【オンライン・アート・ヒストリー☆オムニバス】 Online Art History Omnibus開催します!



Heroism & Cosmopolitanism: Artemisia Gentileschi & Lilla Cabot Perry

アルテミジア・ジェンティレスキ と リラ・キャボット・ペリー





■(Part 1) Artemisia Gentileschi: “Spirit of Caesar, Soul of a Woman”. 


Artemisia Gentileschi was the most famous female painter of the 17th century (Baroque). She was trained by her famous father Orazio Gentileschi in Rome. Her passion and talent for painting began since she was a teenager and spanned for over 45 years and throughout major Italian cities. Despite unspeakable odds as a survivor of assault, prejudice and social obstacles she managed to be one of the most praised and sought after artists of her time. She was the first woman to gain membership into the Artist Academy in Florence- establishing herself as a full independent artist. Her paintings speak volumes on female sensitivity and give a powerful voice to the roles of women throughout history. We will be discussing the passion within and throughout her canvases and exploring her unique heroism: (as she writes in one of her letters) "The Spirit of Caesar in the Soul of a Woman".



アルテミジア・ジェンティレスキは、バロックの時代における最も有名な女性画家でした。 すでにローマで活躍をされていた父、オラツィオ・ジェンティレスキに絵画を学びました。45年間の作家人生において、彼女は暴行や偏見、その他の社会的逆境に遭遇しますが、最終的には17世紀において最も称賛される芸術家の一人となりました。アルテミジアはフィレンツェのアカデミーにおける最初の女性会員となり、自立したアーティストとしての地位を得ました。作品からは女性的な感性が見受けられ、描かれた歴史上の人物にパワーを与えます。彼女の情熱が感じられる作品を通して、アルテミジア独特のヒロイズムをみていきます。(自身の手紙にはこのように書かれてあります;“女性の魂の中にあるシーザー的精神”。)




■(Part 2) Lilla Cabot Perry and Cosmopolitanism - Boston, Japan and Giverny


Lilla was an American Impressionist painter, who was friends with Claude Monet and Okakura Kakuzo. She became a professional artist at the age of 36, after marriage and having three daughters. Based in Boston, she frequently traveled to France and also stayed in Japan for three years becoming the first American female artist to have her own solo show in Tokyo. Lilla’s international experience gives a visual record of the layering of different artistic traditions. Learn how her lifestyle, art and poetry, inspired many during her period and how cosmopolitanism continues to be crucial for fostering universal tolerance and understanding today.

















【オンライン・アート・ヒストリー☆オムニバス】 Online Art History Omnibus





10:00~10:45 am (Part 1) Leslie Cuenca: Artemisia & Heroism

10:45~10:55 am Questions and Comments (break)

10:55~11:40 am (Part 2) Yuki Miyamoto: Lilla & Cosmopolitanism

11:40~12:00 noon    Questions and Comments


<US Central Date / Time>

●March 19, Sat

8:00~8:45 pm (Part 1) Leslie Cuenca: Artemisia & Heroism

8:45~8:55 pm  Questions and Comments (break)

8:55~9:40 pm (Part 2) Yuki Miyamoto: Lilla & Cosmopolitanism

9:40~10:00 pm  Questions and Comments



■参加費 Class fee:


USD 30 / Will send you Zoom ID when payment is confirmed.


■振込先 How to pay:

事前振込制(Art Allianceの口座お送りします)

Please ask for Paypal account if you live outside Japan.


■キャンセル・ポリシー Cancellation policy:


Non-refundable after payment.


■ご予約・お問合せ Contact: 




(Lecture is in English. Q&A in English/Japanese)





■Yuki Miyamoto Profile/宮本由紀 プロフィール:



■Leslie Cuenca Profile/レスリー・クエンカ プロフィール:

Leslie Cuenca studied art and art history under the Masters of Liberal Arts program at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas USA. After graduating in 2003, she studied art throughout southern Italy, specializing in Classical art and architecture. Leslie is also a Yoga instructor, visual and performing artist - specializing in painting and dance.  She teaches mindfulness and wellness programs throughout Houston at private studios, public institutions and universities.




■ご予約・お問合せ: http://www.artalliance.jp/contact/










*Artemisia Gentileschi, Self Portrait as Saint Catherine of Alexandria, c.1615-17, National Gallery, London

*Lilla Cabot Perry, Lady with a Bowl of Violets, 1910, NMWA, DC