SKoreaLieStatisticStagnationEmployJapanVoice 2

Have you crossed Japan? Reason why statistical reform
of export / import is unacceptable = Korea
April 16, 2014 12: 07
The export of information and communication technology
(ICT) products in January - March
It was the largest ever recorded at 41.2 billion dollars

It is 6% more than the same period one year ago.
Thanks to the good fight of mobile phones, semiconductors
and digital television which are contributing items.
In these fields, the Republic of Korea clearly exceeded Japan
that has kept the world's top.
It is pleasing news that shows the face
of information technology power country and digital power country.

However, on numerical values, it seems that we can not feel this crisis firmly.
"The Bank of Korea last week revised the balance
of payment statistics along with the method
of calculating Gross Domestic Product (GDP)"
"Transactions between domestic companies
and overseas subsidiaries are excluded from statistics,
Import / export of overseas subsidiaries is recorded in statistics ".

Along with this
"Samsung Electronics Mobile phones produced at Vietnam factory
and exported to other countries,
It is regarded as the current account of Korea rather
than Vietnam. Processing trade also exports in Korea "
become. ...


Samsung's export of Vietnam factory,
From March "To include it in Korea export statistics"

Export statistics also record high
"Exports from Samsung's Vietnam factory

will also be included in Korea's export statistics from March"
As a result,
"The export value of Korea has increased

and the trade surplus has increased by 63%

from the previous month to a record high"


South Korea's trade statistics in March, the current account
It was a 7.35 billion dollar surplus, a 63% increase

from the previous month, a record high in March.

Expansion of current account surplus last month
"Korea Statistical Method Change"
Mobile phone terminals exported from other Vietnam factories

of Samsung Electronics etc.
"Korea's Export Performance"
It is a factor that included it.

Exports from overseas factories have been excluded

from Korea's export results so far.
"Changing the statistical method despite not actually changing anything"
And, as if
"As exports increased, domestic production also increased,
There was an illusion that the current account surplus seemed

to increase rapidly. "
They made it look.

In the conventional method, the surplus should be 2.84 billion dollars,

but only by changing the statistical method,
The surplus increased by 7.35 billion dollars

(an increase of 4,510 million dollars) as the export value increased,
And the current account appears to have increased.

With the change of statistics, exports from overseas subsidiaries

were also included in Korea export statistics from March.
Along with this, at Samsung's Vietnam factory

and other overseas factories
Also included in Korea's current account

of exports and smughes being produced.

"Not only Samsung, but also LG, SK, Hyundai Motor, etc.
Those exported from overseas factories,
It was all included in Korea's export statistics. "

The United Nations Statistics Committee

will give recommendations,

statistical design, setting of the concept of goods, etc.

will be done according to the recommendations.

The latest recommendations include 68 SNA, 93 SNA, 2008 SNA

"We do not reveal detailed calculation methods

in each country"
If you work as an ad hoc worker even

for one hour a week,

you are not unemployed.
People who give up job seekers are not unemployed.

JapaneseComments[Today's impression] Read this article ...

Interesting (14) Sad (4) Clear (190) Amazing (2) Helpful (4)

Recommendation 122 opposite 0 delete
Declining standard competitiveness of export industry,

outflow of foreign capital,
Domestic demand is getting worse just because

of overseas employment, mainly youth,

withdrawal from nationality and declining birthrate.
"Because Japan was definitely disliked,

I can not expect technical assistance any more."
Structurally there is no rise in Korea anymore.
"It will become steadily getting better from now on."

Recommendation 103 opposite 0 delete
With the president who does not know economy
Since They are entrusting the Foreign Minister

who does not know diplomacy with the state administration,
Such a country is over.

Recommendation 81 opposite 0 delete
Is not it because the president

and the government can not understand labor productivity? .
Because it is
Little Moon, a socialist,
They guess it can not be helped, give it up. (Very HA,HA,HA )

Recommendation 73 opposite 0 Delete

They chose a person who does not understand
the fundamentalsof the economy,
They bear the responsibility for the result on They own.

Let's have a real feeling of the tremendousness of "Hell Korea"

from now on.
I will say it in haiku!
Fool choosing the President who does not know

the economy already!"

Recommend 56 Opposite 0 Delete
Such an incompetent president, I can not think in Japan.
It was good that I was born in Japan.
You can endure well, are not you? Koreans

Recommendation 49 Opposition 1 Delete
It is true that
they deeds just came back to them

Why were they complaining?


Recommend 49 Opposition 0 Delete
The current state is not a transformation

of the economic structure,

Change Juche ideology Dictatorship 

It would be pain of birth accompanying conversion.


Recommendation 37 Opposition 0 Deletion
It will continue until the northern life level is reached.

Did he say with the pledge of the presidential election?
You liked it and did you vote?
Also, the purge of the political enemy.
Well it is strange that power men

of Specified Asia Mikuni live misunderstanding

from the past era?

Recommendation 37 Opposition 0 Deletion
It is a word game to say "tunnel". In case
The "grave hole" without the exit is correct.

In case
Even if employment policy has been changed,
There is no industry that can rewind. In case
"Words of play" is like the Korean media

that badly speaks Japan replacing the truth.



Recommendation 36 Opposition 1 Delete
All employment decided to distribute Japan

to the favorite nation.
Remember You.
The price of seeing the Japanese sweet is

(the collapse of the national economy).
Receive with both hands. Up to the age of Sun Tzu.


聞き流してはならない 日本人の声