"Seiji Yoshida" is the origin of the comfort woman
"forced entrainment" thus created
2017.6.17 Journalist, Mis. Otaka
The eldest son " Seiji Yoshida " " removed " ( rewritten ) "
Apology Monument " in Cheonan, Korea .
This article reports the true image of the end of the story and the issue
of comfort women: "Yoshida Kiyoharu"
Excerpt from Chapter 2 "Father, Kiyoharu Yoshida"
(Miki Otaka, Sankei Shimbun, Japan).
Click here for online purchases.

It was a sweepstakes mania


Soon after returning from Mitaka to Shimonoseki,

Seiji Yoshida was being recruited by NHK

He applied for the "radio and me" sweepstakes and earned him 100,000 yen

in the first place. It is a large sum of money at that time.

"I think I'm six years in elementary school or one year in junior high school,

but it was a good composition."

And the eldest son looks back.


When my father (Seiji Yoshida) came home,

two sons were dancing happily according to the commercial song

that flows from the radio.

Normally, my father did not let the children listen to the song,

so when the mother tried to turn off the radio, he looked so happy

He told my mother, "Don't leave it as it is,"-.

It is said that it was such a story.


"The radio was the symbol of a poor family who can not afford TV.

My father was strict about education,

so I could not hear songs at home.

But at this time,

it was a content that smiles spilled without thinking that it was fun,

and it was highly appreciated that the scene

of a happy family came up in a short sentence.

My father went to Fukuoka for an award and received a prize.

It may be the time when the Yoshida family was the happiest at that time. "


Around this time, Mr. Seiji Yoshida worked at a bakery run by Koreans.

When the eldest son looks at the old map copied in the Shimonoseki library,

"Ah! Here. My father worked for this bakery."

I narrowed my eyes as if I was nostalgic.


"It's been a long time since the war,

I think that my father did not get used to the work of the bakery,

and he was at a loss.

It seems like Christmas was busy delivering cakes all night long

and delivered as a president, so the president wanted younger people

than my father,


so Even if He want to dismisse my father
It seems that he was not dismissed.

Because that manager was a pre-war relationship,



So he was happy that he could make him quit.

The family moved with that prize,

but my father said that the money could move three or four times. "

This is not the only one that has applied for the sweepstakes.


"In addition to the application,

He also used radio and television monitors well."

Was it a post mania to say?


● The beginning

of "the former mobilization manager · Seiji Yoshida"


Seiji Yoshida will soon become a masterpiece with a big prize.

In 1955, "Weekly Asahi" recruited the notes of "My August 15th"

and the result was published in the August 23rd issue

of the same magazine.

One of the specialties is Tomie Kondo, later known as a writer and essayist.

The article also includes the names of five winners and one hundred forgeries.

One of the masterpieces is the name of Toshi Yoshida. That was Mr. Kiyoharu.


Although the full text has been published until the winning works,

the editorial works introduce the essays while excerpting.

The following is quoted.


Every part from selection to forgery was all reminiscent of August 15th,

as a victim of war.


only one person, Shishikan City company employee Mr. Toshi Yoshida (49) ,

will look back on that day from the standpoint of perpetrators .

"At that time I was the director of the mobilization department

of the Yamaguchi Prefectural Labor Relations Report,

and I was collecting day laborers and sending them to work

on the evacuation of war shelters and the restoration of war areas.

As far as laborers, by that time, only Koreans had remained.

I asked the man in charge of the work that he was likely to work

in asking the designated village with the police special agent.


"Like slave hunting," says Mr. Seiji Yoshida himself.

During that time, it was the news of the end of the war.

The fear of retaliation for the Koreans immediately came to mind.


As expected, he told the destination of the mobilized Koreans,

where only twenty Koreans had gathered, in front of Mr. Seiji Yoshida's home.

Mr. Yoshida (Seiji Yoshida) who was inquired was finally thrown away.

"I walked up to my seat and grabbed the sword between the floors

and shouted out at the front door.

"I lost the war anyway, now I will die here.

Those who have complaints about what I have done go ahead,

because I will kill and make way for you! "


I turned up like a temper and pulled out the swords and approached them.

They fled with grief.

I was not aware of what I have done or what I have to do,

so I used to use the sword in the summer sun.


It was the beginning of the activity as Seiji Yoshida (Seiji Yoshida),

former former mobilization director of the Shimonoseki Branch,

Yamaguchi Prefectural Labor Relations Report.

Even the excerpt part is a familiar sentence.

The last sentence and so on is very dramatic,

and it turns out that it has a method to stimulate and write the story.

His eldest son was hearing a little bit from his father about this post.


" The majority of the Koreans employed

in the labor report parliament were communists .

It was said that it was a lie to swing the sword around them

who came to the house on August 15 or the day after the end of the war.

At that time,

no warrior sword was provided to my father who was not a soldier . "

Then the credibility of the story itself is suspected, but there was a person

who immediately incorporated this content as a fact .

He is Paku Kyonshiku ,

a history researcher who teaches at Korea University.

It is cited in his " record of Korean forced forced conduct "

(future company),

which is considered to be a bible of forced forced literature .



at this point, the article is an experience

in the category of work of the Labor Relations Report ,

and it does not write that he did " hunting for comfort women "

nor did he go to Jeju island .

Next, he writes as the former mobilization director of the labor report in 1955.

His first book,

"The Comforter of Korean Comforters and the Note

of the former Monetary Affairs Division for Japanese Shimonoseki, "

(a new person traffic company). It is after 14 years.


So far, Mr. Yoshida (Seiji Yoshida) 's footsteps have never been known.


Ōta ka Miki

journalist. Born in 1969.

Ferris Graduated from Women's College.

Visits more than 100 countries around the world

and makes numerous scoop testimony.

In addition to contributions to "Positive Theory", "Shincho 45", etc., television,

Internet television appearances, and lecture activities are also performed.

How about " break off relations " in your book, "Japan-Korea" "peaceful"

The truth of the comfort woman problem that a female caster saw "

(Wanibooks PLUS new book),

"The greedy Chample the truth of Okinawa" (Asuka Shinsha),

There are many such as "The truth of ISIS Islamic country atrocities"



BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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