Economic sanction against Korea, five possible patterns


韓国に対する経済制裁、考えられる5つパターンとその可能性 1

韓国に対する経済制裁、考えられる5つパターンとその可能性 2EconomicSanctionAgainstKoreaFivePossiblPattern2

President of Korea mentioned the Korean wartime wartime workers

for the first time, economic sanctions against Korea as well
According to Kyodo news reports,

the content that Moon Jae-in talked about to Korean media,
"Cooperative relations between Korea and Japan

should not be compromised on historical issues"
"We must treat wisely the history problem separately,

we must continue our future-oriented cooperation."


It is truly convenient or selfish way of thinking.

Because they ,  While creating a state of international law against Japan

It does not solve it, but, in the field that is troubling for them
It is exactly the same as saying that you want Japan's cooperation.
I guess this is also called "two-track diplomacy".


Minister Kan "Two tracks will not forgive"[
Chief CabinetSecretary Press briefing December 3 (Monday) morning
(from the PrimeMinister's official residence with 2018/12/03)

One remark made byPresident Moon Jae-in for Korean reporters,


  I would like to refrain from commenting as a government
    In any case, Japan-Korea relations are in a very difficult situation
    As for Japan, based on the consistent position of Japan on various problems such as the case of the Great Court on the workers from the former Korean Peninsula and the problem of comfort women,
    We would  the Korean side to seek appropriate response


Because the chief cabinet secretary of Japan denied what Korean president himself said,
    The Korean government has been driven to a more daunting situation

How do you read the press of the Mainichi Newspaper

and koreajoongangdaily?.

Korean wartime worker judgment

/ Korea asset foreclosure is also considered by Japan as countermeasure

(November 30, 2018  attached Mainichi Shimbun Digital Japanese version)

"Do not demand Korean wartime worker compensation"

Pressure on Japan and Korea ... Appeal unless promised by the end of the year
(From December 03, 2018  with koreajoongangdaily Japanese version)


In the Mainichi Shimbun article,

if the Korean side has seized the assets of Japanese companies,
The Japanese side is also considering seizure

of Korean side assets in Japan as a countermeasure.
Also in the article by koreajoongangdaily,

as a story of "diplomatic sources in Tokyo"


In the article by koreajoongangdaily,

the Japanese government separated it as "within the year"
An extremely persuasive article,

anticipating to urge the South Korean government to express its position.
And unemployed forever,

trying to figure out Procrastination without giving a conclusion,

In other words, rather than South Korea,

it can be seen as the whole trend of North and South Korea

including North Korea.
If the Korean government does not promise to

"demand compensation against Japan,"

it reports that the Japanese government has strengthened its policy

of entering international tribunal proceedings

and partial countermeasures in the beginning of next year.


What is real sanctions means.

① Based on administrative disposition in Japan, Three sanctions
①-A Restriction on human traffic
①-B Restriction on the return of goods
①-C Restriction on the traffic of money
② sanctions pursuant to international rules established

by the United Nations International Law Commission
③ Other legitimate sanctions
④ Sanctions in violation of international law


There are four possible choices.
Specifically, it can be divided into chapter classification

"manpower goods and capital" as means of ①,
In reality the number of choices is six.


However, regarding ④ of this, it should not be adopted absolutely.
Because if Japan imposes sanctions in violation of international law,
It will  take advantage of Korea.
If we think like this, the sanctions that Japan can take are limited to ① to ③.


Restrictions on manpower goods and capital


As for the sanctions of ①, in reality, we already have so many means.
That islimit of  "manpower goods and capital".
The element necessarily accompanying every and every economic activity is

"manpower goods and capital".
Activating somewhere

in manpower goods and capital will make the economy vigorous,
Economic activity will stagnate if any movement stagnates.


It can also be used to tighten foreign countries.

Modern society is based on "free trade"
There is a law called Gaitamehou.
The official name is somewhat long as

"Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law"
Speaking briefly, it is the law concerning the exchange

of goods and money with foreign countries.


Modern Japan is deeply involved

in foreign countries through trade and investment,
Basically, exchange of goods and money with foreign countries

(ie foreign trade and foreign exchange) is free exchange.
However, if Japanese funds are passed to countries hostile to Japan,
It is troubled if products made with high technology

of Japan are diverted militarily in foreign countries.


As "minimum necessary regulations"
In the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Law,

you designate money, securities, strategic supplies, etc.,
In special cases it is necessary

for government permission to bring it to a foreign country,
We are introducing the measure.


For example, Gaitamehou is free exchange in principle about the flows

of Japan and foreign money.
However, the Finance Minister and others
"When it is necessary to faithfully implement the treaties,

etc. concluded by Japan"


In the case where

"Cabinet decision of Gaitamehou Article 10,paragraph 1" was made,
Japan can impose obligation to obtain permission

for overseas remittance of financial institutions.


Although it is basically free exchange for exports of goods (Article 47),
When it is necessary for security,
The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall obtain permission

for permission (Article 48 paragraph 1).


Figure 1 Exports in Japan (2016) Amount Unit: million dollars




Export value


Machinery, transportation equipment



Industrial products



Chemical products



Complicated product






Mineral fuels



Non-food ingredients



Foodstuffs and animals (edible



Beverages and tobacco



Animal and vegetable fats and oils



the amount



(Source"Author from the WorldStatistics 2018" (P160))


Regardingthe amount of funds throughout Japan,


Householdsown financial assets exceeding

1,800trillion yen( About US $ 16 trillion 729.5 billion59.28 million ),


Moneythat domestic government, enterprises

and others were unable to useare outflowing to foreign countries



BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!
Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same
Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.


English articles futukiiti hoyoujiyo



