Professor at Seoul National University "Income-driven growth, not the essence of the Korean economic crisis"

Lee Jung-do, professor emeritus of Seoul National University,
On recent economic conditions
"The essence of the crisis is the fundamental vulnerability
of the Korean economy,
It is never an income-driven growth policy
. "

Professor Lee Jung
"Witch hunting for income-led growth policy is
to drive the government and the ruling party
Although it may be an effective means,
it is totally useless to the essential solution of the crisis. "

He declared.
Professor Lee Jung was on his own website on this day
"Income-driven growth policies are
by no means the essence of the economic crisis"
Posted a text entitled "
"The income-led growth policy of Moon Jae in government
It is abused like an axis of evil.
The cause of all the crisis is being criticized as
if it is in income-driven growth policy "
He emphasized this way.
Professor Lee Jung
"Our economy will not collapse in such a moment like that.
To those who make noise as if they collapse soon,
I want to ask if I really want to do that.
Today's crisis has not occurred suddenly at the same time
as Mun Jayin's regime appeared. "
He pointed out.
Professor Yi Jung first raised Moon Jayin's administration's minimum wage etc.
He acknowledged the problems of some policies.
Professor Lee Jung
"It is certain that the current regime has caused considerable side effects
by being too hasty (policy enforcement).
For measures like sudden increase in minimum wage and working time limit
There is no doubt that they have committed a misdeed
that can not fully predict that the market reacts so sensitively
It made the unskilled, low wage workers and microscopic operators
who really needed assistance even more severe.
We deeply reflect the side effects of the income-driven growth policy
by the government,
The point to be revised has to be revised. "
Professor Lee Jung
"It is certain that the current regime has caused considerable side effects
by being too hasty (policy enforcement).
For measures like sudden increase in minimum wage and working time limit
There is no doubt that they have committed a misdeed
that can not fully predict that the market reacts so sensitively
It made the unskilled, low wage workers and microscopic operators
who really needed assistance even more severe.
Shipbuilding industry · steel industry · automobile industry is getting strict,
Other industrial infrastructure such as semiconductors
and mobile phones shook,
The situation that Indian and China emerging countries
Situation to chase is the essence of the crisis.
The fundamental vulnerability of the Korean economy is the essence
of the crisis we are having "
Professor Lee Jung
"If a sudden increase in minimum wage is the root of all problems,
Will the Korean economy get out of the crisis immediately
if I return the minimum wage to the level before the current administration?
Even if the government takes such measures,
the burden on self-employed persons will be slightly reduced,
We can not expect any improvement especially in the essential aspect of the crisis we face "
He pointed out.
Professor Lee Jung
"What we need most is to calmly analyze the essence of the crisis,
It is a posture to find effective countermeasures,
An agitative remark like "the country's economy collapses soon"
is not useful at all,
We can not finish the solution of the problem during the term
of one administration,
It requires long-term efforts.
In addition to immediate tasks such as structural adjustment
and elimination of regulations,
We need to make innovation in full, including improvement
of R & D environment and educational reform. "
He insisted.
To that end
"We must gather the wisdom of all the citizens and further widen
the passage to communicate with the people.
Thoroughly grasp the core of the crisis and take measures to deal with it,
Do not forget the trivial truth that We can overcome the crisis. "

Everyone's Japan voice.
In South Korea as well, resources are poor,
in countries with poor nation's own efforts
It will be impossible to overcome this economic crisis.
Because I can not do international cooperation,
I think that there is a current situation.
For countries that can only think of themselves, this crisis will not be overcome.
Empathy 987
Empathy 13

But it is true that the unemployment rate has risen and no measures can be taken against the recession?
Income-driven growth may be theoretically possible,
but what you do at this point
I only point out that I am concerned and the speed is too fast.
There are many funniest professors in Korea's highest graduate school.
Empathy 817
Empathy 15
The trivial problem that is happening now is that, until
"income-driven growth" succeeds,
It is only a temporary side effect.
"Income-driven growth" will be able to demonstrate its power in 10 years.
Good luck Mun chan.
Empathy 682
Not sympathize 42

The essence depends on Japan, the US and the middle,
and there is a problem with the economic policy since
the foundation which did not make any effort.
Empathy 332
Empathy 5
> To the people who make noise as if they collapse soon,

I want to ask if I really want to do that "
I hope that will happen. Good luck.
Empathy 329
Empathy 3

Because there is now with plagiarism technology,
it is unavoidable that the bottom is shallow and overtaking is overtaken,
Income-driven growth is not bad,
Even though there are many other things that should be done, not just grants.
Well still university professor calmly analyzed,
Hey Korea is a lot of fun because there are not many people
who do not do anything but Mun chan.
Empathy 225
Not sympathy 2
The reason why the fundamental vulnerability
of the Korean economy can not be recognized correctly
I think due to distorted view of Impact on the Japan .
Speech and thinking are limited.
Empathy 74
Not sympathy 1
They did not recognized Moon,
    It is equivalent to saying that it is not a problem that can be solved  Moon.
    In the catch up of India and China emerging countries,
    Korea also came at the same time that it was ridiculed as
"Japanese lost 20 years".
    Fortunately, Japan was a core technology giant
    I switched business from B to C to B to B,
    It is irritating to the  plagiarism power country. what will you do?
    Recommendation 20 Opposition 0 Delete.

    The most important thing is that each time the administration changes
     Korea  deny all policies implemented by the previous administration,
    It will probably start a new policy without inheritance.
    Recommendation 20 Opposition 0 Delete.
60% of Japan's GDP is personal consumption.
55% of  Korea is  GDP is exports.
    Economic structure that depends too much on manufacturing industry ·
external demand. From external demand to domestic demand,
    The conversion of labor force from manufacturing industry
to service industry
    It is an urgent matter for South Korea,
which had caused a currency crisis twice in 1997 and 2009.
    But sudden rise in minimum wage obstructs migration of labor force
to service industry
    Recommendation 15 Opposition 0 Deletion.
BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!

Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory


The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.



English articles futukiiti hoyoujiyo



