
Death in Shinreikyo

 In one of his teachings, Master Kanichi Otsuka describes the sublime transmigration of Shinreikyo 


When followers live out their natural life spans,

they go to heaven. But their bodies do not become stiff: that is, there is no rigor mortis. Their faces become more beautiful than while they were alive. Seven or eight out of ten believers are able to foresee the time of

their deaths and transmigration about one week before they actually die. Some believers can do this as early as two months prior to their actual death. 

 The miraculous phenomena that accompany sublime

transmigration, such as a lack of rigor mortis, have

been noted and are venerated in other religions also.

But in other religions, sublime transmigration is very rare, even among saints and high-ranking priests.

Doctor films miraculous death!

 Dr. Ishigami borrowed an 8mm movie camera

and recorded on film the phenomena that

surrounded his father's death. For Shinreikyo,

this was the first time sublime transmigration

was recorded on film.

 Dr. Ishigami describes his astonishment when he

took the film of his father's condition: "I had heard

that when a Shinreikyo follower dies, there is no stiffening of the body. So when my father passed

away, I borrowed an 8mm movie camera to record

the scene. Even when I saw with my own eyes the

process of sublime transmigration, I could hardly believe it . My father's body did not become stiff; it remained warm and flexible. His face was pink

and  looked healthy. His body showed that he

passed away without any pain."


 神軍リクルーター ロニサランガヤ



