The Korean economy “collapse”
GDP is the lowest after the Lehman shock!

Seek Japanese companies to save ...






We can not stop the slowdown of the Korean economy .

Real gross domestic product ( GDP , preliminary figures)

in the January-March quarter of this year fell by 0.3% compared

to the previous quarter to negative growth ,

reaching the lowest level since the 2008 Lehman shock.

Corporate performance is also down and employment is continuing

to deteriorate .


President Moon Jae-in,

who seeks salvation from the Japanese government and companies over

this period,

but the Japanese side is extremely distrustful about

the Korean wartime workers” and can not recover. .

Negative growth is mainly due to a 10.8 % decline in capital investment

and a 2.6 % decline in exports .

According to the Korea Bank (central bank) officials,

“The sluggish semiconductor market affected the supply interruptions caused

by the late industrial agreement on Hyundai Motors,” said Yonhap News.

This economic slowdown

"It's like the Moon administration's correspondence book.

In a five-step evaluation, it will be about" 2 ""

According to Mr. Katsumi Muroya,

a journalist familiar with the Korean situation.

About the background which took the failure point

"It reflects the current situation in which the psychology

of entrepreneurs is abating due to the anti-liberalization policy

of the Moon administration.

Although there are no external factors such as semiconductor malfunction,

there are still domestic factors.

Capital investment reflecting the economic outlook is also sluggish. "

It was the lowest figure since the October-December 2008 (down 3.3%)

hit by the Lehman shock,

but this time the global financial crisis has not occurred .


the situation facing the Moon administration

can be said to be even more serious .


according to Chosun Ilbo, Yoon Doo Han,

the chief secretary of the Korean presidential office

" External economic factors may be cited as the main cause "

And It do not admit the economic mismanagement .

On the contrary,

it is like setting up a task force to disseminate good indicators

in the South Korea's presidential palace ,

so it is like trying to change items

in the communication list without trying to improve the results.

Corporate performance is also weak.

The semiconductor business leader SK Hynix 's consolidated performance

in the January-March quarter showed operating income down 68% YoY .

The largest Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

also saw a 60% drop in operating profit in the January-March quarter,

and the high-tech industry,

which should be the driving force of the Korean economy ,

suffered a major downturn.

Iron and steel giant Posco also reduced its operating profit

by 19% in the first quarter .

The modulation of major companies has been a blow to employment in Korea.

It is reported that LG Electronics,

a leading electronics company after Samsung,

will stop producing smartphones in Korea

and move its production base to Vietnam.

The main automotive industry as well as high technology is also tough .

According to the Korea Statistical Office,

the number of people working in the car and trailer manufacturing industry

as of October last year was 496,000 ,

down 41,000 from the same period last year.

Korea's media reported it was the worst ever

since it was the first decline since it started tabulating with the current method.

While domestic investment has fallen, it is natural to seek foreign investment,

but here the failure of diplomacy, such as the Moon's anti-Japanese policy,

is holding its foot.

Moon held a round-table conference for the first time since

he took office as president,

inviting the owners of foreign-owned companies including Nikkei.

To Japanese business people

He said he appealed for investment in Korea,

saying that

" economic exchange and politics should be taken separately ."


Japanese companies are keenly aware of the risk

of advancing into Korea,

with Korea making a number of unreasonable judgments

for Japanese companies

in a lawsuit against “Korean wartime workers” one after another.


Mr. Murotani mentioned above,

"It's more like a speech conference than a roundtable,

and the president himself has not changed

the perception that the economy is " solid . "

It is not only Japan's and Korea's diplomatic relations that are chilling,

but it is the fact that foreign countries do not think Korea well ,

and foreign countries including Japan do not invest in Korea, "

it is pessimistic.

At the Japanese-Korean Foreign Minister's talks on the 23rd of this month,

Korea 's Minister Kim Young-chil,

Northeast Asian Director General of the 20 countries and regions (G20)

will open in Osaka in June,

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Moon Suggest a summit .


the Japanese side showed a negative attitude

that "the prime minister who will chair

the summit meeting has limited time ."

The Korean side seems to have the economic world's intention

that the Japan-Korea relationship should be normalized early

due to the economic downturn,

but in addition to the Korean wartime workers litigation issue,

the embargo on Japanese food will be continued

Japan can not receive it as it is .

The approval rate of President Moon, announced by Korea Gallup on the 26th,

was 44%, down 4 points

from the previous week, and the disapproval rate was 47%, up 5 points.

"There is no doubt that the outcome of GDP works negatively

for the Moon administration."

And Mr. Murotani.

Neither the Korean economy nor the Moon administration

can not find material to lift .


Everyone's voice

It is not something I knew what the Korean economy would be like .
I think that sanctions should be triggered at this timing .

Recommendation   28986   Opposite   151


Korea am arrogant.

Please go ahead with what you need to solve.

Well, I won't help if I solve it

Recommendation   22414   Opposite   120



Recommendation   18824   Opposite   142


When in need of asking Japan for salvation ?
Did you forget that your country do to Japan during this time?
There is a good deal.

Recommendation   9826   Opposite   12


Japan will sanction sanctions at this timing .

Recommendation   8336   Opposite   14


Let's pray for Korea bankruptcy as it is

Recommendation   7403   Opposite   11


After all, Moon Jae-in is wonderful.

Deterioration of the domestic economy, diplomacy is a series of major failure,

especially good

was to activate anti-Japan activities and destroy Japan-Korea relations,

and there will be no other president.

From now on,

the unemployment rate will increase and aging will progress ,

and it seems that the ship of Korea will sink .

Just like Captain Sewal at the end of the administration,

he might evacuate quickly.

Recommendation   6892   Opposite   7


If you are in trouble with money, you should take the foreclosed money.

Recommendation   6306   Opposite   23


The genius Munmun's ability is not this mon ...
Reunification with the north and break with Japan are also half way ...
If you are in trouble with the economy, it would be nice if you set the government.

Recommendation   5839   Opposite   17


It will be absorbed in the north soon, so it doesn't matter.

Recommendation   5785   Opposite   10

BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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