Disappointing Neighbors-Korea's
"Human Rights Offensive" and "Japan Disrespect"-


(Jichi News Outside Shinbu Editorial Committee Member,

Former Director of Seoul Branch Kenichi Yoshida)







There is no "pain division"


Korean wartime workers,

Comfort Women Foundation dissolved,

Radar radiation.

There is no doubt that Korea has created the kind

of recent confrontation .

Korea changed its situation by creating its own problems,

Taking into consideration that the Japanese side “overreacts”

and bringing it to the

A strategy comes to light: "We are Even".


It is unclear whether it is intentional or accidental,

But The Japanese side should be cautious not to get caught.

It is said that the Moon Jae-in administration has to respond

to public opinion denying the previous administration of Park Geun-hye

There may be domestic circumstances,

but it is not acceptable to bring it into a relationship with Japan.


On the Korean side,

due to the Korean wartime worker issue, the Korean and Japanese

Create a fund with "2 plus 1" excluding "2 plus 2"

and the Japanese government,

Plans to compensate for Korean wartime workers

and survivors are being considered.



the claim agreement is the root of Japan-Korea relations ,

Moving this will open the Pandora's Box.

Japan should be in a position

where " We are Even " and no compromise can be made.


As the Korean side points out,

the gap between Japan and South Korea's national power is shrinking,

If Japan does not face each other seriously,

it will be put on the other party's pace .

The appeal of human rights and humanitarianism in Korea

It is also true that there are aspects

that are easily accepted by the international community ,

If you rely on international decisions,

such as the International Court of Justice, be cautious.


Lead to the globally influential Korean pop culture

It would be painful to hear about the information dissemination

of the Korean government using image strategy.

It feel that some passing between Japan and Korea is attributable

to differences in nationality between the two countries.


Emotional expression is particularly contrasting,

"The Japanese say only one when thinking ten,

But Koreans say 10 when one is considered .


The comments of Korean key people

when criticizing Japan and the media coverage

For Japanese people, it feels more than real.


Korea's explicit Japanese accusations tend to stimulate Japanese emotions.

And the Japanese side also stimulates Korea and becomes an exchange,

We have fallen into a "zero sum game" of winning or losing.

The brutal accused battle seen on the Internet etc. produces only hate.

The attitude required of Japanese people is different

from the criticism from Korea etc.


Learn the correct history, including after the war,

When it should be said , isn't it clear statement ?

Treat Korean workers during the war as a domestic issue,

centering on Korean experts

It is said that the Korean government is considering

a plan to compensate the plaintiff.


There are also Korean media

who understand Japan's circumstances and make realistic thoughts.

Although It have lived in Korea for a long time,

It feel that there are many people who are friendly

to Japan among general Koreans.


While cherishing these people,

the recent Korean government's offensive against

Japan has not made easy compromises,

It think that continuing to explain Japan's position to the world

is also beneficial to Japan-Korea relations in the long run.



Why does the Japan-Korea relationship deteriorate?



Emerging "morning problem"


At the end of 2018,

the Japan Self-Defense Force P1 patrol aircraft off the Noto Peninsula

in the Sea of ​​Japan

The problem of being bombarded

with radar control from a Korean Navy destroyer is

It had a big impact on Japanese government officials.


Radar irradiation is a movement based on an attack,

which can lead to unforeseen situations

It is obvious that it is a very dangerous act.

The two countries that should work in close cooperation in dealing

with North Korea's nuclear and missile issues,

If you make a mistake,

you must take seriously the fact that there was a risk of collision .

Japan-Korea relations have been rapidly cooling since the fall of 18th.


Korea Supreme Court rulings that ordered compensation

for Korean wartime workers

The Korean government decided to dissolve

the One-sided Comfort Women Foundation ,

Landing to Shimane Prefecture and Takeshima

by Korean Parliamentarians, etc.


There are problems one after another that are unacceptable for Japan .

On the Maritime Self-Defense Forces, in October 2006,

it became a ship in the international watch ship type in Korea

It is requested by the Korean side not to raise the rising sun flag .

There is also a history of seeing off Japan's participation.


Under these circumstances, the 15-year Japan-Korea agreement

on the issue of comfort women is not said to be destroyed,

It is a de facto, Japan-Korea agreement destroyed.

That the Japan-Korea comfort women's agreement has not been realized.

On earth, why did the relationship get worse so far?


For background,

It repeatedly exchanged views with Korean diplomats and discussed them.

What has emerged from there is the issue of the Korean side's feelings.

Especially for former comfort women,

to restore dignity and heal wounds

In terms of whether the true measures were taken

or the apology based on the true reflection was done,


It is said that the public opinion which stands against is strong.

It is pointed out that "the historical recognition" of the past is to boost it.

In 18 years,

President Moon Jae-in repeatedly held summit talks

with North Korean President Kim Jong-un

North-south relations have greatly improved from military tensions.

The change in attitude towards Japan may be influenced

by the self-confidence of the administration.


It think there are also many local governments

that are closely connected to Korea, such as by inbound.

The further deterioration of the relationship only benefits the hostile state.

The diplomat will surely have the same idea. (L)

(From JJ News Agency " Local Government ", January 17 , 2019 )


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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