Korea called "the emperor" only when money is needed






First, I will introduce the article "Daily Economy" of September 12, 1998.



<・ ・ The government

has been drawing attention to the official use of the " Emperor "

name for the Japanese Emperor who is usually called " Japan King "

in the wake of President Kim Dae Jung's visit to Japan .


Park Chi-won,

a spokesman for the Presidential Office of the Republic of Korea,

called “It will interview the Emperor Akihito”

while presenting the official visit of President Kim Dae Jung on the 11th.

Park Spokesperson asked the question for this,

based on the materials provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade,

as if it had been anticipating (that question would come)

"The government has also used the expression"

the emperor in the official documents and speeches to Japan, "he said.


In Japan , until 1986, he used designation, the Emperor

(* Chonfan , Korean reading of the emperor) ,

but in 1996 Japan forced a fingerprint seal against

his fellow Korean national living in Japan

( Korean national living in Japan ) . Emotions worsened ,

and the media began to call it “ Japan King, ” which was reduced to

Japanese King, ” and sometimes used the name

Japan Hwang (Japan, Sulfur ) in consideration of the media .


Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Park Jung-soo was controversial
because he wrote the name "the emperor"
at a meeting with foreigners in May .

However, it is expected that the pros and cons surrounding

this will be rekindled , in part by anti-Japanese groups, etc.,

based on the government's "emperor" designation .


Although the emperor's resurrection of the emperor of the government is a "

diplomatic custom", it is accepted that if you look at Japan as it is,

it also includes the meaning of President Kim . >




In January 1989, when the Emperor Showa was Demise,

Mr. Kim Dae- chuk was greatly beaten

by visiting the Japanese embassies' Showa emperor's Incense-burning plant

and lowering his head .


Compared to other Korean presidents, they seem to have minimal courtesy,

and should they not only understand the official name of the “Emperor”

when visiting Japan from that point of view?

Can also say that.

It do not deny all such views.



as the president "wants to call the emperor",
Is the official name the Emperor?
I think that's a little different,
I do not think that Mr. Kim Dae Jung stuck up there.

This article was written, so-called "IMF entry", that is,

the time when Korea was very hard right after the economic collapse.


Needless to say, it would have

been necessary to ask the Japanese side for assistance

in various ways.


As pointed out in the article, if the name “ Japan King ” was used from 1989,

at least the Korean president after the end

of the military administration used “the emperor” as the official name. ,

"When It went to ask for support" was just.


Of course,

After IMF has never heard

of the Korean government using the emperor

as the official name .

Last but digression ... In Korea, all the people (over 17 years old)

had a resident registration card with fingerprints since 1962.



" Let's laugh and hate "

Mr. Aso Revealed Lively Exchange of Japan-Korea Swap Negotiation Stop

Media accused of "Thoughtless words"


(Takuhiko Tamura, Economic Headquarters)


"He do not return the money He lent "

The Korean media came to mind at a press conference on January 10,

after Mr. Aso's cabinet.
"It's a relationship of trust, so if you don't keep the promised story,

there is a possibility that we won't get back the money we've loaned .

As we at least do not do swap,

the trust relationship has not been improved .

It's getting harder. "

Mr. Aso described the prospect of resuming talks.

If you look at the Korean side's attitude

of ignoring the Japan-Korea agreement that confirmed

the “ final and irreversible solution ” of the comfort women issue,

it seems that the opinion is quite reasonable,

but the Korean media did not feel so.

The Chuo Daily Japanese Edition (electronic version)

on the 11th repulsed the remark
" Korea is not a reliable country "

of"A remark that strongly drifted the nuance ".

In addition, Aso's remarks in the past,

such as "I should learn the constitutional incapacitating manner

of the Nazi government," drew attention, and attacked,

"there is not much history of profanity."

On the 10th, Chosun Ilbo Japanese edition (the same)

also delivered an article under the heading

"Mr. Aso also Thoughtless words  ".

Not only the media but also the South Korean government

has made remarks, according to United Nations news on the 11th,

Korean Foreign Ministry officials regretted that

" responsible politicians should be cautious about their remarks

Expressed their intentions.


as usual, the reaction from Korea and China was taken up further,

and the domestic Japane media criticizing the Japanese government stood still.

■ "When in the middle of a break "

Currency swap is a mechanism that allows one country to exchange money

if one country experiences a currency crisis.

The Korea-Japan currency swap was closed in February 2015 due

to the relationship over Takeshima's territorial disputes

and historical awareness, but the Korean side launched a talk to resume

in the Japan-Korea financial dialogue last August.

The Japanese side also accepted.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Aso revealed

a lively exchange with the Korean side at the time of the meeting.

"I can't say" I'll do something somehow ",

so I said I can't do something like that,

but the Korean side said, " No, I'm fine . It was

I laughed and laughed , that time.

It is the other side ( Korean side ) to cut .

I've said this many times. "

It was famous in the Ministry of Finance that Mr. Aso was furious at the time

of the censoring, but it might have been too angry

to have confessed at an interview .

However, it seems that Korean media did not touch such remarks .

It may be said that " Korea is an unreliable country ".


Although Korea has a currency swap agreement with China,

"China's request" is becoming difficult over the domestic deployment of the US military's

"High Altitude Defense Missile (THAAD)".

Furthermore, in addition to Britain's withdrawal

from the European Union (EU) ,

the risk of a currency won crash and foreign currency outflow

is squeezing again due to interest rate hikes in the United States

and "Trump market".

On January 28, the central daily Japanese edition (same) posted a column

of experts saying, “Korea should prepare

for the possibility of the 'second IMF crisis'”.

"The economic situation is worse than at the time of the 1997 IMF crisis,

" which received a loan from the IMF for lack of foreign currency.

"If Japan say please to borrow,

Even South Korea may be Go ahead borrow"

A word that Korean side said at the time of discontinuation
"Korean Thoughtless words"

But it should smelling in the absurd"....
BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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