Lawyers from Vietnam and Korea demand “Study of the Vietnamese slaughter”

4/18 ( Thurs ) Ko Hansol Press









Vietnamese lawyers and Korean lawyers all

asked the Korean government to investigate the realities

of the Vietnamese civilian slaughter case .

The Seoul District Bar Association is together with the lawyers

who belong to the Vietnam Lawyers Association at the bar hall in Seocho-gu,

Seoul on the 17th.

" A joint statement on the Vietnam War civilian casualty case "

was announced .


Founded in 1955 ,

the Vietnam Association of Lawyers

is a lawyer association representing Vietnam

with more than 63,000 lawyers and legal scholars.


The six lawyers,

including Zuong Tan Pak, vice chairman of the Vietnam Lawyers Association

and Chung Pan Kang, visited Korea directly to issue a joint statement.

According to a joint statement,

they have developed various activities focusing

on the Korean and Vietnamese private sectors in connection

with the Vietnam War civilian casualty incidents,

but the Korean government's dimension of investigation

and damage recovery measures have been insignificant. "

And pointed out.


Continuing on,

Surveying the truth about the Vietnam War civilian casualty incident

is a cornerstone to realize

the universal value of humanity such as human rights and peace ,

and it is an opportunity to strengthen the future-oriented relationship

between the two countries on historical truth. right"


"It's also a way to bring out a complete historical assessment

of the casualties and suffering of the military personnel," he said.

Park Jong-woo, chairman of the Seoul District Bar Association,

and Zuong Tan Pak, vice chairman of the Vietnamese Association of Lawyers,

read the full text of the joint statement sequentially in Korean and Vietnamese.


They have signed a joint statement,

calling for the Korean government to embark on investigations

and recovery measures against the Vietnamese civilian casualties.

On March 4 , 103 civilian slaughter victims at the time of the war

with Vietnam submitted a petition to the Cheong Wa Dae

for a related fact-finding investigation.


This is the first time civilian victims have requested

the Korean government to investigate the truth through direct writing .



Mr. Unwen Titan, a survivor of the Phong Nhi genocide in Vietnam
Unwen Titan (same name and same name)

of Hami village massacre case survivor,
Together with the Bar Association f

or the Democratic Society and the Korea Peace Foundation
They held a press conference in front of the Cheong Wa Dae Fountain

in Seoul ongno Chongno (Jongnog),


"The Vietnam game ended in 1975 , but our pain is not over .

Of course,

I have not received any apologies

from the Korean government responsible.

" We definitely want you to answer the urgent demands

of Vietnamese petitioners."

Voices calling for the investigation of the facts

of the Vietnamese war slaughter case have been continuously centered

on private organizations,

but the government is still silent and not responding .


In April of last year,

a civil peace court was held to investigate the slaughter of civilians

by the Korean army at the war against Vietnam.


Through the information disclosure lawsuit,

it was also confirmed that the torture record investigating

the Korean army responsible for the massacre

of civilians torture record was kept at the National Intelligence Service .


President Moon Jain visited Vietnam last March in Vietnam

"We express our regret over the unfortunate history

of our two countries in our hearts"

It is said that the Korean government

has Not acknowledged the fact that the Korean military slaughter

of Vietnamese civilians , and has not officially apologized for this .


The National Intelligence Service ,

which is presumed to have kept civilian killings records ,

refused to disclose information despite the court's final decision.

The Korean military dispatched about 312,000 people to Vietnam

from September 1964 to 1972. During this period,

there were over 80 Vietnamese slaughters by the Korean military,

and the number of victims was over 9,000. It is guessed to reach.


The Seoul District Bar Association and the Vietnamese Association

of Lawyers issued a joint statement seeking investigations against victims

of Vietnam's war against slaughter and victims' protection

at the bar hall in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the 17th



Everyone's voice

Moon will not be familiar.
I want Vietnam to do my best.

Recommendation   2010   Opposite   5


Korea have to apologize for thousands

of years until the other person says it is good .

Recommendation   1919   Opposite  5


I wish I could face history, ...
Even if you make a mistake, do not pretend to investigate and hide it.

Recommendation   1745   Opposite   14


It is better to examine not only slaughter but also rape by Korean soldiers.

Recommendation   805   Opposite   1


Did it finally move?
Good luck Vietnam!

Recommendation   736   Opposite   2


While appealing to the world the issue of comfort women against Japan

Are you aware of your own atrocities ?
I thought once again that this is the reality

of Korea and a self-centered self-directed policy

in line with my own circumstances.
I want this to be an opportunity

for people in the world to notice and change public opinion.

Recommendation   679   Opposite   1


Just boomerang.

Recommendation   675   Opposite   1


It is not only a slaughter.

Recommendation   642   Opposite   1


It is estimated that the number of Korean civilian military slaughters

by the Korean military has reached 80

and the number of victims has reached 9 thousand.
If the victim is Korean , the number of the victim

will be more than doubled next year.

Recommendation   584   Opposite   1


Unfortunately, don't expect

South Korea to come up with an official statement

a few years ago, and not the ability to investigate decades ago

Recommendation   433   Opposite   1


Speaking to the main victims in Korea .


Syngman Rhee


"Japan should take full responsibility for compensation."



Chun Doo-hwan

"A person in a weak position
Usually, Ihefeel a twist against rich people and strong people,
Sometimes I am misled even if the other side is generous.
Therefore strong people, rich people will lose some
I want you to have a generous feeling. "



No Tae-woo

"There is also a common understanding

of who the perpetrators are and who the victims are.

It is self-evident how it is correct.

The truth of history is never erased or forgotten. "


Kim Young-sam

"It is a lie to beautification of the past history and to make it ignorance

It will never be worthwhile for Japan itself.
Not in order never for Japan its self.
I will try to fix Japan's bad habit this time "



Kim Dae-jung


"I was shocked to the heart.
If it is processed incorrectly,

I strongly fear that the relationship
between the two countries will be adversely affected. "



Roh Moo-hyun


"Depending on the attitude, the trust from neighboring countries will also differ.

You must be frank in the past,

By doing so, we can shake the past and go to the future for the first time. "



Lee Myung-bak

"The Japanese government should take measures
that are not legal but humanitarian.

If you come to say a word such as regret deeply concern,
There is no need to visit Korea.
Before all the independence activists of Korea left this world,
Apologize from the bottom of your heart. "



Park Geun-hye

"The historical position of perpetrators

and victims does not change even after a thousand years of history."

"The last chance to get forgiveness now"

"Look straight ahead of history and make an effort

to heal the scars left by history"



Moon Jae-in

"Do not say that the perpetrator's Japanese government ended

with the comfort woman problem."


xoˈse oɾˈteɣa i ɣaˈset Jose Ortega y Gasset .


"Performing democracy with the dead" is, so to speak,
the wisdom of civilization

"The existence of the dead"

Countless unnamed dead.

The existence of "dead people" who have already passed away this world,

It can be said that it is a constraint on the present and future.


" Constraints from the dead "

There are things that should not be done,

even if the people who live today have decided .

Do not violate human rights that should be protected .

Even if the Laos dam collapsed,

neither apology nor responsibility was taken .


Tổng thống mặt trăng Đập LàoKhông có lời xin lỗi

Moອຸປະຕິເຫດເຂື່ອນ ຄໍາສັບຂອງຄໍາແກ້ຕົວແມ່ນ ບໍ່ແມ່ນ





BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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