[The first anniversary of the first anniversary
of the first issue of the first issue ]
The Korean army also operated 'comfort women'
( sexual slaves ) 2


ttp: //koreanworld3.web.efu c2.com/enjoylogs 2 / 2007-03 / 20070312-145137.html








大韓民国の管理売春、韓国軍性奴隷部隊 1

大韓民国の管理売春、韓国軍性奴隷部隊 2

大韓民国の管理売春、韓国軍性奴隷部隊 3

大韓民国の管理売春、韓国軍性奴隷部隊 4

大韓民国の管理売春、韓国軍性奴隷部隊 5



5 Former Army Chief of Staff General for the 5th Chon Il Gun

( 丁一権 정일권 )

It is presumed to be one of the core officers of the Korean War,

a special tortor who set up a special comfort corps ( sex slave unit )

that imitated the Japanese comfort women's system

at that time in the Korean army.

General Army Chiefs of Staff at the time of establishment and operation

of a comfort center ( sex slave department sex service center )

5th Chon Il Gun ( Chon · irugu ~ on ) General Manager ( 1950.6-1951.6)

6th LLee Jong-chan ( 李鍾贊,이종찬 ) General Manager (1951.6-1952. 7)

7th Peku ・son'yopu백선엽,ペク・ソンヨプ、白善燁

general (1952.7-1954. 2)

8th Choong Il Gwon (정일권,丁一権 ) General (1954.2-1956 . 6)

and so on .

It is one of the two presidents of Choi Il- gwon

and Lee Jong-chan  at the time of installation estimated in 1951 .

Most of the military leaders who were created in 1948 were

from the Japanese army and the Kanto army,

but the two presidents are all from Japan .


General Gimufio ( 예비역  )

who witnessed the comfort women's system during the Korean War period

(a reserve director director ) "

Some solidarity executives with Japanese military service experience

in the past began with an idea for uplifting their subordinates

" Testimony " provides clues to it .


Kimu · gu ~ ioku (金貴玉 ) Dr. "

Can also be a planner of the establishment of Korean comfort women

( sexual slaves ) can be remedied as a Japanese army

or Kanto army personnel or those affected by him " It becomes clear .

The extra actors are at once a reflection

of the fact that President Lee Jong-chan had been regarded

as a ' really a symbol of military personnel '

who emphasized military and political neutrality during

the Busan political wave in 1952. The weight of extra comfort corps

( sex slave unit ) establishment and operation possibilities

will be set large in the direction of the president of Chung irugu ~ on .


At the same time, among Korea's defense ministers,

the second Secretary of the Ministry of Defense

( Shin Seong-mo , Shin Sung -mo ) (1949.3 to 1951.5)

and the third director of the third generation Lee Gi - Beng

( I. Gibung ) (1951.5 to 1952.3 )

It is presumed that one of the ) has approved the installation .

Korean military comfort women ( sex slaves ) , who are these ?

If that were all military comfort women ( sexual slaves ) ,

who are these?

By the way, there is no mention of comfort women ( sexual slaves )

in the existing materials anywhere .

According to Dr.  Kimu · gu ~ ioku( 金貴玉 ), extra comfort women

( sex slaves ) flowed in sex trading (Slave-Trafficking )

during the Korean War,

not least on the date of return in some documents.

There is only an estimate based on the empirical statement that it did .


According to the estimate of Dr. Kim,

who has been interested in the issue of Korean women's comfort women

( sexual slaves )

for the first time since researching the Vietnamese southern people

in Sokcho since 1996 ,

according to an estimate by Dr. Kim The identity and type

of ( sex slaves ) can be divided into several types .

The first thing Dr. Kim looked at was the fact that there were two

forms of comfort women ( sexual slaves ),

although they were small in size,

but the form of recruitment of ' comfort women '

in Japanese militarism .


It was just

the ' unhappy encounter ' of North agents and comfort women

( sex slaves ) .

The first type that Dr. Kim revealed through interviews

with people from the abductions of North agents

who asked for anonymity is the case where they become

' comfort women ' ( sexual slaves ) ' by abduction and rape .


Moon ·  someone (born 1936 )

is a native offshore island at the age of 16 in 1951 .

At the women's alliance meeting, then at night even

before the sea native to that time

Especially in the case of being forced to ' comfort women '

( sexual slaves ' )

after having been robbed by one person ( Lee what, a coward officer ) .


She was abducted by a North Korean dispatch agent

who had been working with intelligence services.

After being raped by one of them

It forced to live a comfort woman (sex slave)

life and gave birth to two children.

Moon and Roh lived together in the women's path,

giving birth to a child of Lee Jong-il,

until the end of the July 1953 ceasefire .

The other women who were abducted together had to cook and their clothes

at noon and wash them at night to become 'sexual slaves' at night.

Such a thing was also handed over ( Slave-Trafficking )

in the neighborhood .

According to Dr. Kim,

a North Korean dispatch agent who abducted Mun, Mr. Li What is

" We're mistaken in bringing comfort women ( sex slaves )

in the unit, but ' that ' are ' Japanese troops '

and No , Japanese comfort women are a problem

because they are Other ethnic groups
So though japanese are not blood-related for korean


It is said that the explanation

for the problem of accomplices comfort women ( sex slaves )

It is said that "He made the explanation dull."


Another case is the case where North Korean dispatch agents

who had fallen with the main unit and had

to cook independently have hired ' comfort women ' ( sexual slaves ' ) .

In her dissertation, Dr. Kim has made this clear

about these identities .

It struggled to find a rumor and went to visit her.

"It have only lived alive while having a hard time giving birth

to children during the war"

And she refused to dictate that there was no more talk to do.


"The North Korean dispatch agent 1 was dismissed

that the extra comfort women ( sex slaves )

were women who professionally sold themselves .
The North Korean dispatch agent agreed here twice .

By the way , all women are comfort women ( sex slaves )

on the island in front of the original that had been dispatched

to North Korea dispatch agent 1 or 2 and came to the island,


Come to the island and Cook the meals with the army
and want you to wash
Then you can buy new money with that money '

It brought to trick the story
And Agent 2 said other diffrent testimony.


When being told that he could do ' it ' ,

Agent 2 went wrong and gave testimony .

As a war widower suffering life hardship while saying

that it became her kind of ' military laborer '

was an option for military comfort women ( sex slaves )

happened in a compelling situation that can not be denied

It was the same .

The women who were abducted were not given any choice or refusal .

There was no choice or refusal

to women abducted in a forced situation. "



People Two people's army nurses arrested

by Korean and US forces during the Korean War.

At that time, some of the arrested North Korean women were raped

and forced to become military comfort women ( sex slaves ).


Lee (73), who was a medical college student in 1950 ,

was to become a military comfort woman ( sexual slave )

by abduction or extortion.

There are other women's cases .

6. 25 Lee was arrested by the military because he remained

in Seoul at the time and cooperated with the People's Army,

and Lee was assigned to four officers of the unit

who was handed over with three other female university students.

It became "allocation" to four officers of the unit.


Fortunately, this is Mr. Lee.

He was released with the help of the officer who thought of himself

The other three girl have never been seen since then .

Although there are not many cases of the role of a virtual military '

comfort women ' ( sexual slave ) ' due to abduction or extortion,

it also appears in the memoirs of reserve generals

who participated in the Korean war .


It is the memoir of the General Gimu Fio (김희오 ) (2000 ),

who was appointed to the Army so-called ( 31st term overall)

in August 1951 and reorganized as the army director in August 1984 .

As soon as August 1951 ,

serving as the Eastern Front Capital Association

( Division Leader Song Yotian ) ,

most of the platoons that the General Gimu Fio ( 김희오 ),

Took part in the Incense burner peak comba, led to that time,


After advancing to Sakai-do, at the time of the Xinnam

withdrawal operation with the intervention of the CCM,

they were in the same area in the south of Vietnam,

and they were mainly local encamped youths

from Zhao Xing-native regional high school .


By the way, at that time, it appears that the Armed Forces

not only male students but also some high school girls went south

of Taking along  ' special ( sexual slave ) purpose ' for Vietnam .