



















私のStupid Episode 伝わりますか?もし伝わっていたらコメントくださると泣いて喜びます。


I often forget  everythings.

Do you know IMOBAN? IMOBAN means stamp made with a sweet potato.
When I was elementary school student ,There was class we make it.

But before 1day night,
But the day before,
I forget forgot to tell for mam that I’ll have had to bring sweet potato to school.

I didn’t want to be angry -by mom-,

I didn’t want mom to be angry,

So I searched for a similar vegetable in refrigerator.
So I found It’s a daikon radish!

Daikon is softer than sweet potato, so It was easier to carve than sweet potato. but watery. 

I took the daikon radish to school,
But The ink has smudged.

so I couldn’t make a good IMOBAN well.
(not〜wellより、not make a good〜の方が自然って先生に言われた気がする。)

After class, I had to take home the radish stamp home.(語順のミス)
But my bag is was full by of textbooks.(複数形のミスは致命的) I often forget textbooks, so I always bring all necessary textbooks from Monday to Friday.
so full. so first, i took out from my bag a lot of the textbooks,next
I had to stuff the radish stamp to was at the bottom in the bag.

next,I didn’t notice it because
I stuff had so much many textbooks to my bag.
-I can’t see radish.And Never again class made stamp of radish.never.-
-so I forget.-

The radish stamp stayed in the bag.

after 1 week.
I noticed bad smell from my bag.
I took many textbook from out of the my bag.
so I and found the radish at the bottom.but it ’s had changed to black & had a horrible smell!

I did’t want mum to be angry by mom. so I washed my bag secretly.
The Bad smell isn’t easily removed.
So I washed with my strong power & strong brash & ,strong washing liquid .& my strong power!

Japanese elemental school students has designated bag for 6years.
but my bag is was so worn out by me

My friends told me, You look like you ‘ve gone to school with bag for 12years with that bag!”