
"Adventure is not outside man; it is within." 
– George Eliot

「冒険は外にあるのではない。内側にあるのだ。」 – ジョージ・エリオット




Adventure is often thought of as something that happens outside of ourselves, in the vastness of the world. However, George Eliot's quote reminds us that the truest adventures happen within. This perspective shifts the concept of adventure from merely seeking external thrills to embracing personal growth and self-discovery.

We encounter opportunities for adventure in our everyday lives, whether it's trying a new hobby, facing a challenging task at work, or even changing our routine. It's important to recognize that adventures don't have to be grandiose; they can start with a small step towards something new.

Eliot's words encourage us to look inward and find the courage to embark on our own unique adventures. The journey of self-discovery is as rewarding and enriching as any external expedition. By exploring the inner landscapes of our minds and hearts, we can grow stronger, wiser, and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

In embracing the adventures that lie within, we open ourselves to the possibilities of transformation and enlightenment. Let this quote inspire you to seek out the adventures that await in your inner world, for they are the most profound and fulfilling of all.

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