The Sewer memorial monument was set up,
is Gwanghwamun really appropriate?
2019/04/21 Michael Brin Former Seoul Foreign Press Club Club Assoc
/ Chosun Ilbo Japanese Edition
On the 16th of April,
the city of Seoul will set up and release a “memory /
safety display space” at Gwanghwamun Square that honors
the dead of 304 people.
Seoul City plans to repair Gwanghwamun Square next year,
and it has not yet been decided whether this facility will be due or permanent.

The 2014 Sewold accident was extremely spectacular.

The fact that most of the victims were children

who attended the same school also became a factor in deepening sadness.

Therefore, no one has any complaints about putting

the public budget to honor the 304 people who died at that time in this way.


People who frequently go to Gwanghwa Gate should be used

to the Sewold tent, which is built south of Gwanghwamun Square.

For the past five years,

our children also played well in the fountain next to the Sewold tent.


Nevertheless, It wonder if this place is a proper place to play.

In any case, this is not a suitable space for the Sewal memorial facility to enter.


There are three reasons to oppose it.


First of all,

Gwanghwamun Square is the most famous public space in Korea.

A bronze statue of King Sejong and General Lee Seung-shin,

the most respected great people in Korean history, has been built.

The facilities for honoring the ship accident victims are not suitable f

or the theme of Gwanghwamun Square, which they symbolize.

There is certainly a more relevant and meaningful space

for entering a memorial facility than here.



Seoul City is trying to set up the Sewer's memorial space here because

of the unique concept of Korea ,Koreans are victims ”.

I think these frames have already shown a big gap with reality.


The state does not necessarily have to express

the state spirit through a monarch or a military hero.

It agree with the allegations to honor ordinary people.

One day It hope that a bronze statue of the ordinary people

who rescued the country from poverty while standing up

with sweat will stand.

Young generations of this country honor the generation

of their parents and grandparents

"Give everlasting gratitude to the greatest generation of this country"

It is a bronze statue that must be built with the dedication of


But there is a tendency in this country

to appeal as a victim of the evil " others ",

which makes it tempting to feel that it is moral.


This is

the reason why we see the image of a girl of a comfort woman

in front of the Japanese embassy .

There is no precedent as diplomatic history

to protest 80 years ago in this way.

Japan and South Korea are both democratic states,

which may be more unusual given the fact that they are close friends.



those who sleep in the tent next to the girl's statue and those

who repeat the demonstration at lunch every Wednesday

think of themselves as justice .

It feel that they represent Korea as a victim.


If every one of them becomes

so, even public officials support this attitude of the public

and think like the public.

They even think of Korea as a poor country in the third world.

In the real world,

Korea has already become one of the richest

and most important countries in the world.


This is exactly the third reason It oppose building t

he Sewer memorial at Gwanghwamun Square.

It feel that the victims

of the Sewold are being used

for domestic political intentions to split off nationalism .



Last year,

President Munjaein celebrated its fourth anniversary

of the Sewold disaster and

"We have been reborn since the tragedy of the Sewold"

"Candle demonstrations and the new Korean determination also started

with the Sewold"

I shook it.


What does "new" Republic of Korea say that President Moon says?

Korea is already a democracy, already a member of G20

(20 countries and regions), and a developed country.

The Sewor accident highlighted the fact that the shipping industry

is still at a loss of corruption and that

the crisis response capabilities are lacking .


However, what is the “new” Republic of Korea that began with the Sewal?

The meaning put in the president's words is that the opposition party

at the time when the leader had been absent

and divided before the Sewell now holds power,

and the ruling party at that time is now divided

without the leader. It feel I'm just doing it.


Many supporters of the Moon have given the impression

that all the leaders of the Republic of Korea prior to Moon were corrupt.

The incumbent government has decided

that "the predecessor is dirty and we are pure."



the recent misdeeds that are heard and those that are likely

to be heard over the next three years will show

the fact that this is not always the case.


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