Won's exchange rate is strange




Won's exchange rate is strange

Won's exchange rate is strange 2




Korea's exchange rate is showing a tough move.

Won dollar exchange rate (the higher the price, the cheaper the won)



The source is the exchange rate corner of "DAUM".


The reason for this rapid movement is that the most directly affecting factor

is that Korea 's one-minute ( Jan- March)

economic growth was negative ( -0.3% ).



Japan also has a period of negative growth by division,

but the exchange rate is unlikely to move this way.

Why does Korea's negative growth have such a big impact?

It goes without saying

that “ Japan and Korea differ in their basic strengths of the economy

( including currency )”,


but ...

"There has been negative growth in Korea until now,

but This is because there was no negative growth like this one .

What's the difference this time? There is no external factor such as this .


Since the so-called

“IMF relief period,” Korea has recorded negative growth in fractional growth,

all of which are characterized byexternal factors ”.

Kim Dae Jung 3 times

(in the case of IMF influence, dot-com bubble collapse,

North Korea nuclear issue),

Lee Myung-bak government 1 time (in case of global financial crisis).


However ,

after becoming the Moon Jae-in ,

there were negative growth without external factors such as these

( twice in 2017 and 1 in 2019) twice .


<・ ・ The Moon Jane government recorded two negatives

in the absence of special crisis factors.

Although the government put in taxes and pushed up the growth rate,

when budget execution stagnated at the beginning of the year,

the bottom was already visible.

The sooner the tax breaks down as soon as the effect of the tax disappears,

it means that the economic situation of the country is serious .

ttps: //news.v.daum.net/v/20190426031022964


But maybe the data coming out to the front may be better from now on.

It is because "a good data was shown and a corps " was made .


<・ ・ No ・ Yeong Min Presidential Secretary General

"We have to actively inform the outside of positive economic indicators, "

It was found on the 25th that he instructed the Cheong Wa Dae to

form a " task force to inform good indicators ".

It is said.

ttps: //news.v.daum.net/v/20190426031135984


As an aside, "Korea needs 4% growth to maintain the economy."

You don't know who figured it out, it might just be a myth.



people who care about "4% growth"

while discussing the Korean economy are often found unexpectedly.

Real or net.

The last year that Korea exceeded

the annual economic growth rate of 4% was in 2010 .



it is pointed out that this is only a disprovement that the economy

in 2009 was not good,

and it was 5.5% in 2007 that exceeded 4% growth last.

It will grow 2.9 to 3.0% recently.


Negative growth for the first time in two years,

" South Korea's presidential palace " saying

"It is not a policy failure"



The economic growth rate in the first quarter fell by 0.3%

compared to the previous quarter, recording the worst in 10 years .

Following the minus 0.2% of the fourth quarter of 2017,

it is the second time to enter this administration .


Although the quarterly negative growth after the IMF foreign exchange crisis

was only once in the state of SARS

when the Roh Moo-hyun government was inaugurated,

and once in the global financial crisis

when the Lee Myung-bak government was ,

the Moon Jane government is a special crisis factor

In the situation where there was no negative was recorded twice .


Although they pushed up the rate of growth by taxing them,

the bottom became clear as soon as budget execution

became stagnant at the beginning of the year.

It means that the economic situation is so severe

that it falls to negative if the big effect of tax falls.

The presidential office stated,

"For the (bad) external economic environment."

While semiconductors were actually booming,

exports fell for five consecutive months .



the world's economic environment is not bad enough

to do negative growth.

China is expected to outperform its 6.4% growth forecast in the first quarter

(compared to the same period last year),

and the United States is expected to continue

its reliable growth rate in the 2% range (annualized).

Even with most countries maintaining growth,

only Korea has sharply braked its growth .

The Bank and Leading Indices, which show the status of the economy ,

have fallen for the first nine consecutive months

after creating the 1970 statistics.

The fact that the leading economic index,

which will be forecasted in six months,

will fall means that growth will continue to be sluggish .

Unlike the explanation of South Korea's presidential palace ,

negative growth was largely caused by internal causes .

In the first quarter,

capital investment fell by 10.8%

and crashed into the worst in 21 years since the currency crisis.


Production in the manufacturing sector fell

by 2.4% to the worst in 10 years ,

and consumption rose by 0.1%,

the lowest level in more than two years .

Production, investment and consumption,

which are the three axes of economic growth, shrank simultaneously .

There is no one good indicator.

A situation arose that was not even at the time of the oil shock

or currency crisis.


The Park Geun-hye government,

which has experienced the financial crisis and tax revenue deficit

in southern Europe, has also seen no negative growth.


there is a sign that low growth is firmly fixed

by entering the Moon Jane government and suddenly falling into slump.

After all, it can only be a failure of policy .

Excessive labor bias policies ,

such as rapid minimum wage increases, have dampened market vitality .

A series of anti-enterprise keynote,

such as the circumstances of a large corporation,

is breaking the will of the enterprise.


Last year's companies

increased foreign investment while reducing domestic investment .

It means that employment and growth engines

have flowed out of the country avoiding the hostile environment .


The poorly designed income-led growth policy has the opposite effect

of reducing economic vitality and depleting the growth engine .

It has become difficult for the government
to excuse policy legitimacy any more.

Economic experts point out that there is no solution

but to abandon the income-led growth route of anti-market and anti-business,

and to completely revise the economic management trend .


Still, the presidential office side

"I do not agree with the point that policy has failed.

The keynote has not changed. "

It clarified the position.

Reflecting on negative indicators of negative growth,

they will promote strengthening of economic public relations.

The presidential office has fallen into self-righteousness without recognizing

policy errors and there is no way to escape

from the pitfalls of low growth.

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