Why did "the emperor allergy" suddenly spread in Korea




Why Did"EmperorAllergy"suddenly spread in Korea



In Korea,

it is common to call the Japanese Emperor Emperor " ( Japan King )" ,

but in fact in the past the " emperor " designation was used in Korea .

When and why did you change to "Japan King"?

A Korean non-fiction writer, Che_SYoung,

who commented on “The Pathology of Korean“ Anti-Japanese Fake ””, explains.


* * *


An expression generally used in Korea

as a word representing the Japanese Emperor is " Japan King ".

If someone used the expression the emperor, criticism would soon occur.

And if it becomes a disturbance,

it will be transmitted to Japan through media immediately.

Japanese who saw the report will come

to have a " negative image " to Korea .


As for this, the former newspaper writer Yoshifumi Wakamiya

of Asahi newspaper was called “pro-Korean school” in Korea, wrote “

Don`s selfishly” in a contribution column to Korea Daily on August 12 , 2015.

It should be a feeling that almost all Japanese were be insulted

by the designation " Japan King ".



If possible,

let the Korean government and all the media summarize their opinion

and declare that it will be called "the Emperor. "

That alone, the image of Korea in Japan must be much better , "he said,

calling for a formal call as the Emperor.

First, It will give an overview of this problem.

First of all, the rejection response to the word " emperor " shown

by Korean society is not natural . 

For in the past, there was no antipathy against the expression "

the emperor " at all .

Among the Japanese,

It seems that many people think that Koreans who are hurt

their self-esteem feel disgusted just

by looking at the word "emperor".
That is a misunderstanding.

Korea used the expression "the emperor "

for several decades even after the war ,

and it was accepted as a very common expression .

Of course,

it is hard to move the fact that the “past” under Japanese rule

has damaged Korean self-esteem.

Therefore, when the word "the emperor" is taken up in news and newspapers,

usually, bad images of Japan, such as Japanese rule of Korea

and the Pacific War, have been added.


even with such articles, Koreans can assert

that there was no resistance to the word " emperor " itself .

It was used so naturally in newspapers and broadcasts .



one day after the end of the war several decades,

what was the cause of the new "Empire Allergy" that occurred suddenly?

The Korean media will try to explain its origin

in the "forced fingerprint impression to South Korean national living in Japan "

of Japan.


Fingerprint coercion against Japanese Koreans in South Korea

( SouthKorean national living in Japan ) and rejection of Koreans

in South Korea ( SouthKorean national living in Japan ) are reported in Korea,

and it is against the "Emperor" from the time

when their feelings towards Japan deteriorate.

It is a claim that an antipathy has arisen .


1989 When, in 1989 , South Korean national living in Japan had a problem

with the fingerprint impression of his brother,

when the feelings against Japan became worse,

the mass communication began to write “Japan King (Japan King)”,

and the middle between the emperor and Japan king

They have also used the designation " 日皇(Japan Hwang )"


(Kyogo Newspaper May 14 , 1998 )

The problem of fingerprint impression is the movement that Koreans

and Koreans ( South , North Korean national living in Japan )

in Japan in the 1980s spread by rejecting fingerprint impressions

of foreigners' registration documents .


Some Korean Koreans in Japan ( South · North Korean national living in Japan )

protested against "discrimination" and developed into a social movement.

The Kyosyo Shimbun stated that this incident

has worsened Japan's sentiment toward Japan,

and from this time it has begun to be written as "Japan King".

But this is not the case.

Even if you look for an article in 1989 ,

the fingerprinting rejection movement was reported only briefly in Korea,

but there was no reaction to this that Korean society became angry

or connected to anti-Japanese sentiment.

From the viewpoint of Korea, the rejection of fingerprints

was nothing more than

a small " happening " that occurred on the other side of the sea .


And It can not be convinced that the name "Japan King"

has come to be used for anti-Japanese sentiment.

Speaking of anti-Japanese sentiment,

it was much more intense at the time of the Japan-Korea anti-normalization

demonstration in 1965 ,

which was promulgated to martial law,

but the word “the emperor” was used without any resistance thereafter.

So , when did Korea start calling

from “the emperor” to (Japan King)?

The cause was the 1989 "The Emperor Passed away ".


How does "the emperor" change to (Japan King)


You can find interesting results if you search the past database using

"Article search" function on Korean portal site NAVER . 

At present, the expression “Japan King” used

by Korean media is increasing at a certain point .

You can see the change at a glance by looking at the next graph.

Kyogo Newspaper, Toa Daily report

Daily in economic newspaper Frequency transition

of " Nichio (Japan King)" and "The Emperor"



Black line (Japan King) Gray line“the emperor”

Created based on Naver article search


Why did the phrase “Japan King”,

which was not seen in Korea until then,

suddenly spread?

Looking at the graph,

the death of Emperor Showa in January 1989 is the turning point .

It began to appear at the time when

the news of the Showa Emperor Demise was transmitted ,

and it increased rapidly with the news of the collapse,

and it became a major name .

And now, 30 years have passed ,

(Japan King) has been completely established,

and "The Emperor " is treated as a bible .


It is not clear why Korea changed its attitude as soon as the curtain

of the Showa era came down.

It was not a complaint of anyone,

nor was it a policy decided by anyone, but a natural flow .

In my opinion,

It think that there was a relationship with " generational change ".

At this time, the class that could be said to be the main force

in each media was " war-born " people in their 30s and 40s ,

and for them

the emperor had only had contact with the newspaper only in the news .


There is a difference in cloud mud from the presence of "the emperor"

remaining in the heads of elementary school

or junior high school students during Japanese rule.

Not a few Koreans who had experienced Japanese rule had disliked

the Emperor.



they may not have had the idea of ​​pulling down their authority

or presence by changing their names.

It is because they are generations who had the same sense of values ,

thinking as the Japanese , or were brought up to have them.

If they feel exhilarating in changing the Emperor into a strange name,

"Japan King," there is no reason to wait for it for 44 years until 1989 .

It is about 1989 that the generation who experienced

the Japanese rule era began to withdraw from the front of society.

The person who reached the end

of the war at the age of 15 was 59 in 1989 .

It is the age when the media companies in Korea are going to retire .

People who know the era of Japanese rule

resigned from the frontlines of Korean society with the word " emperor ".


※ Excerpt from Choi Sogyeong, Che_SYoung ,

“The Pathology of Korea“ Anti-Japanese Fake ”” (Shogakukan)

[Profile] / Born 1972 in Seoul, Korea. Studied Japanese since high school

and majored in Japanese studies at university.

He came to Japan in 1999 and earned a master's degree in education

from a national university graduate school in the Kanto region. 

After completing the graduate school,

he worked in international and development work at Japanese companies

such as GungHo Online Entertainment, and the theater company Shiki.

After that, he turned to a non-fiction writer.

In the book,

“The real reason that Korea wrote“ Korea is an anti-Japanese nation ”,

“The actual conditions of“ anti-Japanese education ”conducted in Korea

written by Koreans” (above, Saitosha),

"The" anti-Japanese monster "was made in this way" (Kodansha) etc.


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