【スピリッツ】桜樽導入 | 【奄美黒糖焼酎】弥生焼酎杜氏ブログ




Spirits making
Spirits license obtained to make rum. We have not been able to start because we have not been able to obtain sugar cane or molasses, but we are solemnly making spirits concentrated from the brown sugar shochu "Yayoi".
We are going to store it in cherry barrels. We want to export a lot, so if there are any importers who are serious about selling it, please contact us. we will be in Paris from February 11 to 14 and in Los Angeles from February 18 to 21, so please let us know.

#本格焼酎 #黒糖焼酎 #奄美黒糖焼酎 #芋焼酎 #麦焼酎 #米焼酎 #泡盛 #焼酎 #shochu #弥生焼酎醸造所 #弥生 #まんこい #まんこいレモンサワー #日本一のレモンサワー #レモンサワー #spirits #rum #ron #奄美大島 #居酒屋 #日本酒🍶 #sake #焼酎好きな人と繋がりたい #桜樽 #スピリッツ #酒造り