【満恋が飲める店】ニシジルシ(札幌) | 【奄美黒糖焼酎】弥生焼酎杜氏ブログ




A restaurant where you can drink brown sugar shochu "Mankoi
Nishijirushi is located in the city of Sapporo. It is said to be a restaurant that serves delicious curry, but I have not been able to visit because of its inconvenient location. However, I had to go to this restaurant because it is my friend's restaurant! I was surprised to see that the chef Nishiwaki is a proper chef, different from Mr. Nishiwaki when he drinks alcohol. And it was so good I ate two bowls. I regretted it, I was too full to move. Let's all go to inconvenient Nishi Jirushi for good curry!

#本格焼酎 #黒糖焼酎 #奄美黒糖焼酎 #芋焼酎 #麦焼酎 #米焼酎 #泡盛 #焼酎 #shochu #弥生焼酎醸造所 #弥生 #まんこい #まんこいレモンサワー #日本一のレモンサワー #レモンサワー #まんこいハイボール #まんこいソーダ #奄美大島 #居酒屋 #日本酒🍶 #sake #焼酎好きな人と繋がりたい #奄美好きな人と繋がりたい #まんこい好きな人と繋がりたい #札幌 #カレー #ニシジルシ #コーヒー