今日は「ぶどうの樹ワイナリー キセキの赤」というワインを飲みました。岡垣町のふるさと納税で届きました。皆さんも、ふるさと納税は、ぜひ福岡県遠賀郡岡垣町へ!



Today, I had the pleasure of trying "Kiseki no Aka" from Budounoki Winery.

The winery, located in Okagaki Town, Fukuoka Prefecture, produces wines in the rich natural environment of Kyushu. "Kiseki no Aka" uses domestically grown grapes and is available in 750ml bottles.

The wine primarily utilizes the "Fujinoyume" grape variety, which is well-suited to Japan's climate. Selection of this variety and measures against rain are crucial for cultivation in Kyushu's humid and warm climate. The winery practices minimal use of pesticides and herbicides and employs handpicking for harvest, ensuring the grapes are grown as naturally as possible.

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