Shooting radar irradiation is a "rebellion" by Korean soldiers

12/27 (Thursday)Tosimitu Shigemur
Maritime Self Defense Force patrol aircraft P - 1.
The case where a firearm control radar was irradiated
but a Korean Navy's ship irradiated a fire control radar on the P1 patrol aircraft
of the Self Defense Force is a violation of the "command order"
by the Korean army soldier, a virtual rebellion.
A normal army would never happen.
The authority and legitimacy of President Moon Jaein,
who is also a great tremor in the Korean government and also
the military commander, is It became the shreds.
The Japanese government should seek investigation by Japan,
the United States and South Korea.
The president of South Korea has strictly monitored the command
and order system of the Korean army.
According to the military leaders I wrote during the Seoul correspondent era,
the first reason is to prevent war with North Korea.
It is in trouble for the military to attack North Korea without permission,
for Korean government.
Second,  have been warning a coup.
South Korean troops are prohibited from retreating to Seoul to prevent coup.
Also, when a division of a division or more moves,
It is obliged to notify the adjacent division.
Never appoint a competent and appealing military personnel in key positions
of the Ministry of Defense, the Army Chiefs of Land, Sea and Air.
Having loyalty to the President is the biggest condition for selection.
In addition, each troop has placed a political officer of "security officer"
and has been keeping an eye on the trends of commanders and troops officers.
However, this time, the uncontrollable power
of the Korean army became known to the world.
It is a violation of the command order and a de facto rebellion in peacetime,
because a soldier of a naval naval vessel, an officer, a captain,
or a navy headquarters issued an "irradiation order".
Mr. Moon Jae's responsibility as the supreme commander is questioned.
It is a very shocking case that the ability
of the regime to rule the military is questioned.
Here is the reason why the Korean government tells lies
that it is not radar irradiation.
● Lie to rescue North Korean fishing boats

Japan 's public opinion may be thought of as a story that Korea honestly
acknowledges that it irradiated radar and apologize if it apologizes.
However, under the political culture that covers Korea,
President can not admit it.
President's authority and mentions as commander
of military commander will be crushed.
"Searching for a North Korean fishing boat in distress"
that it is completely incompatible.
The Korean Ministry of Defense explained on the fact that radar was irradiated,
"Weather conditions were not good and
we operated all radars to find a North Korean fishing boat that was distressed."
I can not accept this explanation.
Firearm control radar is highly oriented and not suitable for search.
Is there a mission to rescue a North Korean fishing boat from the navy 's ships in the first place?

It is said that it is a small fishing boat that can catch only a few people,
regardless of the size of a large number of boats.
The rescue of fishing boats is the mission
of the Japan Coast Guard in both Japan and Korea.
Navy ships are merely to prevent the invasion
of defense North Korea's ships and to detect the ship.
Even if rescue was a mission,
it was not requested from North Korea to support the rescue and exploration
of distressed fishing boats.
Whether the Korean Navy voluntarily rescued the North Korean fishing boat,
even though the North Korean government did not request it.
It is still convinced if we hand over the hundred steps
and take measures against the North Korean counterfeiters
who disguised as fishing boats and crack down on oil "Lightering"
by North Korean tanker.
But at that time "weather condition was not good"
(Korean Ministry of Defense), so Lightering at sea would have been difficult.
If the radar irradiation is not a rebellion of a soldier working for a Korean ship,
who ordered it?
It is possible that the President's aides ordered.
Moon Jae-jin's regime has cut its support rate to 50% to 48%.
There is no case that the successive regime recovered after
the support rate fell to the 40% level.
In the political circle of Seoul,
observation that the government falls to the 30% level at the end of 2019 year
after year and the regime collapses is also going out.
That is why the inter-Korean summit and the Korean wartime worker's
proceedings promoted by the Moon Jae dynasty did not have any effect
on raising the support rate.
Korean citizens began to face Soppo on President Moon Jayne,
"Innovation · Parent North Korea Policy" by Innovation · Left Wing Forces.
In order to avoid this crisis situation,
may the circumference of power come out "strategy"
to deteriorate the relationship between Japan and the ROK.
Were government thinking that public opinion would unite
and regain support for Moon Jaein regime if directing a military clash
with Japan and opposing "wrong guidelines" and advertising "Japanese malice".
BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!
Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same
Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.



English articles futukiiti hoyoujiyo



