A story that could not be fulfilled in 1968 by GoGyung Ta
Looking for the scream of Kwantan hills
② The back of the Chavindon myth
Another truth talked about by a Vietnamese stone stone met
at the past Chabindon base
No. 1250 2019-02-15
War Crimes of South Korea, vol.1. Lai Dai Han


Subtitle - Setting - Subtitle (1) - Automatic translation - language



(TraBinh Dong=Chiabindongu)

Your legend.

Tinto Sato Toichi no Botai field massacre memorial monument.
The name and year, the address of the victims are written.


It is said that the name of the deceased who reached 51 cycles was two.

Un Yuen Kwang and Unwerner Lac
 Born in 1930.
As Tintosa fighter general General Chiabindongu,
No, at the time of the Kwangthan hill raid strategy,
He commanded the district Irregular forces and others,

He played the role of guiding the main force
(North Vietnam regular army) who does not know the way.
He was arrested by the Korean army at other places of the same year
who survived the battle and was trapped in prison for a while
but it was released and then killed in another battle.

On the altar, the face picture of the deceased,
the red necktie with the suede is the combination of the first torso
and the different color,
Gave a coarse feel.


The death anniversary in Vietnam is a festival.
They can afford to invite their neighbor and entertain drink and meat etc.
The guests who were crowded because they arrived at the location
of the ritual after the afternoon at 3 PM were out.
About 10 people remained on three tables, leaning beer glasses.
Among them, Tintosa's former People's Committee chairman RETANHA (64)
also interrupted.

I bring up the subject of

"Chiabindongu battle is known for the legend of the Korean naval marine"


Former People's Committee chairman Les Tanja received.
"It was only a very small battle in Vietnam.
Kwang Gwang war, Song Ting Hyun war will honor
but there is no big deal in Vietnam war as a whole. "

"In Korea we are proud
that Company - class Marine Corps destroyed Big regiment - size enemies."

He told me a story.


At this time, someone no longer put up with face
Call out with a loud voice rises have Beer glass.
"What stupid story is that, We won US, a small battle that won ?"


It was difficult to exchange serious conversation.
People who got drunk do not take off their seats
It raised the heat in a loud voice.

"The Korean army was only a puppet army of the US military.
 There would have been no need to fight

as the same Asians from the beginning. "

In Vietnam it was already What I 've heard disgustingly.

Someone exclaimed a toast.

"It was Japanese imperialism and American imperialism that invaded us.
We are friends.
I have to unite. One shot with such feelings! "


I stood up Hatay a seat not even an hour
I went to see Advance (56).
It is a survivor of the Tintosa massacre.


There was such a crash in the monument of Kwang Tang Hill seen before.


"Tthe revenge of the fellow countrymen
of the region in which it has been killed in South Korea army."
"The Advance family was killed by the Korean army."


The promised time with him approached.

It is the second question I needed to throw towards Chavindon myth.

What happened in nearby villages?

Survivor Advance.


Tinto Savan Hoa Tin 's girls grandmother' s place square massacre monument.

The Korean army pulls innocent people in turn in other villages,
It is written that he bound hands and shot it with a gun here.

In 2000 in 19 years ago,
he was seriously injured in Chiabindongu battle and was later posted
I have interviewed the participating warriors.
It was Kim Young-man who lives in Kyungnam(慶南) and Masan(馬山).
He was from the 4.2 inch mortar platoon assigned to the 11 company.

At an interview He was
Two days before the battle 11 warts of the battle have seized

the 30 Vietnamese man caught during

the search investigation reconnaissance together

with the senior soldiers directly shot and buried without any procedure,

has been suffering from subsequent guilt He confessed.

There was also a testimony

that such unilateral execution was done once every 2 or 3 days.


Beyond individual executions concerning genocide

of Chiabindongu base station gun marines
This time for the first time survivor testimony comes out.


At the time of the incident,

Advance who was 3 years old got a gunshot wound on his right leg,


Advance Survived thanks.

Mother GuYantee Toy (then 46 years old)was holding Advance in her chest,

Becouse Thanks to survival.

My sister (Dottiwu, 23 years old) who was with me including my mother
Both my brother (Advance Line, 8 years old) all died.
His father Doty was evacuating to the mountain on the day of the incident

His father Doty (1915 - 95) was not meet with the misfortune.


Virtuaon field massacre,When He is held in the mother 's chest,

but the advanced boots a survived. Bullet is grazing the right foot, it showing.


Advance was too childhood time, do not remember.
Heard to Dad Doti 
that things.

October 17, 1966 four months before the Chiabindongu battle
around 8 o'clock in the morning,
It is in Tinto Sat Toichi.

"While the Korean army at the base of Chiabindongu
went marching the day before,
Many people died by stepping on land mine field.
It is said that they gathered the residents in the morning of the day.

While the Korean army questioned the landmines, they beat some residents
It seems that Korean army pulled a military big sword

and stabbed a woman's body.

I heard, Other people get alarmed and run away and that they shot all at once.

Dad say that I survived,

climbed up on the belly of my dead mother and smoked mom's milk. "


Twenty people were sacrificed on that day on that day.
(16 people died in other places and the total of 36 victims on the day).
On the 18th day the next day 21 people gathered in one place
of Tinto Sabang Hua Chin 2 km away lost their lives.
At that time Chiabindongu base had 9 squadrons that were not 11 squadrons
who fought on February 15, 1967.
Two events that occurred on 17th and 18th October 1966,
One day difference are "Virtuinon field massacre"
and "Geniac massacre of the grandmother 's house" respectively.

The two memorial monuments,

At last built in the scene of the incident built in

which was ahead of the 50 anniversary a year later.


Kwang Gwang I Song won this place in Historic and Cultural Site from 1993,
It was said that the budget formulation did not end and the construction
of the memorial monument was extended for a while.
Virtuaon field The memorial monument was in the middle of the field as it was.
It set the mid-width 1 m entry route by loading soil.


Rain splashed on the day I went, but to slip out  my shoes.
It seemed that it would soak completely if it rained further.
The approach road pave said local residents' s long - cherished desire.
This monument filled in the names of 20 people
who were sacrificed together including the Advance family.
Among other things them, 14 women and 8 were under 10 years old.

The memorial monument of the garden of the grandma also hid
in a dim forest as a ghost comes out.
I read an inscription from the memorial monument.

"Son-Ting-Hyun-Tint massacre.
Venue: Van-Ho-Chiandong-Choi grandmother house garden.
On October 17, 1966 South Korean soldiers reconnaissed a massive search
to Timbinsa, Tin Heebusa, Tin Bucksa on Kwantan Hill.
They set fire to the village, destroyed them,
captured the innocent civilians and driven them into the garden
of Tintosa-Van-Ho-Chiandong-Choi-Chondingschoi 's house.
They bound the hands of civilians and shot guns and killed 21 people. "


The victims were not people in this town.

That is why there is no list in the inscription.


Virtuinon field massacre The Victim bereaved family says
they cried a lot in front of the memorial monument looking at
the ten artificial flowers of Korea that came for the first time
on the lunar calendar day of 2017.


It has continued look the other wayturn look away 

May have been feeling that sorrow was recognized.

So Advance said.


"Millurai is a massacre of which 504 people were sacrificed,
This is a small slaughter where twenty people died for the most part,
so have you not been interested so far? "


Advance recently also nightmares.
Tired of bombing and US soldier and Guerrilla Corps fighting scene
became a trauma.

While ammunition is overflowing from the sky,
Or soldier gathers people and Repeated in a dream

of the scene in the Shoot-rain and kill down.


I changed the subject.
I asked if I could understand the attack on the Kwangtang hill
where there was also a purpose to clear the grudge of the massacres.
But I was fooled by an unexpected reply
"Please try searching for Google. I also read it on Google.
Along the way laughter of serious talk had exploded.

Oh- Private First Class, gold sailor,


There was an old Chiabindongu Korean military base
Map of Guangguang-Ie- song-Tintosa area.


Guerrilla Corps General Gen Un Yang Kuang grayed (Un Gu Yan rack)
The altar placed in the altar.
It synthesized a picture with a tie wearing a suit and a neck tie.
After finishing the coverage of Vietnam and returning to Korea,
Make a phone call to Mr. Kim Young Man,
a battle fighter who battled Chiabindongu 19 years ago.
At the time he was 55 years old, now he is 74 years old.


I asked about that day.
On the night of February 14, 1967,
the telephone was connected at dawn on 15th
I wanted to hear about important moments again.

 According to <Powell Korean Army War History>,

on the evening of the 14th, the fog was over and drizzle fell.


At around 11 o'clock, there was an enemy's first attack attempt,
The ally easily controlled by 4.2 inch and 81 mm mortars attack.
 The level of base iron gauze 15 meters was broken.
They retreated while leaving 1 few dead bodies.
Mr. Kim Young-man
"If the sun is bright, trying to go to check the dead body of the enemy,
We drunk alcohol on alternate between each other for the joy of victory. "
<Powell Korean Army War History> does not come out.

"To improve the morale of soldiers,
It was when US Army delivered sake, tobacco and bread
with an incredibly tremendous amount by US helicopter.
Liquor was Johnnie Walker of the finest liquor.
Also drink Johnnie Walker until dawn on that evening night,
Everyone sickness We woke up with an enemy's secondary attack
around 4 o'clock "


He said he remembered the story he had exchanged words

with a  new conscript while tilting the western liquor cup

to mutual before being injured.


"He left words that I can not forget for the rest of my life.

Oh- Private First Class which He went to college in Seoul. So is me."


"Kim Sailor, let us Fighting cowardly but bravely return home ."


It probably implied the story

of preserving our lives and going to our hometown.
However, He became a person of the other world for as few as several hours. "

Mr. Kim Young-man said around 5 am,
In order to measure the distance by observing the position
of the enemy by visual observation,
Mr. Kim was hit by a shell splinter while Mr. Kim was walking around outside.

His bobbed head at the moment the blood raged loses his temper,

While falling down, To such an idea comes firstcross he's mind,

In past interviews I have revealed that thing.


"I can not get married, and go and die

Recently it is sometimes painful and an interview request
for Chiabindongu will come in the press. "


"I will not respond if I can, because tears get caught.
I thought that memory would be farther by the passing of years,
But thatthing vividly  remember It will become difficult to connect
with the story alive, surviving more clearly over and over again.
Then my body hurts. "


It is the third question I had to throw to Chiabindongu myth.

Who Anyone for is the hero myth?


The main character of Chiabindongu is not just the Mariners drawn bravely
in the <Powell Korean Army War History>.


After the slaughter, As of lie And revived in a mountain of dead bodies,
a 3 year old baby sucking milk of a dead mother,
Prisoners who are not prisoners who were shot dead at Korean military bases
as soon as they arrested for the reason that they are young Vietnamese men,
The huge justification base of struggle with external forces,
Northern Vietnam regular army and regional irregular forces
who crawled up on the Kwantan hill occupied by the Korean army miserably,
Cowardly to fight He wanted to return to the world bravely,
Oh-soldier who died explosively in vain,
Kim Young - man sailor who was worried about going to can not be married
and dying while spilling blood While fallen、
And not for the homeland but for not only wanting to die, not winning fear,
leaving from trenches to the thin warfare,
many marine soldiers who succeeded in survival
In an absolute masculine world, in the world of war beautification,
the invincible marine Chiabindongu myth that everyone admits
must be recorded back again with a number of screams embroidered
on the Kwang Tong Hill.


With the eyes of some universal reason,

asking from the meaning of the fight before boasting the ability of fighting.

Tint (Vietnamese Kwangguang Eye Child) = sentence · photo Ko · gyontee
<February 12, 1968> Author humank21@gmail.com

Cooperation cooperation Humvee Peace Foundation,
sponsored account KB Kookmin Bank 878901-00-009326,
Inquiries 02-2295-2016
BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!
Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same
Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.









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English articles 2






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