Kim Hyun Jong passing the top secret US · · · "I met Bolton right arm" Cooper|home|topnews1

【JoongAng Ilbo】 Input 2019.03.2713: 56 Correction 2019.03.2715: 02

John Hyo Shik reporter Washington and Seoul,
above Muni reporter


Kim Hyun Jung, Deputy General Secretary of the National Security Office

for the Cheong Wa Dae, visited the United States in secret and met

with senior White House officials.

The other party is Charles Cooperman (69),

National Security Deputy Assistant to the North Korea,

who is called the right arm of the National Security Advisor

of North Korean hard-liner John Bolton.

The bright source for the White House is 26th (local time),
"Deputy Secretary General Kim Hyun Jung visited the United States

on the 25th and visited the United States and met

with Deputy Assistant Secretary Charles Cooperman."


"The two have heard that they have adjusted for a unified approach

between Korea and the United States versus North Korea policy

after the second meeting of the Hanoi-US summit," he said.

While fears of taking another approach to Korea, North Korea, Korea,

North Korea since Hanoi have spread to Washington,

it is interpreted in the sense that Mr. Kim,

who is familiar with the situation in the United States,

has been thrown into emergency firefighters.



Kim Hyung Jong, Deputy Director General, visited the United States
as secretly secreted to the Korean embassy in Washington.
It is a sideline that adjustment between Korea and the US means
that the case is urgent.

The sources said,
“In addition to seizing the differences between Korea and the United States
regarding the maintenance of sanctions against North Korea
and the promotion of North-South cooperation projects that emerged
after the Hanoi talks,
the two countries There will be an urgent adjustment case. "

The Cheong Wa Dae has denied at first glance, but it is likely that
it has been tasked to realize the summit talks with President Moon Jain
and President Donald Trump early.

As Deputy General Secretary Kim, he was appointed General Manager
of the Trade Negotiations Headquarters on February 28 at the day
of the Hanoi talks and was in charge of denuclearization negotiations
after moving to the Deputy Director General of the National Security Office
for the Cheong Wa Dae, and this is the first coordination task
with the United States.


Deputy Assistant Secretary Cooper is the closest admiral Bolton

has acknowledged.

When he joined, he made another statement, saying,

"Cooperman has been doing my advisors for the last 30 years,

including the term of President Trump's aide."

Like Bolton, he is from the Reagan administration.
After acting as a Foreign Policy Assistant

to the Reagan Presidential Election Camp,

he worked at the White House Secretary,

NASA, Armed Forces Management and Disarmament Advisory Council.

Since then, he has been director of the Research Institute

for Ultra-Think-Tank Security Policy, then joined the White House

after serving as Boeing,

missile defense executive and Lockheed-Martin space executive.


Since Trump's withdrawal of sanctions against North Korea,

it seems that there has been some adjustment within the U.S. government

that has led to confusion and related pressure on sanctions.

Related to this, Bloomberg News

"on the 26th, there were no major additional sanctions that the Ministry

of Finance is considering."
"One day earlier, Trump's tweet mentions sanctions

on two Chinese shipping companies, such as Liaoning Dansing

of the Ministry of Finance," he reported.


"It put these shipping companies in the White House NSC meeting last week,

and the security assistant of Mick Oibeni's secretary's office said,"

The president will not support other actions at the White House NSC meeting. "

Claimed that "He know better than I,"

informed the additional sanctions decision process.

Liaoning Province Dansing was a company that transported the

"plateless" Benz Limousine Remodeled Car that Mr. Kim Jong Yun took

on at the Singapore meeting last June 12.

Foreign sources said,

"President Trump may have withdrawn a tweet knowing that he is late

to carry out additional sanctions with Kim ’s special car used at his summit."

The Ministry of Finance, which is the party, silenced, and the Departmen
t of State launched mixed fire suppression, saying that
"the existing sanctions are maintained."

Deputy spokesman Robert Parladino said on the day that
"Does the president's withdrawing tweet maintain the existing sanctions"
be "absolutely" in the repeated question.

"The oppression campaign has played an important role in opening
the diplomacy, and the president has made it clear that denuclearization
will continue until it is achieved."
It added.
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