

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt



「我々の明日を実現することに対する唯一の制限は、今日抱く疑念である。」- フランクリン・D・ルーズベルト





Creativity is about not being satisfied with the status quo and always pursuing new possibilities. This quote teaches us that the biggest obstacle to realizing our dreams and goals is not external difficulties, but the doubts and fears within ourselves. To express creativity, we must overcome these internal barriers and have the courage to believe in ourselves. Letting go of doubt and approaching things with a positive mindset is the first step to bringing creative ideas to life. The power to transform dreams into reality lies within each of us. By believing in our own potential and taking that first step, the future unfolds limitlessly. By having the courage to pursue our dreams and express our creativity, we can continue to grow beyond our limits.


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