
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength." – Corrie ten Boom

心配は明日の悲しみを空にするものではなく、今日の力を奪うものである。 - コリー・テン・ブーム

### 「解説」




Worrying about the future does not prevent sorrow or problems; it only deprives us of the strength and joy of living in the present. Humans often fret over the future, thereby failing to live fully in the moment and missing out on the beauty of the now. This quote highlights the importance of cherishing the present moment instead of letting worries about the future ruin today.

Feeling worried or anxious is a natural human response, but excessive worrying can negatively impact our mental and physical health. What matters is how we deal with these worries. Focusing on the present, concentrating on what we can control, and having the courage to accept what we must are crucial steps.

This message encourages us to cherish the present and live today with strength, especially when feeling anxious or worried. Instead of depleting our energy over uncertain future events, let us use our current strength to make today meaningful. By letting go of worries and embracing the now, we can find true peace and happiness.

この記事はCHAT GPTを活用して作成されています。