Korean Wartime Workers Problem
“take from Japan to Korea apply sanctions against” is Unavoidable Reason

3/15 (Fri) 7:00 Delivery Kiyohiro Hasegawa









한국도대항 조치 검토 = 조선인전시 노동자 문제로 일본에도 피해

韓国も対抗措置検討=朝鮮人戦時労働者問題で 日本にも被害1




The Korean wartime worker issue has made

it more likely that the Japanese government will retaliate against Korea.
Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso and Finance Minister said on March 12

that the parliamentary authorities are raising tariffs as an example

and are considering (sanctions specifically).
How to does President Moon Jae-in(文在寅) do?

It seems that the Shinzo Abe administration has decided that
"If it gets to here, it is inevitable."

Mr. Aso is a concrete measure.

In addition to raising tariffs,
he stated that it would stop the issuance of visas and remittances.
The LDP has long also mentioned export ban
on hydrogen fluoride as an issue for consideration.


Hydrogen fluoride is an essential raw material
for semiconductor manufacturing.
High-quality hydrogen fluoride is the exclusive production state
of Japanese companies.
Because it is designated as a strategic material,
export to Korea requires the export approval of the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry, but consider measures that do not approve this.

If this happens, Samsung Electronics, for example,

will not be able to virtually manufacture high-performance semiconductors.

Semiconductor is a major industry in Korea, so it is a big blow to Korea.

Furthermore, Japan currently allows Koreans to enter without a visa

for a short period of 90 days,

such as for sightseeing or commercial purposes,

but there are also plans to freeze this.



韓国制裁、官邸決断か23日に日韓外相会談 半導体原材料「フッ化水素」禁輸声1




韓国、半導体壊滅サムスン2年ぶり大幅減益自民「フッ化水素禁輸」追い討ち   )


If this happens, Samsung Electronics, for example,
will not be able to virtually manufacture high-performance semiconductors.
Semiconductor is a major industry in Korea, so it is a big blow to Korea.


Japan currently allows Koreans to enter without a visa for a short period
of 90 days, such as for sightseeing or commercial purposes,
but there are also plans to freeze this.
It will be a big hit on Korea if it is executed,
whether it is raising tariffs or stopping remittance.
If not, the depressed economy will cool further.

The Abe administration is planning to implement these steps
in a phased manner to make a response to the administration.

Plaintiffs in the Korean Wartime Workers Litigation are moving
on to seize property rights such as patents and trademarks owned
by Nippon Steel & Sumikin and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Korea.

As for the former, it was reported that the plaintiffs would petition
the court to cash out the foreclosure property.
We can think of ready money as the countdown stage.


There is controversy among experts

on whether Japan should step into sanctions for retaliation.

For example, in the "Monthly Hanada" April issue,

writer Hyakuta Naoki( 百田尚樹 ) and former Korean ambassador to Korea,

Masatoshi Muto, are fighting fierce debate.

Mr.Hyakutasaid that he should "provide economic sanctions",

but Mr. Muto alleges that "long-term thinking against economic sanctions"


編集/dp/B07NB9BK3X/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8qid=1552441286sr=8-1keywords=月刊+hanada)

It's an interesting controversy, so let's introduce the points here.

Should the Korean government and the people be considered separately?

Mr. Mutoh,
"I think that sanctions against the Moon administration will be effective."
"We should avoid measures that turn the Korean people into enemies."
It is because it is also negative for Japan's national interests,
"to repel the Korean people by taking retaliatory measures
and bring them in line with the Moon administration."
In a nutshell, the opinion is that the Korean government
and the people should be considered separately.

In response, Mr. Hyakuta criticizes, "It is no good!"
"The government of that country and the people are together.
The story is different if the Moon administration is a regime established
by a military coup, but Moon Jae-in has been elected in a justifiable election.
The government argues that the Korean people made it. "
Mr. Hyakuta said, "When the economy falls into a crisis
(by Japan's retaliation measures, Korea),
who is the target of the people's dissatisfaction?
"The cause of Moon Jae-in! "He think It will be directed to Moon Jae-in."
"In fact, I believe that sanctions will raise criticism
of the Moon administration in Japan."

I agree with Mr. Hyakuta's opinion.
In fact, in January on the TV "Say it up there in the Commission NP"
When I was next to Mr. Muto, He said,
"Please consider freezing the visa-free entry" (broadcast on January 20).
Mr Mutoh has been against sanctions since that time.
Certainly, if Japan retaliatory sanctions,
there is a possibility that Korea's anti-Japanese sentiment will further increase.

Even so, what is it now?
In Korea, the whole country is "well enough anti-Japanese".
Then, Korea have should be retaliated and retaliated until it wakes up.

As Mr. Hyakuta says,
if Japanese sanctions cause criticism of the Moon administration,
that would be preferable for Japan.

Japan can not complain about what kind of regime the Korean people create.
That is why Japan should be sanctioned as a message to the Korean people.
The reason why Korea has been made anti-Japanese so far is that
Japan has repeatedly made compromises to compromises,
not to put an incident on the surface.

In the previous radar irradiation incident, Atsushi Iwaya, the Defense Minister,
initially opposed the release of video recordings taken
by the Japanese Self-Defense Force patrol aircraft.
It is because "Do not cornered the Korea".
Such an attitude has made Korea grow impudent.
It is Prime Minister Abe's decision to push it open.
Depending on the consultation, even if They do not

The Moon administration has been raising anti-Japanese gear since last fal
l (February 15, public columns, etc.
In the case of the Korean wartime worker issue,
despite the repeated requests by the Japanese side, it has not yet consulted.

He has not shown a stance to intervene in the situation.
If this happens, Japan can  but  retaliatory measures.


It does not mean that we do not discuss

with Korea just because we have retaliated.

In the wake of retaliation, Korea may come to the talks table.
On the contrary, if nothing is done,

the movement of asset foreclosure will spread further.

Korea finally reached a heavy pace,

and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs director-level talks were held in Seoul

on the 14th.
However, it is clear that the problem can not be solved at the director level.


In the end, it will be a development that calls for an arbitration committee

for dispute resolution to be held with third-party commissioners based

on the Japan-Korea Claim Right Agreement.

Japan should invoke retaliatory measures

to show the legitimacy of the allegations to the world.

It is a mistake to think that "the world understands even if you shut up."


How to is the Moon administration going to do?


As Japan is considering retaliatory measures,
the Korean Foreign Ministry said,
“My government is considering a case with various possibilities in mind.

"We are asking Japan to be cautious."

(https://www.jiji.com/jc/article? k=2019031100758g=int)
There is a nuance that has begun in a rush.

If you agree to the discussion, that's fine.

If it does not respond, Japan will only strengthen sanctions gradually.

The Korean economy is getting more and more tired.

Following the North Korean issue,

the Moon administration also resulted in You're cutting your own throat.

It is the administration of the falling day.

Everyone's voice



Since the bilateral agreement will not be implemented,

I think it is better for the Japanese government

to retaliate against Korea despite economic losses.
Recommendation 3684 Opposite 22


I think that the patience of many Japanese people is the limit.
The radar problem is also likely to become give a vague replydo

not commit oneself, Do not only incompetence?

Recommendation 3521 Opposite 19

I think that it is a natural self-defense act rather than unavoidable.

I want you to put into operation even today.
Recommendation 3353 Opposite 11.


It's not revenge, it's defense.
However, I would like it to be a turning point of history here.
If you don't show the attitude of Japan once in a while,

this will continue forever.
Recommendation 782 Opposite 2.


Once Korea do a great deal of damage, i

t will give Korea an opportunity to know the real history.
To do so, Korea need sanctions that are not half-baked,

but effective in one blow.
The same thing will continue forever as it is now.
Recommendation 769 Opposite 3.


Although there is also a opinion that it is better not to sanction

the Japanese side because there is a loss,

the sanction is to do punishing because the partner country

is doing a bad thing, and the purpose is to punish,

because it is not done because it loses its own country. Is a mistake.
Even if Japan loses, if Korea suffers more than that, we must do it.
In the first place, the fact that it has been mutually profitable by trading

with such a virtuous state itself would have been wrong in itself,

did it mean that it had been profited in the wrong way.
Recommendation 760 Opposite 4.



Samsung and LG's precision parts are exported

by small and medium enterprises in Japan,

but when it comes to small and medium enterprises in Japan,

the government helps it
If politicians stop fertilizing their clothes and use such taxes,

they will be blinded ...
Recommendation 696 Opposite 6.

Even if the United States and Europe have asked for an adult's response,

I think that we should explain firmly that it had not come by that until now.

Do you how the country will respond If you have been the same thing?
Should question others country.
Recommendation 641 Opposite 3.
Think about the human body mechanism that God designed.

It is designed properly when bacteria and viruses enter.
A regime that breaks the agreement between the two countries.
A regime that extends the goal post in the spirit of the people.
President Moon, a spokesman for the North's dictatorship, is just crazy. 

It is strange that it has not done retaliation until now.

I feel the need to retaliate just like a normal country.
Otherwise, Japan will be ill. It is already the limit of patience.
Recommendation 545 Opposite 1

I think sanctions should be done.
I have to acquiesce any more than this
Isn't Japan considered as "a weak country" from the world?
The influence of the world in Japan
I think I should show it!
Recommendation 480 Opposite 1.


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!

Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.







Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter



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