Three, one movement-two reasons why Korea-North
Korea joint event has disappeared





ムン大統領の3.1節記念辞の内容 ・・日本批判が増え、内容も無茶苦茶

ムン大統領の3.1節記念辞の内容 ・・日本批判が増え、内容も無茶苦茶2

ムン大統領の31節記念辞の内容 ・・日本批判が増え、内容も無茶苦茶2


The third anniversary of the 100th anniversary


3.1 independence movement,

March 1st is the independence movement that took place in 1919,

resisting Japan's annexation to Korea,

and it will be the 100th anniversary of the independence movement

that took place in 1919 and the 3rd and 1st movement,

and the government ceremony will be held in Seoul, Korea.

Beginning various commemorative events are held.

According to the Ministry of Public Security and the City of Seoul,

the government-sponsored ceremony will be held today

from 11 am at Gwanghwamun Square in the center of Seoul,

where the President Moon Jae-in and about 10,000 people

will be Will participate.



It would like to say that they are "colonial rule" as they say,

but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued information

saying "Please be careful to travel."

It is the Moon Jae-in administration that there is no choice

but to make a decision in the US-North Korea talks

and build up in 3.1 movement


There is no intention to interfere in domestic affairs,

but the Moon Jae-in administration is only for 5 years,

but I think he is shocked now.


Moon was thinking of doing to Mr. Trump and Kim Jong Eun summit,

and this US-North Korea summit meeting was not successful,


of He had the pride that he had put together the story,

and it was going to be connected to 3.1 by its momentum,

but the US and North are said to break down It has become a form.

If this makes one mistake,

the Lame duck of Moon Jae-in administration will start.

For him,

this 31st year is sometimes the 100th anniversary,

but It think it was necessary to maintain political power

and avoid Lame duckling .



He have to do it in a big way.

Is it anti-day ?



The only major factor that can bring people together

in Korea is anti-japan.

That's why everyone uses it.


Korea will use it especially at the end of the administration.


The Japanese side can not stand it any more, but they will continue to do it.

Conversely speaking,

we can not find any other legitimacy of governance

or the source of power .

The Korean president has become weak.

In the past,

it was too strong, so we revised the constitution and weakened it,

but this time it became too weak.

It is usually a stall in the first three years in the first five years.


there are also those who committed suicide

who do not know what will happen after the president quits .

It's a horrible job.




the former president was dragged down and arrested on the way,

saying that he would be served for one term and five years.

They Anything goes in Korea. 

Two reasons why North Korea did not hold

3.1 movement joint event with South Korea


Another point of concern is that there was a talk about

the 100th anniversary event of the Third Movement with North Korea.

That's why it was refused .

I think there are two reasons.

One is the idea of the South when it comes to one or the other.

North is a different idea because it is a premise

that Kim Il Sung did the anti-Japanese war .

It didn't go as planned.

The other is economic support if they want to get out of their throat

if they talk well with the United States.

The United States does not provide economic support,

so there is only Korea and Japan to do it .

If you think about that kind of thing, you might have thought that the relationship

with Japan can not be so embarrassing too .

I think so, and I think that would be the right decision for North Korea.


The Korean President ’s Speech

My impression is rather naive Japanese accusation. "

"Weekly Diamond" March 16 , 2019
Start the Wind of the New Century Opinion 1271


Moon Jae-in There were many media that positively reported

the Korean President ’s speech at the “ 3.1 Movement Commemoration Ceremony”.

"Jiji communication" said "He refrained from criticism of Japan",

"The Mainichi newspaper" under the heading

"President Moon emphasizes the future of cooperation,

avoids criticism against Japan"

"Ahead of direct criticism against Japan, they said,"

We will strengthen cooperation

with Japan for peace on the Korean peninsula "

and call for Japan-Korea cooperation.

The Asahi newspaper reported

that "it showed an attitude to avoid diplomatic friction".





My impression is different.

There is no comment such as "I refrained from critique against Japan"

in the thought and logic that goes through the sentence.


I feel that it was a bottomless Japanese accused of perplexing enthusiasm .

He said roughly as follows.

"(The Japan Imperialism) oppressed the independent army

as a" bandit "and an independent activist as a" thinker. "

At this time, the word "red" was also made.


This is a word that labels all independent activists,

from nationalists to anarchists,

and was the means

by which Japan Imperialism broke through the nation . "

Korea became independent in Japan's defeat.

They call it "release",

"It am from the Japan Imperialist police,"

said, "In the liberated country of the liberated country,"

they pursued and tortured independent activists . "


Japan insisted that "the means to tear off the race "

was embedded in the Korean society and that it survived after independence.

"Many people are defined as" red "

It is the accused of Mr. Moon

that "the family and the bereaved have an unhappy life

while being stigmatized with antisociality" and the curse continues even now.


"Even now,

the word aka is used as a tool to attack,

and the transformed" ideology "is rampant.

It is such a typical pro-day remnant that should be cleared

as soon as possible. "

No matter how you read this,

" Ahead of criticism against Japan "

It may not be " content that calls for Japan-Korea cooperation ".

Moon's criticism goes to anti- Americans as well as anti- Japanese days.

The dynamics of international politics over the Korean peninsula,

It is understood that the intention is to change to the conventional

Japan-US-Korea vs. China-North Korea

and “ Japan-US vs. China-North Korea ”.

An expert on Korean affairs, Mr. Nishioka,

commented on the Internet's "television television" on March 1 .


"On February 27 prior to Mun's speech,

a representative election of the Korea Republic's first opposition party,

the Free Korea Party, was held.

The three candidates accused the Moon administration

of disarmament to the north in security and a socialist policy

in the economy ,

which in turn strongly criticized

that Korea and the liberal democratic regime would be destroyed .

They suspect that the philosophical foundation

of the Moon administration is close to communism .

The counterattack that the "Red" critique developed in such a situation

is Japan's imperialism itself is the previous 3-1 speech of Mr. Moon. "


Mr. Moon appealed that the pro-Japanese group

that should be despised after the Japanese rule was not liquidated

and remained in Korea, and turned into an anti- competitive,

pro-American power (like former President Park Chung-hee)

He formed a military government.

It is nothing but determination that He will wipe out the power .


On the other hand,

the Conservatives end up saying that North Korea ,

"Red," is behind Mr Moon's move.


it is the true meaning of Mun's speech that the expression

is the pro-Japanese evidence influenced by Japanese imperialism.

Mr. Moon does not consider Japan at all.

Mr. Nishioka pointed out.


"On the other hand, Mr. Moon has a big lie .

A total of 2.22 thousand people participated

in the 3.1 Independent Movement in 1919 (Taisho 8 ) and 7500 died.

As a matter of fact,

the National Research Organization of Korea's National Archives Committee announced on February 20 that its latest research results

showed that 103,000 demonstrators and 934 dead died .


Mr. Moon ignored the findings of the national agency and said

it was twice or eight times larger .

The history war against Japan still has the obstinateness to continue . "

By the way,

Asahi Newspaper reported that it was 7,500 dead

as Mr. Moon, ignoring the report

of the National History Editorial Committee composed of experts.

Is this a mistake, a big lie? I want you to tell me.


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