Korea is the turning point
for Korea-Japan relations resettlement










Everyone's voice

Because it is a relationship that Korea broke by itself
If you want to repair, just show apology and sincerity
I think that I can not do it, so it would be amazing to say Break off Relations.

Recommendation 16614 opposite 42


What is the point of reset?

It is over because it is over.

Recommendation 15751 Opposite 37


It is always there that comes to reset many times.
Good at reset.
If you become Reiwa, please feel free to clean up the problem.

Recommendation 12924 Opposite 45


The emotions of the current Japanese people are completely different

from those of the 2002 World Cup.
Every time I became intimate and I got along badly,

The emotions of the current Japanese people are
We can not trust you (The country called Korea).

Since there is no recognition that you have lost trust so far,

it may be possible to write an editorial that you can get along again only

with tip of one's hand.

Recommendation 6088 Opposite 9


Reset and break off (Break off Relations).

Recommendation 5575 Opposite 6


Fake a friendly country
We would like to reset relationship.

Recommendation 5343 Opposite 7


Is it reset?

That's the end .

Thank you very much.

Recommendation 4929 opposite 9


Unless Korea takes a stance of respecting international law,

it will not be possible to reset the current situation.

Recommendation 4337 opposite 3


Reset, and do a dry diplomacy at a distance.

Recommendation 3956 against 10


As a result of turning off the power once and thinking calmly,

I think it would be better if the power is not turned on again.

Recommendation 3859 Opposite 8



Why do you speak when you can't do anything to promise ?

Recommendation 2160 opposite 1


Why are you bringing out the Era and the Emperor?

I want you to stop.
I think it has nothing to do with Break off Relations.
Why do we have to walk in while Korea has all the responsibility ?

Recommendation 2102 opposite 2

If you are in trouble,snuggle to,

You have no bones about breaking your promise.
I will break my promise when I have time . 

Since it was merged, Things to do have not changed.


Recommendation 2077 Opposite 5


Even in the country that was complaining even to  ( Reiwa ) ...
What is the story ...?
It is not a game, so the word "Reset to human relations"

does not change even the era of the era ...

Recommendation 1997 Opposite 0


If you don't want to do anything if you change your Era

and you don't know how convenient it is to say,

why don't you know if it leads to a further decline in credit?

Recommendation 1823 opposite 3


What is the reset?

It's too convenient.
It's been a long time ago .

Recommendation 1633 opposite 2


I would like the Reiwa era to be a new era

in which Japan-Korea relations will be alienated .

Recommendation 1534 Opposite 2


4 From around 5 days ago,

no obvious criticism of Japan could be seen in any Korean newspaper.
This morning, the "intimidation flight act"

has also been contingent on the "close flight case".
Articles that look at Japanese characters stand out

for economic comparisons aimed at stimulating the country

and calls for exploring ways to improve relations.
Every day the media following the instructions pointing to the right

and to the right while writing on each paper self-inspired look

at the daily newspaper for the ridiculousness

of criticizing the old-fashioned nation.

Recommendation 1361 Opposite 7


Only this time is the limit of patience!
I do not think that it is necessary to continue useless diplomatic relations

with Zuluzuru.
Once you break the relationship and think about the need and need again?
I think the Japanese side is unnecessary .

Recommendation 1336 Opposite 3


I'm going to reset it and have something to do with it in the first place .

I understand.

Recommendation 1195 Opposite 2

Korea will try to reset inconvenient things,
but the victim business will continue for 1000 years .
I do not think that such a convenient thing goes through.
Recommend 328 opposite 0 deleted
There is no need to reset.
Japan follows the path of Japan, and South Korea follows the path
 of South Korea.
If it is decided that it is best to have alienated relationships
 that are not related to each other.
Recommendation 283 opposite 1 delete
Which of the two was the cause of the worst relationship
 between Japan and Korea
 by "self-controling mutual blame and emotional stimulus"?
It seems likely to be an idiot, but I wrote before,
but it is the one who put on fire in Korea ,
and the extinguisher cooperated in Japan and Korea,
and it's funny no matter who thinks it.
It seems like you are planning to make a visit,
but is it a visit to the world's best anti-Japanese country ?
So do you go
Recommended 281 opposite 0 deleted
A state whose chief of three rights demands an apology for a majesty
who is not involved in politics, or who arbitrarily changes the name
to " Japan King " etc. uses Japan's substitute (MIYOGAWARI)
for relations It is really exciting to talk about break down improvement.
Recommended 257 opposite 0 deleted
Do you also think that Japan-Korea relations can be reset?
Don't be sweet.
Once you get here, it's "It is no use crying over spilt milk."
Recommendation 224 Opposite 1 delete
It seems that you understand that the Japan-Korea relationship
 has fallen into the abyss, but the ones that fell into the abyss are you.
It rages Japan one after another, but it is a fool who can not be saved yet.
Recommended 193 opposite 0 deleted
Reset Hey ... Japan-Korea Basic Treaty, Kono talks, Murayama talks,
Asian women's fund, comfort women's agreement,
apologize for all being neglected, apologize, is it good reset?
So, when you get into trouble, reset the situation even worse
in Japan and Korea ( Yon'iru )
 ( An act that seeks to gain technology, funds, etc. from Japan (people)
while performing anti-Japanese domestically and abroad ) What?
Want to be friends with such people or think in the opposite position?
Recommended 190 opposite 0 deleted
reset? It is impossible because the situation has fundamentally changed
 with the past this time.
What has changed?
Many Japanese people build Korean Peninsula residents and society
 built there with the help of the Japanese version of the Korean media,
 such as the North South Korea's principle of thinking
and behavior that lies and fakes , does not keep promises , irresponsibility, transfers responsibility I was able to learn directly
 that I was full of.
Asahi, every day, the truth which is not reported in Tokyo.
Recommendation 185 opposite 1 delete
Do not you understand that intimidation and thief Korea is the cause ?
Nothing changes if Korea does not change!
Recommend 163 Ops 0 Deleted
Reset after "the anti-Japanese history view" and smile.
Recommended 161 opposite 0 deleted
BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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