Korea won't stop falling
Japan and the United States
with due to deterioration of relations
"Remedies" are hopeless self-proclaimed hopelessness


20 May 20 Suzuki Takashi ( Takabumi Suzuoki )


원화 가치가 없어 한국 미일의 도움없이 자업 자득3

원화 가치가 없어 한국 미일의 도움없이 자업 자득2

원화 가치가 없어 한국 미일의 도움없이 자업 자득








Korea aiding nuclear weapons in the north

Of course,

every time a currency crisis occurs, Korea has not become a catastrophe.

In 2008 and 2011 ,

the United States, Japan, and China signed currency

swaps twice and overcame .


On the other hand, at the time of the crisis in 1997 ,

relations with the United States were extremely deteriorated .

The United States also instructed Japan not to enter into swaps

It has put South Korea in an application for relief

from the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ).



映画『国家不渡りの日』韓国銀行がIMF止めようとした?1 」.

In the current phase of the won down , even if it leads to a "crisis,"

no one will think that Japan and the United States will help Korea,

including the market .

The MoonJae-in government is constantly scolding the people

for anti-Japanese and anti-American sentiment.

Of course, both the United States and Japan are looking at it bitterly.



「反日」で韓国を駄目にして日本を助ける「売国」文在寅政権 参照)

In addition,

the MoonJae-in administration has begun to support

the North's nuclear armament in an explicit manner.

While China and Russia participate in economic sanctions against

North Korea, only South Korea will plan for aid to the north




Published March 20 , 19 ).

In this case,

the United States and Japan can not but " punish " Korea .


Then, on May 1st ,

the “ Korean Wartime Workerslitigation group demanded

that the court issue a sale order

to the foreclosed Japanese and Fuji Korean domestic assets .

The Japanese government warned that "

If there is a disadvantage to Japanese companies,

we will take countermeasures ."

At last, Korea has stepped into the red zone .


Everyone's voice

Until now Kore have been doing anti-Japanese activities often,

and I feel that they are not people or help for this period.

I hope that this will be overwhelmed by strict economic sanctions

and show an attitude that does not allow slippage.

Recommendation   47674   Opposite 503


If economic genius, President Moon should do its best.
I hope you do not look at Japan even if your relationship

with Japan and the United States has deteriorated.

Recommendation   41123   Opposite 394


Even crawl up on Japan's knees should be ignored.

Recommendation   40957   Opposite 371


At the time of the Asian Monetary Crisis, Korea was helped

but later Japan have hated,

so please give me a push in this direction

Recommendation   12371   Opposite 31


During the last currency crisis ,

was Japan alone the only country that actually helped among

the swap countries?
Japan is currently in the process of rejecting swaps,

and it is likely that neither China nor Australia will respond at that time .
Furthermore , Japan, which is No supposed to help,

is planning to take countermeasures in the future,

so there is no one hope ( aray of hope ).

Is there a country that will help you?
Whatever happens, it is self- made and there is no room for sympathy.
If it breaks down,You should break down.
It would be better to take it north for each country if it becomes urgent.

Recommendation   12039   Opposite 42


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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