Gim Gwook- Korean military sex slaves in Korean war

It must be solved like a Japanese comfort woman



Therefore, when viewed from front to back,

it is assumed that the record of war history is a mistake,

and the latter "performance statistics table" is estimated to be correct.


Of course, these statistics do not include other

( communities such as Chuncheon, Wonju, Sokcho, etc. )

regional comfort groups .

Anyway, based on the records at that time ,

it would be as follows if the location of comfort

( sex slaves ) and the size were organized by < ticket > .


< Table 1> Installation location and scale of Korean military comfort

( sex slave ) sites


It is impossible to find out who is the subject who has established comfort

( sex slave ) units in the Korean army in < war history > .



the fact that Korean forces led the establishment and operation of comfort

( sex slave ) units can be inferred from the following passage

of < war history > and memoirs of reserve generals.



" Sex services were dispatched at the request of the front line units,

and they acted as sex services for generals

who came and went at the location.

( ...... ) On the other hand,

comfort women ( sex slaves ) received strict medical examinations

of military physicians twice a week with the help of military officers

and took thorough measures against sexually transmitted diseases. "

( < backward war history > )


This is not only fixed sex services where the soldiers at that time visit

sex services but also the Comfort Corps department.

It will visit the unit for sex services

It is a big part of proving that

they also operated a mobile comfort service ( sex services ) .

In addition ,

Korean military comforts were that military physicians conducted

a sexually transmitted disease examination once

a week directly against comfort women ( sexual slaves ) ,

but there were separate women for the officers and women

for the soldiers.

It means that the female ( sex slave ) system has followed

the Japanese military comfort women management system as it is.


General Chae Myung-shin, Choi Myung Shin,

who served as the commander of the Korean army in Vietnam,

was a memoir of his life's memoir < Overcoming the Deadline > ( 1994 )

Unlike the record of the war history,

it is described as operating a medium-sized

to large-scale comfort ( sex services ) site, not platoon size.


This can be the result of a new General who has calculated

the three platoon comfort women ( sex slaves ) personnel

in the Seoul area on a company-wide basis.

Anyway, according to the new General General,

the size of comfort women ( sex slaves ) is estimated

to be 180 to 240 people at that time.


"At the time, our army was operating

three or four special comfort ( sex slave ) units ,

each of which had 60 members, for morale and uplifting .

So, as soon as it was a reserve unit,

all units could use the comfort women pair at the division request.


So the 5 regiments were no exception,
It may fall as a reserve
From the front the topic of generals was all about a military prostitute

(sex slave). "




Performance  "Results statistics table of special comfort ( sex slave ) corps "

in the short term 4285 ( 1952 AD) listed in < Backward War History > .

It has been shown that 89 comfort women ( sex slaves )

" sex services " 200,000 soldiers a year.


Next, the “special comfort ( sex slave ) corps” set

by the military during the Korean War

How long have you been working on " sex services "?

The only source of data that can be estimated is the "Statistics

for special comfort women ( sex slaves ) " published immediately on

<backward History of the War > (page 150 ).

Because it is a short term of 4285 ,

it is immediately the result of "comfort ( sex services ) "

for one year of 1952 .

Other year's achievements are also recorded to be similar.


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한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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