout

the Asian region ".

However, another view comes from the Korean side.

Korea's leading paper "Korean Daily" is an editorial

In (Japanese electronic version published on August 29)

"Currency swaps have been resumed

as necessary for Korea and Japan "


Japan, too

It emphasizes that it was necessary

to " suppress the sharp appreciation of the yen ."

In addition, after pointing out

that "the voice of Korea's abandoning pride and gaining practical

interests in Japan,"

It accuses " undesired ".

"Chuo Nippo" is also an electronic version of the Japanese edition, titled "

Japan that has started talking and accepting it immediately ",

and communicates the design of the dialogue as follows.

"There was no long dialogue to reach an agreement.

When Deputy Prime Minister Yanagi cut out,

Finance Minister Aso accepted it as if it was immediately waiting. "

None of the articles have been identified, so no verification is possible,

but readers of the Korean newspaper must strongly feel

that the Japanese side has been more active in the agreement .

Aside from how much the agreement helps to prevent the appreciation

of the yen in Japan, at least on the Korean side,

reopening of the agreement is important and significant in two ways.

One is that exchange rates may continue to fluctuate rapidly

in the face of growing uncertainty about the global economy,

such as the decision to leave the European Union (EU)

in the UK and the interest rate hike in the United States.

For the Korean economy,

which is highly dependent on external demand,

the existence of a currency swap agreement can be said

to be a resilient security device in times of emergency.


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