Why does Trump try to drive China into trade?

May 07, 2019

<Trump's declaration of raising tariffs on Chinese products again

before the US-China negotiations.

What is behind the fierce practices that can hurt their own economy>


While the 10 consecutive holidays in Japan continued,
the US stock prices continued to rise.
Apparently the US economy is solid ,
especially the April employment statistics released last month
by the government on the 3rd were amazing numbers.
The number of new employees excluding the agricultural sector increased
by just over 260,000, which exceeded the forecast by nearly 80,000.
As a result, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%.

<Trump's declaration of r

aising tariffs on Chinese products again

before the US-China negotiations .

What is behind the fierce practices that can hurt their own economy>


While the 10 consecutive holidays in Japan continued,

the US stock prices continued to rise.

Apparently the US economy is solid,

especially the April employment statistics released last month

by the government on the 3rd were amazing numbers .

The number of new employees excluding the agricultural sector increased

by just over 260,000, which exceeded the forecast by nearly 80,000 .

As a result, the unemployment rate dropped to 3.6%.


There is a sense of secularity,

considering that It was on the 10% mark in the fall of 2009,

when the stock fell after the Lehman shock.

It am afraid that this 3.6% is from 1969.


Although the Trump administration did not come here and receive impeachment charges,

it stood in trouble as the report of the special prosecutor established

as an independent organization was released.

Having tried to "fall in" Hillary by doing "not as much as collusion" with Russia,

It is not enough to stand up as "judicial obstruction"

The approval rating fell as it was exposed that it kept pressing

"the FBI and the Justice Ministry".


Under such circumstances,

it is possible to say that it is only lucky to realize such excellent employment,

and that the stock price is also strong in response to the strength

of the real economy.

The president self-adclaims that it is the result of his own policy,

but regardless of whether it is the result of the policy or not ,

the re-election in the 2020 presidential election will come into view

if the economy is a result.



such "stability" does not appear in Trump's dictionary. On Sunday, May 5,

China declared that it would increase import duties

for $ 200 billion worth of imported goods (about 22 trillion yen)

from its current 10% to 25% .

It is a sudden thing, but it will be implemented on the 10th of this weekend.


As a result, the New York Stock Exchange,

which began the week of the 6th,

started with the Dow crashing more than 400 points.

It is a fierce policy similar to a suicide act,

but why can a person like Trump do something like this?


1 ) A common sense view is the possibility of a negotiation technique .

In the US-China trade negotiations,

China's Deputy Prime Minister Liu Hoh was to visit the United States,

and negotiations were scheduled to take place on the 8th this week.

It is possible that Mr. Tatsumi is looking at the way of the other party

by feeding such a punch while going to the United States.


2) On the other hand, with Trump's economic policy ,

along with his top-class business management,

when a little surplus is reached and money can be borrowed from the bank,

Dawn and debt are built and a new hotel is built

If there is strong employment and high stock prices,

there may be such a way of thinking

that "a fierce policy to lower the stock price of the home country"

can be made accordingly.


3) On the other hand, Trump,

who has never run a decent listed company and has never invested

in the entire US economy,

has never managed a pension fund, etc.

Can also be thought of as insensitive .


4) Even though Trump's trade policy is in progress,

the United States and China still

have a comprehensive international division of labor relationship.

Under such circumstances,

it is by no means a plus for US GDP to carry out this kind of intense policy.


even if China is excluded from manufacturing outsourcing,

it does not mean that good jobs in developed countries will return

to the United States.

So, if you make strenuous policies, it is the American economy that hurts .

Still, I can do something like this

" Pension life generation with many core supporters retired "

There is also the idea

that people who are at a distance from the impact

of the ongoing real economy , so that such dangerous gambling is possible.


5) The Democratic Party side of the political party is strongly influenced

by the leftist,

and there are cases where it is not possible to argue like the Obama

and the Clintons with regard to the GDP of the entire United States .

Rather, there is also a part where Trump makes a similar claim

from the populism on the left with respect to the commerce war against China

which is coming from the populism on the right.

There is no environment to be criticized.


Even so, it can be said that the US-China trade war is deeply rooted .

Even as Xi Jinping (Sea curiosities) government of China, during this time,

are underway to take the plunge

"Processing of bad debts and overproduction facilities"

As for the "painful" part, as a story

There is an aspect of being able to "due to playing cards".


In addition,

in this tough economic environment,

and the political intuition of Xi Jinping Jintao, there is also a Li Keqiang

(Lee Kochian) felt that the Prime Minister

of the policy theory has been engaged well.

Under such circumstances, China may not make an easy compromise .

So, while the problem is prolonged with the US-China four teams,

it is necessary to consider the possibility

that only Japan will suffer great economic damage.

For Trump's visit to Japan at the end of the month,

this may be more important than the North Korean issue.

Everyone's voice


> Only Japan may have to think about the possibility

of significant economic damage

This author does not think at all about

the military damage that China will grow as it is and Japan will receive .

Recommendation 200   Opposite   19


The degree of dependence on trade in America is actually

as low as 20% .

There is much less damage to trade wars .
The American conservatives turned to hard-line in China is

because the Xi Jinping regime regressed to communism fundamentalism,

are very wary of things that strengthen the interference of religion.
Xi Jinping is increasingly autocratic color, and there is a party

on top of everything.

In other words, there is a party above God .

Communism is originally atheism.
Recently, China has been strengthening its control over Christians in China.
This is unacceptable to American conservatives who are supported

by Christians and Jews.
It is because communism is atheism that the United States fought

with death in Korea and Vietnam and fought the Cold War until

the Soviet Union collapsed.
According to Sergeant Hartmann in the movie full metal jacket,

"Red Don's surname, He can say to honor Maria!"
It is, in fact, the reason to fight with blood.

Recommendation 90   Opposite   19


What to do now, what you have to do now,

do not postpone the danger .

Entrepreneurs who dislike politics by technology.

I think it's great.

I feel this person's intention and meaning.

Mr. Abe who noticed it there.

It brought great benefits to Japan.

However, the minority who think so in the world. Perhaps.

Recommendation 67   Opposite   8


The population of the United States does not match China.
In order for the United States to maintain international supremacy

in the future, it is necessary to curb the development of China .
Japan was once suppressed to the United States.
A story that only makes China the same thing.

Recommendation 54   Opposite   9


I think that President Trump is doing well.

A well-informed person accuses " Trump is American first ",

but that is a matter of course .

Recommendation 30   Opposite   2


It's because China is coming to America by the way.

Recommendation 29   Opposite   2


If China is left unchecked, it will expand without hesitation.
China's aim is to replace the United States

and make the world your own .
Even if I close my eyes on the details,

if I do not hit China now, the world will be under communism .

Recommendation 22   Opposite   1


To join China in the US-Russ nuclear disarmament treaty.
If China refuses to join, it will only strengthen tariffs on China.
It is a correct policy.
We support the mayor of Hiroshima and the mayor of Nagasaki, too.

All true Japanese people are passionately supportive.
It is also useful for "discrimination" with Japanese modoki.

Recommendation 17   Opposite   3


Newsweek is always this w
The immediate stock prices, the immediate economic conditions,

and the immediate small money earning eyes are only w
It's the same as Keidanren, your w
It is not such a problem that the Dow falls on the declaration

of tariffs on China, or the economy gets a little worse.
Now, the United States and China may be in a war of supremacy.
I spoofed it, frustrated to see,

and just tried to loosen the strings of the investor's wallet.
I can't help, Newsweek is w

Recommendation 13   Opposite   1


China, who has rushed into the quasi-capitalist economy

without knowing whether it is a developing country or a developed country,

clearly lacks the custom of compliance with the rules of the developed country.

In order to eliminate the danger of struggling to become the axis

of the world economy without understanding this, it is only necessary to implement economic principles and rules.

As in the land and sea territory,

it tries to have an influence on international politics

without having a sense that intellectual property rights

and others should not be violated.

In order to understand this, it is impossible without experiencing

the huge economic loss and failure caused by the violation of rules.

It is only the US economy that can be tackled. Although it may be a duty,

it may be an embargo,

but it may be an import restriction,

but it may not be possible to announce the danger

of breaking the law or the sense of discomfort unless it is decided to hate it.

China's expansion without these rules will only lead to a global crisis.

Recommendation 13   Opposite   3


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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