Compensation will affect the business
of Japanese and Korean companies

Korean Korean Workers' War Trial Feature






Japanese companies are closely watching the Korean Supreme Court's proceedings.

If it is decided that Nippon Steel & Sumikin will be liable for compensation,

the possibility that the plaintiff's case will be ruled out will increase

for other Japanese companies such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

and Fujikoshi who have similar trials.

If they do not respond to the reparations,

there is a possibility that the property in Korea will be seized .



"The Korean-Korean wartime worker issue is completely solved

by the Japan-Korea claim agreement .

It am convinced that the Great Court

(the Supreme Court) will make the right decision. "

With the ruling on 30th , Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal emphasizes:



since the Supreme Court decided in 2012

that "right to claim personal compensation was effective"

and that Nippon Steel Corp. (at that time)

and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries were liable for compensation,

the flow of charges against Japanese companies has intensified. .

In July 2001,

in the appellate court, which was a high court in Seoul and a high court

in Busan, the two companies ordered a compensation

of 80 million to 100 million won (about 10 million yen) per person.


In October 2014,

the Seoul Central District Court ordered machine tool manufacturer Fujikoshi

to pay the same amount.

According to a support group for Korean Korean wartime workers,

as of August this year,

15 trials are in progress against about 70 companies including

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal, Fujikoshi,

Yokohama Rubber, Sumiishi Holdings, Hitachi Zosen and others.

It is. There are nearly a thousand plaintiffs in total.


Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal will be forced to decide

whether it will accept compensation if it is ordered by the court on the 30th .

The company says, "I can not answer the assumption."

Plaintiffs will also consider holding off their assets,

but they think there are no significant assets in Korea,

and some say that they are practically difficult.


There are more than 220,000 Korean Korean wartime workers declared

to the Korean government .

If the ruling of the plaintiffs wins this time,

the lawsuit for seeking compensation

from There may also be more lawsuits seeking compensation

from Japanese companies.


If Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal develops into a situation where assets

and claims are seized without responding to reparations,

the business environment of Japanese companies

in Korea will be greatly impaired .

The adverse effects extend not only to Japanese companies ,

but also to Korean companies with transactions.


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