Thestorm by which the animation

which drew Mr. Amuro Namie

by chocolateart is praise

"the work love overflows"

🍫 Ithought and drew

by a heart to Amuro yesterday,

in🍫 truth Good-bye, even if your retire,

it's an attracted artist all thewhile.

Mr.Amuro Namie, the singer who became retirement

on September 16, 2018.

Such chocolate art animation filled with expectation

to Mr. AmuroNamie is contributed to

"Twitter" and is a topic.

Theanimation which drew Mr. Amuro Namie

by chocolate art


Inthe truth by which I thought of

Amuro and drew yesterday,

good-bye Even if Your retire,

it's an attracted artist all the while.


norico0807of the chocolate pen artist

which says so (@norico0807),

make,animation TSUITO.

Whenan animation is being see

Chocolatein for serving of

1 spoon is dropped on the dish.

Ittransform myself into a heart mark.

AdditionallyThe character of

"WE (LOVE) NAMIE" spreads around heartMark.

Next,after having written "# ALLFOR 916" in the heart,

a spiralshaped chocolate goes round on the plate.

After a spectacular scenechange,

a fine picture frame is drawn on the plate.

AndNamie Amuro will be drawn in while we see it.

If I guess this is the end ...

... and there are lots of flowers aroundNamie Amuro.

Atthe end of the video,

Namie Amuro who was colored

with chocolate artflowers was completed.


Tothis work full of feelings

to Love for Namie Amuro,

on "Twitter"


·I pray for you to prayers reach Amuro.

·Choco Art I saw it for the first time and

I think that the scene haschanged gradually and

it is a really wonderful work of art

·It is full of feeling that I saw awesome things

·Amurochan retires,

but as long as there are fans who keep onthinking,

I was touched by the various forms that

I can meet a newname amuro

·It is a work full of love


·It's fantastic ('; ω; `)

·Nice to meet you very much

It is amazing how long

I can see it formany times



"Thework full of love" "Shinkyo"

"The scene haschanged successively and one after another,

a very wonderful work ofart"

was praised by many voices of praise.


Goodreaction, Bari happy


Iwas watching while doing DokiDoki already
