Even though the whole of Korea is within range
... "It is okay if it is not ICBM" United States



Lee Yong-su, Washington = Cho Wi-jun correspondent





North Korea used a map that describes the trajectory unique

to ballistic missiles .

Pompeo Secretary of State " No threat on Korea-US day "

National Intelligence Service " It is difficult to consider provocation "


North Korea Kim Jung Eun, chairman of the Labor Party ,

visited on April 4 the launch of a new tactical guidance weapon .

At this time, it was confirmed by the 6th that a " shooting plan map "

clearly showing the parabolic trajectory unique to the ballistic missile

was spread on the table where Chairman Kim was seated.


It is a strong evidence to prove that this project is a ballistic missile ,

in conjunction with the missile launch picture released

by North Korea on the 5th .

The UN Security Council Resolution bans

not only North Korea's ballistic missile launch,

but all launch activities to which ballistic missile technology has been applied.


However, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appeared on the US program

on 5th (local time), and he appeared on North Korea's provocation

by saying, " It was strongly convinced that it was launched in a short distance

and not an intercontinental ballistic missile ( ICBM ). "It have."


" There was no threat to the United States, Korea and Japan .

"I hope that this action will not interfere (in negotiations)."

It is accepted that it means that

we are not going to make it a big problem

because it is not a medium- or long-range missile

that reaches the US territory.


The Korean presidential office (Cyotewa-dai)

also had no additional briefings or views on the 6th.

A Cheong Wa Dae official said,

"We will not give a bad opinion until we get an accurate analysis

of the ROK and US authorities."

In addition, Korean intelligence agency, National Intelligence Service

(National Intelligence Service)

"(Is it missile or not) under analysis"

It was reported that " provocation is not considered ".

In order not to break the bargaining ground,

both Korea and the United States showed an attitude

as if the North Korean provocation was virtually silent .


Korean and American experts regard the missiles shot

by North Korea as ballistic missiles that conform

to the Russian-made missile "Iskander" with a maximum range of 500 km.

When shooting from the Western Front of the Military Boundary (MDL),

the entire area of ​​Korea including Jeju Island

and all US bases in Korea will be in range .


In addition, conventional interceptors such as Patriot and THAAD

(High Altitude Defense Missile)

are considered to be difficult to shoot down,

and also capable of mounting nuclear warheads .


It has been pointed out that the two countries underestimated

the new weapons of North Korea,

which pose a serious threat to the ROK-US combined forces,

and gave them an excuse for provocation from North Korea.


In order to prevent "Iskander" class missiles,

the "kill chain" needs to move properly,

detecting in advance the signs of launch and adding a first strike.

However, the Korean military authorities only commented

that on the 5th and on the 6th,

they were analyzing the specifications of the projectiles.


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