"If you sanction Korea,
it will cause great damage to Japan"

... Japan also has no retaliation


Chuo Nippo Japanese version of 14:14 March 14 , 2019





한국도 대항 조치 검토 = 조선인 전시 노동자 문제로 일본에도 피해


韓国も対抗措置検討=朝鮮人戦時労働者問題で 日本にも被害1





"Because the economies of both countries are intricately involved,

the damage would be enormous if the system itself was destroyed."

Served as President of “Seoul Japan Club” consisting

of Japanese business associates in Korea

Takuya Takasugi · Former Korean President Fuji Xerox said in an interview

article in the April issue of the monthly magazine "Bungei Shunaki"

recently released.

"Among the hardliners in Japan

"There is a claim

that sanctions should be imposed on Korea even

if Japan suffers a little damage. "

Responding to the question of the moderator, Mr. Takasugi answered, "

Not so.

Mr. Takasugi "For example, Samsung and LG are important delivery destinations

for Japanese precision parts companies"

"(Sports equipment) is the biggest market of Dessant," he said.

He emphasized that "the two economies are inseparable relations"

and that the two economies are a common fate.

Mr. Takasugi said, “In the case of Samsung,

the design and marketing strategies tailored to the circumstances

of the world are excellent.

About half of Samsung products are made in Japan "

" These companies can not survive without Japan ,

and we are receiving great support from Korea," he said.

The Japanese government is against Korean workers' trial

Related to the sanctions under consideration as " countermeasures ",

there are voices in Japan that have questioned the effect.

Same as Takasugi's claim

"Because of the dependency structure of the Japanese-Korean economy,

which is closely linked, it has to be a big blow not only to Korea

but also to Japan and Korea."

Aso Taro, Minister of Finance, is on the 12th

In relation to the countermeasures being prepared

by the Japanese government in the House of Representatives,

He said unusually, saying,

"It am wondering whether there will be suspension of remittances,

suspension of visa issuance or various retaliation measures,

as well as tariffs ."

It is the first time a Japanese government official

has listed specific retaliatory measures against Korea .

Related to this, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 14th

"The suspension of remittances that Finance Minister Aso cited as an example

(including Japanese companies) could be a serious obstacle

for companies dealing with businesses that cross Japan and Korea."

Pointed out.

Also regarding the suspension of visa issuance,

"The Korean tourists who were 7.85 million in 2018 will drastically reduce

their visits to Japan and will hurt their tourism revenue."

It showed the view that.

It's in the LDP

Export restrictions of strategic materials such

as hydrogen fluoride which are indispensable for semiconductor manufacturing

▼ I also questioned the effects of raising tariffs on Korean products .

"The industry in Japan and Korea is a horizontal division of labor

(which cooperates in each other's areas of expertise),

and if Korea leans, Japan will lean as well."

On the interdependence between the two countries

" Representing Korean companies such as Samsung Electronics

and SK Bionics rely on Japan for parts and materials ,

Conversely, for Japanese companies,

Korea also explained that it is a "falling country."

In fact, according to statistics of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO),

Japanese companies are making inroads

Of the Asia-Oceania region,

the country with the highest ratio of operating surplus companies

in 2018 was South Korea with 85%.

China is 72% and Thailand is 67%.

If Japan takes retaliation targeting the Korean semiconductor business etc.,

Korean companies will naturally be hit, but

It means that Japanese companies

that supply parts here have a secondary damage like boomerang.



Aso threatens to retaliate against

Japanese corporate asset foreclosures .


2019-03-13 japan@hani.co.kr

Japan's Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso on the 12th,

in connection with the Korean War Workers Judgment

of the Supreme Court of Korea (the Great Court),

As a retaliatory measure in response to asset foreclosures

by Japanese companies,

"we are considering the prohibition of raising tariffs,

remittances and visa issues for Korean products "




in South Korea, the proceedings of asset foreclosure proceedings against

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp., etc.

that have refused the court's compensation order

It is a word that came out as an answer to the question

of Japanese lawmakers asking the position.

Japanese key people who have experienced up to the prime minister,

in a case being advanced by Korean law

What we discussed and raised up to economic retaliation is close

to de facto intimidation.


The attitude of reflecting the mistakes of Japan's annexation

in Korea is a life-changing attitude that can not be seen.

The Japanese government claims that the Korean wartime labor issue

was finalized in the Korea-Japan claim agreement of 1965 .



Korea's Supreme Court decision is that labor at that time was illegal

and is not the subject of a claims agreement.

Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metals lost the lawsuit after participating

in the argument from the beginning in the course of the trial.

It is strange to say that it can not be accepted

that an adverse judgment is made.

In addition, Deputy Prime Minister Aso is the son of the president

of the famous Aso Coal Mine,

which made 12,000 Koreans work during the Korean annexation period.


It is difficult to understand that a person

who is insufficient even if he / she reckons even in terms of personal history

is calm and speaks “retribution”.

The other day there was a Japanese media report

that the Japanese government was considering about 100 retaliation measures .


It is merely a foolish act that seems to force Japan

to "strict the past history" with Korea as a shield against economic power.


it is for the deputy prime minister to publicly discuss up until

the concrete "economic retaliation" in parliament,

It seems to mean that there is no intention to improve

the present Korea-Japan relationship.

I would like to ask how long the Japanese government

will leave the ROK-Japan relationship stagnation and intend to lift it.



South Korea is also considering countermeasures

: Korean newspaper workers in the wartime issue .


[Seoul current affairs]


The Korean government has been against asset seizure and sale
of Japanese companies in Korean workers' lawsuits
In preparation for retaliatory measures by the Japanese government,
they are considering "counter cards" that will damage Japan.
Korean newspaper reports such as Korea Daily on the 14th.

According to the newspaper, Korean officials have stressed

that "we are well prepared," on the 13th.

There is concern that the two countries' retaliation and counteraction

may become a reality .

According to the Seoul newspaper, officials of related ministries

of the Korean government will hold a private meeting on the 12th.

He listed economic retaliation measures that Japan could take

and discussed measures.